Super Study God

Chapter 1346: Where is Kunlun?

"Xie Shizun (Xie Shizu)!"

The disciples knelt in a ball and knelt three times and knocked nine times, and there was a posture to forgive the world.

"Everything is the same, so I hope you can get close to each other and support each other, so that you can make the Pangu's veins carry forward!" Su Hangdao.

"Disciples wait for their orders!"

The disciples shouted together, their voices rolling and shaking Jiu Xiao.

"Dijiang, you come forward!" Su Hangdao.

"Disciples are here!"

Di Jiang heard the words and quickly knelt a few steps forward, respectfully standing by.

Su Hangdao, "You have a solid nature and you are a great brother. You can have Pangu's contribution today, and you are indispensable. Now, as a teacher, you are ordered to temporarily replace Pangu's place..."


Di Jiang was startled, looked up at Su Hang, and immediately said, "Master, now Master has returned, we should let Master lead us, disciple He De He Neng, ask Master to take back your life!"

After that, Dijiang knocked heavily at Suhang.

Su Hang waved his hand, "I won't be long before I will leave. Pangu's is still yours..."


Everyone looked at Su Hang, especially Dijiang, with tears in their eyes, "The disciple waited for more than 30,000 years, and finally waited for the Master to return. Why did the Master leave?"

Su Hangdao, "Being a teacher also has something to do with yourself, Dijiang, I will pass the post to you today, your responsibilities are great, and the rest of you, in this world where the road is a demon, you also have a long way to go. We must do our best to assist Dijiang, find a way out for the human race, and never do anything to disappoint the teacher..."

"Disciples follow orders!"

The disciples continued to lead their lives.

Su Hang's eyes swept, "Is there any dissatisfaction to wait for the teacher's move?"

"Don't you dare to wait?"

The disciples prodded quickly, and these words came out of Suhang's mouth. Who dare to say half of them?

Among them, most of them were all partisans in the past, and many people may not accept it, but now that Su Hang has personally appointed them, they will accept it even if they do not.

In the past, the reason why they were so easily provoked was that they joined forces to fight against Dijiang. It was because the name of Pangu in Dijiang was not justified, and these people were all high and no one could manage it. Although they belonged to Pangu, they were also Each has its own thoughts, just like a group of Tibetan kings who have segregated all regions, without the rule of the emperor, and without chaos in the world. The current Pangu dynasty is strong and strong, but it is a piece of sand, separate politics, scattered forces, if they can unite together, That is the relationship between a chopstick and a chopstick.


"Well, since there is no objection, then this matter is so settled, and will leave shortly after being a teacher. During this time, Dijiang temporarily took the position of Pangu, and I waited for the communication to assist. If anyone dares to have an incident again, it is for the teacher. No more soft hands." Su Hang said coldly, very majestic.

All the disciples took orders, one by one respectfully and respectfully, and did not dare to have any strange voice at all.



Tiandu, a cliff on the back of a mountain.

"Master, the bombarded heavenly man has been crushed under Ziyun Peak, and the younger brother Yingshou has also been dispatched to the Burial Sword Valley." Dijiang walked to Su Hang and reported.

Su Hang nodded slightly, looking back, Di Jiang Gong Gong and others all followed him, standing by at any time, and refused to leave.

This is the best opportunity to get close to the Master. Where can this opportunity be monopolized by Dijiang? It has not been seen for more than 30,000 years. These disciples, one by one, also want to get acquainted with Suhang.

"They didn't say anything?" Su Hang asked casually.

Emperor Jiang said, "He didn't say anything to Master Shi, he only said that Master's grace is magnificent, and he will not let Master disappointed."

Su Hang smiled lightly, "He is not stupid."

In a word, as if there is something in the words, which is thought-provoking, could Su Hang take away the Burial Sword Valley, what is the deep meaning?

Di Jiang did not dare to be too speculative, nor did he dare to ask too much, only said, "As for the bombarded heavenly man, he has been scolding Master for respecting you, you are not benevolent, and the disciples made their own claims and increased his sentence by ten thousand years."

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "Where is 10,000 years enough, add another 100,000 years, and wait for the expiration of 200,000 years. If he doesn't know how to repent, he will give him another 100,000 years."

After hearing this, Di Jiang and others couldn't help but twitched his face. This bombardment of heaven is too sad to remind me.

If Wang Biao heard Su Hang's words at this time, I was afraid that he would beep the dog on the spot. Two hundred thousand years, that would not be twenty days.

This man thought he had some relationship with Su Hang. Su Hang would definitely forgive him. This was really unexpected. Su Hang would be so determined.

Emperor Jiang said, "Master, this bombarded heavenly man is the disciple of Taihuang Mountain. I will wait for him to cure him like this, will I..."

Su Hang looked back at Dijiang, "Will it be? Will it make the Taihuangshan unhappy?"

Di Jiang buried his head and did not dare to stare at Su Hang's harsh eyes.

Su Hangdao, "You don't need to ignore or worry about things related to Taihuang Mountain. Some things will be handled by the teachers themselves, so you only need to be optimistic about the Pangu clan."

"Yes." Dijiang was taught, and he didn't dare to raise this question any more.

Since the master said that there is no need to worry about it, then there is nothing to worry about. Didn’t see that the person from Taihuangshan appeared in person last night, but in the end it seemed to have eaten deflated in the hands of his master?

"Have you heard of Kunwu?"

Su Hang looked at the disciples and asked him this question, he came to Taikoo this time, and the biggest purpose was to find Kunwu.

According to Yin Yu'er's guidance, there is Ao Xue waiting for himself in Kunwu Mountain, and there are also Yin and Yang mills he wants to borrow.

Therefore, Kunwu Mountain is definitely going, and it is imminent.

At this time, Pangu's civil strife has basically settled, and the remaining Dijiang can solve it by themselves. Naturally, Su Hang wanted to leave quickly and went to Kunwu. After all, his time is is only short. A short month.


The disciples looked at each other and looked at each other in a confused state.

Su Hang froze for a moment, "Why, haven't you heard of it? What about Kunlun?"

Kunwu Mountain is very famous in Taikoo, and it is almost as famous as Pangu’s unfathomable mountain. It is impossible to be without fame.

Su Hang thought that it would be easy to find. He said a name, and information about Kunwu would come out immediately.

But the truth seems to be a bit off. After all the disciples were whispering, Zhu Rong stood up and said, "When I return to Master, the disciples and other ignorant people have never heard of Kunwu or Kunlun. "

The words fell, Xuan Mingdao said, "Master, what is Kunwu Kunlun? Is it a person? Is it a treasure?"

"Sister Sister, what can you get from Master's eyes? In my opinion, it should be an individual." Qiang Liang said beside him. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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