Super Study God

Chapter 1349: 5 elders!

Master no matter how noble, it has arrived, but his old man still does not see the shadow, so negligent, it really makes people feel annoyed, Ju Mang's mood at this time, really don't mention it.

"This wooden tribe, the shelf is really big enough." At this time, Hongyun sat beside him boringly and said very uncomfortably.

She was forcibly brought to this broken place by Su Hang, and she was unhappy in her heart, just taking the opportunity to express her.

"Master, wait a moment and wait for the disciples to take a look." Ju Mang listened to Hongyun's words, and his face was really unable to hang.

Hongyun pouted beside him, "If my master came to his Cangwu City, this broken patriarch would be afraid to kneel and greet him out of the city ten miles away."

What this said, the sand projective, seems to be talking to Su Hang, which probably means that Su Hang is too far away from her master.

Su Hang didn't care about it and could not care about her junior. In addition, this is the place of the Taigu Mu clan, which is different from the Mu clan in later generations. The current Mu clan has not been attached to the Pangu clan. Why should someone meet you as soon as you come?

Although the Mu family's indifference made him feel a little uncomfortable, but Su Hang was not so unreasonable.

Ju Mang didn't dare to say more, he was going to find someone quickly. Is Lao Zhangren really stupid today? He has already been summoned to explain the situation. The VIPs are coming. Don't be indifferent. He is still in such a situation. He is really a little frustrated.

"Yo, the nephew is back?"

Just as Ju Mang was about to leave, a voice came from outside the temple. Immediately, he saw a man who was not very tall, but had a straight back, and walked in with a few people from outside.

When Ju Mang saw these people, he was a little bit relieved, and he stepped forward a few moments, "Uncle Clan, elders."

Those people nodded slightly, and then their eyes fell behind Ju Mang and gathered on Su Hang.

Ju Mang said quickly, "This is the real teacher of Pangu."

Su Hang got up and arched his hands at several people, it was considered a ceremony.

"Pangu real man, I really have a long time to admire the great name." The old man of Banla smiled with his head upright, and then said to Jumang, "The elder brother has been summoned to me, knowing that the master of the nephew is coming to my clan, and told me to wait for a good life reception, I just had to prepare for this, but I didn’t want you to have already come."

After that, the half-pulled old man arched his hand at Su Hang again, "Let the real person wait for a long time, forgive me, forgive me."

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Hang smiled indifferently, he was also proficient in human relations, and naturally he could hear the pretense in the old man's words.

"Master Father-in-law is not in the city?"

Until now, I haven't seen the patriarch Mufu, and just heard the old man say this again, and Mangman couldn't help asking.

The half-pulled old man just smiled and went straight to the patriarch's throne. He turned to Su Hang and pressed his hand, beckoning Su Hang to sit down and talk.

Several other elders were also seated.

"The elder brother went to the God Sword Peak of Qintai Mountain yesterday to participate in the five-nation alliance. At this time, he was not in the city. At this moment, the elder brother gave me the common control of the four elders..."

The old man smiled indifferently at Jumang. It turned out that this half-pulled old man, named Mu Huai, is the same sibling brother of the current Mu clan patriarch. Like the other four old men and women present, he is also the five elders of the Mu clan. The realm of the six grades of Venerable Realm.

"Wumen Huimeng? Why don't I know?" Ju Mang froze for a moment. He had just left Cangwu City only two days ago, but he had never heard of any Wuman Huimeng before.

Mu Huai said, "The nephew you just left the day before, the Qintai Mountain came to the messenger, and the clan brothers were also hurriedly invited to go, but don't worry, it's no big deal if you want to come, and you will return in a few days."

No big deal? Is it possible?

Ju Mang slandered in his heart. You must know that the five families of Kundunmao Yukun have been fighting for many years. Although there have been precedents for the League of Nations before, the practice is only once in three to five hundred years. The time and place will be confirmed long beforehand. And this time, it was such a rush, no big deal, it was really a ghost.

Of course, these questions, Ju Mang is temporarily in my heart. The most important thing now is that my master is here, but I can't let Muhuai neglect them any more.

Mu Huai's eyes fell on Su Hang. "I have long heard that Ju Mangxian's nephew has a great master. Seeing today, she was really Yu Xuanang, but she didn't know that the real person came from that fairy mountain?"

Su Hang could feel that this person did not receive him sincerely, and there was more contempt between words, so he also said nonsense, "Dare not to be, my place, called Penglai, Xianshan not dare to be, it is just an ordinary small Shanbao."


Mu Huai and several elders glanced at each other, and they all saw perplexity and doubt from the other's eyes. Obviously, none of them had heard of Penglai or Penglai.

At this time, an elder Baibei, named Mubai, gently stroked his beard and faced Suhangdao. "The real person is afraid of being too humble. However, the old man is a little ignorant, and I don't know where is the real person Penglai Xianshan? "

Su Hang said with a smile, "The vast East China Sea, the extreme distance."

After listening to Su Hang’s words, several people looked at each other again. This time, the contempt in these people’s eyes was more obvious. You know, in the eyes of the five ethnic groups, overseas, that is the corner of the original mainland. Except for a part of the squadron that governs, other places are completely wild. What kind of superiors can exist?

At first glance, Su Hang could not be a squad, but it could only be a loose repair outside of the Hua family. The five families are important. Many people discriminate against foreign let alone the loose repair outside the country?

Su Hang didn't know this. It was a few words of humility, but unexpectedly it would attract contempt. Looking at the faces of these people, Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly. If he knew it earlier, maybe he should be more high-profile.

This is an ancient world. Weak meat and strong food are quite cruel. Who will tell you what humility is.

I think I have figured out the origin of Su Hang, and I have contempt in my heart. The words of several elders seem to have increased.

"I can't think of a barren land overseas, and I can produce a tall man like a real person." Elder Musong, an old man with a clean face and no beard, only had a wrinkled face, and when talking, he smiled a little, The posture is very high.

Su Hang just smiled and did not care about him. He said that the overseas is wild. In the eyes of Su Hang, this is an ancient world. Where is it not wild?

"You can tune out disciples like Mangxian nephew. I want to come to a real person. I don't know if the real person can show me two hands, so that I can open my eyes."

At this time, Elder Mubai said with a smile. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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