Super Study God

Chapter 1360: Achieve Heavenly Realm!

"What do you call me?" Su Hang looked at Hongyun.

Hongyun looked at Su Hang, "What are you calling? Hey!"

Su Hang frowned lightly. Didn't this woman call her uncle before? Did you really dream?

Recall that last night, in that snowy valley, it was too real to meet the white-robed man and Hongjun, and then entered the weird space and forcibly broke the road.

Is it a dream?

Won't it be so real? It makes it hard for me to distinguish between reality and dreams!


Su Hang seemed to find something suddenly, and there was a lot of surprise on his face.

"Me, have I broken through the realm of heaven?"

Feeling the full and vast energy in the body, Su Hang was unbelievable and quickly pulled out the system to check his own attributes.

"Tenth Grade God of Learning!"

"Tianzunjing Yipin!"


Sure enough, he really advanced to Heavenly Realm. Su Hang's inexplicable ecstasy. After a big dream, he broke through the road and achieved his dream of Heavenly Realm.

It's really confusing!

Su Hang only remembers that he used his last axe with all his strength, slashing towards the ruler dragon and slashing the dragon, and then the rule fragments were fully integrated into his body, and they were awakened by the sentence mans soon after.

It’s OK to break the road in the dream?

Su Hang couldn't believe this was the truth, for fear that he was still in a dream at this time.

Gradually, the memories climbed into his head, and the dream and reality gradually separated.

Indeed, when they passed by here yesterday, it was getting late, when he vaguely felt his head dizzy and he settled in here.

Everything after that, I am afraid that since Hongyun called him Uncle, he was already in a dream.

Then go to that snow valley, and then see the white robe, everything is probably a dream.

When thinking of Hongjun, Hongjun said it was in a dream, but he thought it was reality.

What I experienced in my dream is too real. I actually broke through the realm of heavenly respect in the dream. Who can believe if I say it.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he just died in his dream just now. If it wasn't for the last time that a powerful force appeared in his body inexplicably, I am afraid that he was really only crushed by the regular chain.

That force was not Panhuang Yuxi. Su Hang had guessed a few points with a little thought.

That was the skill that Chu Tiankuo left him. At that time, before Chu Tiankuo sat down, he not only passed on the position of the emperor, but also passed on seven or eight of his life skills to him, which has been sealed in his body. Before, there has been no movement, but I never thought that he would help him at this time.

Chu Tiankuo was the pinnacle of Tianzun Realm at that time. Peerless Divine Emperor, although he had only seven out of ten skills, was not something ordinary people could imagine, especially this power burst out in an instant, with the help of axe With the assistance of Panhuang Yuxi, that power is truly amazing.

Recall that, just now, it was really dangerous, but when I think about it again, it is very strange. Well, I haven't even touched the bottleneck before. Why did it suddenly break through?

Is it because you came to this archaic world from later generations, and the one who later covered up the heavens and forced himself to prove his strength could no longer restrain himself?

There is such a possibility, but in the process of just breaking through, Su Hang clearly felt a pair of invisible big hands, adding fuel to the back and adding fire, hoping to take this opportunity to kill himself.

"Lin Xuan?"

Su Hang first thought of Lin Xuan, after all, this is a big match.

Soon afterwards, Su Hang thought of the white robe in the dream. For the identity of the white robe, Su Hang vaguely guessed a few points.

"I have no enmity with him, for no reason, should he not harm me?"

Thinking of this, Su Hang frowned, but then he was relieved, who said there must be enmity to hurt you? Doesn’t Lin Xuan and himself have any grudges? It's not somehow a life and death enemy.

"This world is very dangerous. If it were really him, it would be difficult to borrow yin and yang."

Su Hang shook his head secretly, but thankfully, he survived. Although some people wanted to die, they still survived.

"Master, are you okay?" Ju Mang asked, worried when Su Hang's complexion changed.

Su Hang took a deep breath and stood up, with a slight smile on his face, "It's okay, never as good as it is now!"

Looking at the distant sky, the sky was white with fish belly, and a round of the sun showed a trace of his head, stretched lazily, and lazily climbed up from under the horizon.

The warm sunshine spread to the earth, and the mountains and forests were golden and all things were full of life.

At this moment, I am still alive.

Looking at that round of red sun, Su Hang's eyes became sharper and he broke the way. Now, although he can't be compared with the real heaven master, although he only has the realm of Tianzun Realm, but, Based on his true strength, I am afraid that few of Tianzun can match him?

After all, oneself proves that the breakthrough that Tianzun Realm Peak did not dare to try is broken by himself. How many people can reach this power?

Of course, this is only Su Air's unilateral assessment of its own strength. Whether this is the case, it has to be compared with real masters to know.

And such opportunities are obviously not many.

At this moment, Su Hang only feels that the sky is high and the sea wide. Is this the feeling of transcending the rules?

In my mind, there are countless information about the rules of the avenue, how the heavens and the earth are generated, why the heavens are the heavens, why the earth is the earth, how the heavens and earth evolve the sentient beings, why water is water, why fire is fire...

Everything is very clear in Su Hang’s mind. The set of rules is like an obscure and complex mathematical formula, which could not be understood at all. At the moment in Su Hang’s mind, it is like As simple as the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of elementary school students.

It's This feeling, I am afraid that only the parties can understand it. Su Hang is very clear that with his current state, he has exceeded the restraint of the rules, and the rules of this world can no longer hurt him.

Looking at this world, Su Hang's heart was full of pride and he couldn't wait to vent.

It's just that there are juniors next to him. Su Hang is afraid of being treated as a nerve and can only endure the inner turmoil.

Ju Mang looked at Su Hang's back and was a little fascinated. After this night, Master's skill seemed to be more profound.

"Hey, can we still walk?" At this time, the sound of the atmosphere was ruined, but it was a red cloud.

Hongyun is quite impatient!

Su Hang looked back at her, "In the future, call me Uncle!"


Hongyun froze for a moment, looked at Su Hang, and wanted to refute it, but he didn't dare. He only deflated his mouth. "Can you leave now, Master?" Please search "" for this site or enter the URL :

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