Super Study God

Chapter 1402: Grab the leader!

Wu Jun did not mean to avoid it. He said directly, "I heard that there is a master of Dao Dao Sect coming, it should be for the Su Shibo..."

"Dao Daozong? What's the way?" Xue Qi asked. The name is really familiar, as if it has been heard.

Wu Jun shook his head, "I don't know very well, but the ancestors were very cautious. After I came out, Zhonghuang Mountain was closed, and listening to the ancestors said that it was a master of Heavenly Dao Realm..."

"Master of Heavenly Realm?"

Hongyun froze for a moment, and then smiled, "It's ridiculous, who doesn't know that there is only one Heavenly Daoist Powerhouse under this universal sky, only in Taihuang Mountain, and when is there another Heavenly Dao State Powerhouse? You are a joke. It’s too brainless, right?"

Wu Jun turned to look at Hongyun, and he was stunned. He pointed to Xue Qi, "Is this girl?"

Xue Qi smiled, "You also know that my temperament will inevitably be followed by some bees and butterflies. I can't get rid of it either..."

"Brother Xue is a blessing." Wu Jun smiled, but he didn't see that Hongyun's pretty face had become red and purple.

"Who do you mean is the butterfly?" The look, as if to tear Xue Qi, gritted his teeth.

This guy is so abominable that he annoys himself for a few minutes without giving him a color to look at. He really feels like he is bullying.

When Hongyun was about to break out, Wu Jun said, "The girl said, indeed, there is only one master of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, but soon there will be second, third, and even more, ancestors. According to the goddess oracles of the Nuwa nymph, the Daozong master who appeared this time is outside of heaven and earth."

"Existence beyond heaven and earth?" Hongyun's attention was quickly diverted, and like Xue Qi, they all looked at Wu Jun unexpectedly.

Wu Jun shook his head, "I don't know what is the so-called existence beyond heaven and earth, but it must be extremely strong."

Xue Qi took a deep breath, "Seven days ago, here, the two people killed by Brother Hang, the demon emperor Hengkong and the white demon emperor, seemed to claim to be from Dadaozong, as you said, Is there any other existence coming, is it because of revenge?"

Wu Jun listened and said, "I'm afraid that's the case."

"Then you have to inform Brother Hang quickly and let him prepare early. Why didn't you just say that?" Xue Qi said urgently.

Wu Jun smiled bitterly, "Is it appropriate to speak on this occasion? Or after waiting for the League meeting, I personally visit Shi Bo and give Chen Ming his powerful old man."

The red cloud beside him didn't speak, and he kept thinking about the existence beyond the heaven and earth that Wu Jun said.

What is the existence beyond heaven and earth? Over the years, Hongyun has always believed that her master, Lin Xuan, is the only strongest person in this world. However, until now, her heart could not help but shake a little. For the first time, she found that the world seemed far from what she had imagined. It's that simple.

Wu Jun glanced, "You are a human race with many things. I miss the demon clan, but just a few months later, my father took a few uncles to go around, and the demon clan was almost unified, or the uncle ape said. Yes, if your fist is big, others will be afraid of you. If you have a big fist, you will reason with him. If you have a reason, you will give him a fist, but it’s just a small alliance, how can there be so much trouble."

Xue Qi smiled beside him, "This is the difference between demon and man. Wisdom and power are equally important. However, with brute force alone, civilization will not progress. You now laugh at the human race, but in the future, the human race will laugh at you. Now."

"Oh, who gives you self-confidence?" Wu Jun smiled. "Although the human race has the care of Shi Bo, but this world is always a demon. To be honest, if Shi Bo does not intervene, it is the power of the human race. It is simply not eligible to become the opponent of the demon clan."

Xue Qi opened his mouth and tried to refute, but found that he was unable to refute, because at this time, most of the top human forces were gathered here, but there were few masters who could be picked out. Such strength , Even if they form an alliance, can they resist the demon clan?

As far as Xue Qi alone knows, there are several demon emperors who have made good relations with the Jinwu demon emperor on the Zhonghuang Mountain. There are countless big and small demon kings under the Jinwu demon emperor. After the unified demon clan, the forces will inevitably grow terrifyingly, and such opponents Enemy, we can't think about it.

"We can make a bet, this world, sooner or later belongs to the human race." Xue Qi said.

Wu Jun turned to look at Xue Qi and smiled, "Well, I don't know, what about the bet?"

Xue Qi said, "You don't need to gamble anything, you can't win anyway."

Wu Jun smiled and did not speak, only Xue Qi could not see the situation clearly.

Xue Qi didn't say much, but he came from later generations. The winning or losing of this game has already been determined. However, that is a long and long time later. It is hard to tell if they can see that day alive. has no meaning?

Having said that, the two returned their gazes to the high platform again.


On the stage, in the face of the trouble of the evil bee, Su Hang did not move. However, this master of rhythm really did not cover the control of the rhythm. Most of the human race forces fell to the side of the five clan faintly, and even already A large part directly expressed support for Sin Bee.

After all, although everyone knows that this one on stage is very strong, there are a few who are willing to push an existence that has a close relationship with the demon clan to the position of the leader. In case he takes the clan to the clan, it is not his own Jump in the fire pit?

At this time, Su Hang looked at the evil bee, but he was shaking his head secretly in his heart. Originally, he was not interested in being an ally. After all, he did not belong to this world. The evil bee wanted to be an ally. Su Hang changed its mind a bit.

This evil is too utilitarian and is not a good choice. Putting the human race in his hands is a worrying destiny.

Looking across, Suhang felt that few knew or familiar with the choice of the leader. Suhang firmly believed that the character should be supreme and handed over to those who do not know the details.

There has been a lot of discussion below. At this time, Su Hang finally said, "Whether the Pangu family needs to avoid suspicion. I will talk about it later. Let me first talk about the role of the leader."

Directly avoiding the topic that Sin Bee wants Pangu to quit, and Su Hang does not give Sin Bee more opportunities to say directly, "After the alliance, set up the position of the lord, and the elders, the various races are allies, The leader of the allies should be above the leaders of the clan. If the leader of the clan has orders, the clan must abide by it. At the same time, the leader of the clan will take the prosperity of the clan as its own responsibility, maintain the peace of the clan, and help the clan to unite, unite, and work together to resist foreign enemies. The responsibility is huge."

Everyone nodded slightly, and as Suhang said, the power of this leader was greater, but the taste of Suhang's words was a little weird, as if it had already been interrupted by others.

Su Hang paused and said, "The position of the leader is very important. If you don't give up, let me take it." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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