Super Study God

Chapter 1398: Rhythm master!

The old man made a long speech, and said a lot of cracks. It can be said that every sentence is about the hearts of everyone present. It seems to be an ordinary inquiry, but there is a deep learning hidden inside.

Every question seems simple, but it is a bit difficult to answer, especially in the face of so many people.

Everyone also set their sights on Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang to answer, even though the Pangu tribe is powerful, it can't be grand, can it be won?

Su Hang’s eyes glanced and said, “The alliance is only for the purpose of cohesive force, so that the clan can move towards one place, no longer scattered in the sand, and each fights separately. After the alliance, the five tribes are naturally the same as the five tribes. The difference is that in the future, everyone will become an ally and respect the leader’s order. One side is in difficulty and the other side supports it. You can think about it, is it a big one or a big one?"

As soon as this remark comes out, there is already a lot of discussion. If you say so, there is actually no loss for this alliance!

After all, for some small groups, the biggest threat is the annexation of the demon and other tribes. If they can join the alliance and have refuge, the previous opponent becomes an ally. If they are attacked, they can still be helped by powerful allies. That's a pretty thing.

Before, many people came with a lively mentality, but now, if the real Pangu said, the purpose of the alliance is not to squeeze their value, but for the prosperity of the human race, then they even Happy to join.

Of course, this is the mentality of the weak, and the weak want to get asylum from the strong, but what about the strong, why do the strong provide you with asylum?

There was a lot of discussion, and the Zerg elder Sin Bee said, "What about the position of the leader?"

For the strong, this is the real focus.

Su Hang looked at the evil bee with a smile, "What do elder bees think?"

A ball, first kicked back to the evil bee, since you are asking, then of course I have to listen to your views, can't you let me do it arbitrarily?

Everyone put their eyes on the evil bee.

Niefeng frowned and said, "Since the real person asks the old, let's talk about the old one!"

Sin Bee stood up, turned slowly with his cane, and faced the audience, starting his long discussion, "Everyone, the old man thinks, Pan Guzhen said very well, the human race should be together, according to the old man As far as I know, not long ago, the demon clan Jinwu demon embattled with ten thousand demon, established themselves as the emperor in Shaohuangshan, built the sun emperor palace, and belonged to the ten thousand clan, I am afraid that everyone should know that this golden witch demon emperor is the third in the list The existence, strength is unfathomable, and there is also the support of the Nvhuangshan Nuwa behind him. According to reliable information, there are several demon emperors and hundreds of demon kings in the emperor’s palace to join the Sun Emperor Palace to help the Jinwu Demon Emperor..."


Obviously, there are a lot of people who are hindsight, after hearing the words of the evil bee, it is like a firecracker was lost in the bee colony, and it immediately became chaotic.

The demon emperor called the emperor, built the Sun Palace, the country of thousands of demon, with the support of the Nuwa clan, including the demon emperor, and the countless demon kings, each of which is considered heavy news!

Surprised, panicked, and chaotic above the square for a time.

"And listen to the old glance!" The crutches in the hands of the evil bee stomped on the ground, the sound was not loud, but everyone quickly calmed down.

Sin Bee took a deep breath and said heavily, "My human race is insignificant. If the demon race completes its unification, I am afraid that it will be the end of my human race. At this moment, my human race must be united to survive the crisis. Survive in China, can fight against the demon clan!"

Don’t say, this evil wind is of great prestige, and the words you say are very convincing, and it is definitely a good rhythmist. When you say something, the emotions are boiling.

The demon clan has been united, and the human clan is still scattered. How can this be done?

"Jiujiang is willing to join the alliance!"

"Taihe is willing to join the alliance!"

"Blood Bat Race is willing to join the alliance."

"The Ming tribe is willing to join the alliance."


Everyone responded in response. At first, it was just a small tribe, but gradually, some large clan tribes were also driven by emotions and responded.

"Pangu's willing to join the alliance!"

"The Mu tribe joins the alliance!"

"Aquarium joins the league!"

"Orcs join the league!"


In the end, driven by the master rhythm of the evil bee, many large clans could not sit still, even if a few may be unwilling, but they can only barely agree.

Looking at this scene, Su Hang couldn't help but admire the Zerg elder. He thought he would demolish the platform for himself. It was the opposite.

In a few simple words, it hits the point. Compared with the Su Hang's lip-swapping, it is much stronger. At first, Su Hang was ready to be deterred by force.

However, in the words of the evil bees, the Su Clan is unified, and Su Hang has just learned that this is definitely a super event. If the Human Clan is not united, I am afraid that sooner or later they will be wiped out by the net, and it is imminent.

When Su Hang was thinking, he was stupefied and continued, "Everyone is a person who knows righteousness. To be honest, everyone is gathered together today. It is not to discuss alliance or not, the most important thing is to choose one. An enough leader to lead the human race..."

Everyone listened and nodded one after another. This is indeed a good saying. The demon clan has begun to unify. The human clan naturally cannot be left behind. The alliance has become a foregone conclusion. There is no room for negotiation. The most important thing at this time is to choose a leader. .

"Elder Bee is highly respected, and the prestige is the highest among the five races. Some thought that Elder Bee should be the supreme leader."

In the There was a voice from nowhere, I don't know who said it, it was awkward, but, depending on the situation, most of them came from Zerg.

This rhythm is really good. This voice is one place. Many small and medium clan leaders have begun to echo one after another. The voice of letting the evil bee as the leader is getting higher and higher.

However, only the other four families and all the people of Pangu had a calm face and looked up at Suhang on the stage secretly. They couldn't help but feel distressed for Suhang for a few seconds.

Some plan, but lost to this rhythm master? Pangu's plan, should the leader of this ally fall into the hands of others?

The old man of Sin Bee clearly has a little bit of joy in the depths of his eyes. In his own rhythm, he just wants to achieve such an effect.

"Everyone." Niifeng coughed a few times to stop the boiling crowd. "There is not a small number of presences that are stronger than the old ones. How can the old ones be? The choice of the leader is not only about virtue, but more importantly, the powerful. Strength, majesty and momentum, otherwise, it will only lead the human race to destruction."

After talking, Sin Bee turned to Su Hang on the stage, "Old and deceased, this Pangu real person is the best choice for the leader." To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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