Super Study God

Chapter 1355: Wait 1 Hongjun!

The man smiled lightly, "This wine is not for girls."

Hongyun listened, glared, and reached out to grab the remaining glass of wine on the table.

Three cups, very deliberately, obviously not casually placed there. One cup has been given to Su Hang, and one cup is left for whom?

He was talking about Red Cloud, grabbed the glass of wine on the table, and wanted to hold it up. He hit the man's face with good strength. You wouldn't let me drink it. I'd rather drink it.

However, in the next second, Hongyun's face froze a little, and the glass of wine hadn't moved, and it kept moving.

Hongyun didn't believe this evil, and had enough energy to pull it hard. However, the wine glass seemed to grow on the table, no matter how much force she used, it was difficult to shake it. Even, the wine glass The wine didn't see the waves.

At this time, Hongyun looked up at the man in front of him, and obviously felt it too. This was an encounter with an expert, and he did not dare to be too presumptuous at the moment, and retreated back to the Soviet airlines.

Su Hang looked up at the man, "Will there be more guests?"

The man smiled, "A little kid, you have to wait for a while, you should come soon!"

Su Hang sank a little in his heart. Sure enough, there was still the owner of the remaining glass of wine.

This man's behavior is not unpredictable, but he can pretend to be more than himself!

But who would he wait for?

Su Hang groaned for a while, took a drink from his glass, and it was snowing on the day. The temperature was so low, so I didn't hurry to drink, I was afraid there would be ice left.

Hongyun and Jumang didn't dare to say a word, they were just right now behind Su Hang, they could feel that the man waiting for them in the snow in front of him was definitely not an ordinary character.

"Good wine!"

Su Hang had a glass of wine and only felt a hot ball in his belly, like a pile of dry firewood was lit, and there seemed to be something moving in his body.

The man listened and smiled, "A person who is drunk and not bored?"

"Unfortunately, there is no wine!" Su Hang smiled.

The man listened, and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped and looked out of the door.

"Oh, what is this?"

A voice came, and Su Hang turned his head to look, and saw a purple-clothed Taoist walked in the snow. The wind and snow paved the surface. It seemed a bit embarrassed, but it looked quite young.

The man seemed to have lost his way in the snow, and came here by mistake. When he saw the small courtyard in the middle of the valley, he immediately dared to walk quickly.

"Huh, it's like seeing a living person, what is this, what, ah?"

When the man saw someone in the courtyard, he patted the snow on the body and asked where it was. However, when he saw the appearance of the people in the courtyard, he was stunned, and his face was extremely surprised. expression.

"It's over, it's over, it's definitely a dream, go back and go to sleep!" Ziyi Taoist rubbed his eyes and quickly turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hong Jun, where are you going?"

At this time, a voice came out of the courtyard. The Taoist in purple clothes seemed to be electrocuted. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Hang in the courtyard incredulously, "Brother, are you really?"

This person is not someone else, it is Hong Jun. When Su Hang saw him, the whole person was also a little surprised. It was unexpected that he would meet him here. The owner of this last glass of wine would not be this guy. ?

"It's not me, can it still be a ghost?" Su Hang passed it with a blank eye.

Hong Jun walked into the next round and looked at it, and sat down directly next to Su Hang. "How come I have been dreaming of strange places recently, how did you run into my dream? I am very serious, there is no special Hobby!"

A few black lines were hung on Suhang's forehead. "Are you still awake? What dreams, what nonsense?"

Hong Jun's face was puzzled, and he pulled his face. It was good, and he could feel pain. "No, this is not a dream? I just entered the Chaos Mountain!"

Su Hang heard this, froze for a moment, and turned to look at the white robe, with some doubts, this guy Hong Jun, shouldn't this man be used to get it?

Hong Jun was also confused, and looked away from Su Hang. He turned to look at the white robe, "Who is this? Where is this place?"

Just now, Hong Jun was meditating in the Ziyun Palace of Chaos Mountain. He fell asleep, and appeared in a sea of ​​snow when he woke up. His whole skills seemed to be gone. I thought it was a dream, especially after I saw Su Hang by accident. I thought it was just a dream. After all, he and Su Hang haven't seen it in tens of thousands of years.

"Once it comes, then it's safe, why bother to come here? Anyway, sooner or later you are going to leave!" The white robe smiled indifferently, reached for the cup on the table, and lifted up to the Suhang, " Meeting is the fate, come, let's drink a glass of wine together."

Hongjun was obviously on the alert. He only looked at the person in front of him. After a while, to Suhang, "Brother, is this?"

Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I want to know too!"

Hong Jun heard the words and frowned slightly. He thought he was a friend of Su Hang. He dare not even know Su Hang.

"Don't know what else to drink? Take the elder brother, go to my chaotic mountain, and the younger brother will be drunk with you!" Hong Jun got up directly, reaching for La Suhang.

"Your lord doesn't even know how to get here, can you find a way back?" At that moment, the man said.

"Well?" Hong Jun looked back at the man, "Is it sacred to pretend to be a ghost?"

The man shook his head, "You and I are together, why should we care about a name, both seekers, and we call each other Taoist friends a glass of water and wine, just want to lead two people and discuss with the next Never mind!"

"On the Tao?" Hong Jun paused, then turned back and sat down, "On the Tao?"

The man took a sip, put down the glass, and said, "Of course it is the way of practice. I don't know what is the way in the two hearts?"

"What is Tao?" Hong Jun froze for a moment, looked at Su Hang, and turned to the humane again, "I can't answer you with such a deep question!"

The man smiled indifferently, "It doesn't matter, since it's the argument, it should be free to say what you think. If you answer well, there will be gifts next to you!"


When Hongjun heard it, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "What's the gift?"

"Of course it is a kind gift!" the man said pretendingly.

Hongjun listened and said directly, "You ask me what is Tao, this question is too simple for me, but I am the Tao, the Tao is me!" Please search "" or enter the URL:

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