Super Study God

Chapter 1435: 9 babies!

"Master, the mountain in front is Huaiyin Valley!" Under the gloomy sky, Zhujiuyin pointed to the front and faced the Su Channel. "We were attacked there!"

There is a valley ahead, and in a blink of an eye, the two of them have entered the valley. Su Hang looked at it from left to right. The valley occupies a lot of land. There are two high mountains on the left and right.

The vegetation in the valley is prosperous, most of them are locust trees, and they are very cold.

"We were passing by this place at that time, the man appeared suddenly, inquired about our intentions, then hit us against us..." Zhu Jiuyin told what had just happened.

Su Hang looked at Gu Zhong and found no signs of fighting. That is to say, Zhu Jiuyin and others had little ability to resist in front of that person.

"Master?" Zhu Jiuyin looked at Su Hang, he knew so far, and I do not know how to follow up.

The mysterious master is obviously no longer here. Su Hang closed his eyes and directly covered his consciousness.

With his current abilities, the consciousness is covered, and the scope of coverage can be said to be endless, and the entire ghost side is included.

Wang Zui said that the attack of Zhu Jiuyin and others was related to a human clan named Jiuying. In the territory of Guifang, there are very few human clan. It is not easy to find. What can escape his powerful Consciousness?

Soon, Su Hang opened his eyes, his face was a little clear, and then he went away with Huanjiu Yin and left Huaiyin Valley.


The gray sky, overcast clouds, and the ghostly sky are like that. It looks like there will be a heavy rain at any time, but the rain will not come down.

There is a layer of mist between the sky and the earth, which makes people ignorant and inexplicable.

A big river, quietly flowing on the ground, curved like a python, and I don't know where to swim.

Soul Bay.

The river runs quietly down. There is a Dahui Bay here, next to a large mountain, and a river monument stands on the river, with the words "Youshen Bay" written on it.

Deep in the mountains of Youshun Bay, there are a large number of residential houses, all of which are made of grass and trees. They are very simple, and some even live directly in a nest on the tree. In this stormy territory, It is extremely rare.

Withered bones and tomb mounds can be seen everywhere. The most common listening in the forest is the crow's grinding voice, which makes people tremble.


In a big house with a hide, a middle-aged man was kneeling down in front of a skinny old man.

The old man, looking very thin, had long white beard, tall cheekbones, and a little bit of fairy wind bones, sitting on the futon, unshakable, as if asleep.

The man kneeling underneath, in a black robe, was also thin, with a long face in Chinese characters, like a 40- to 50-year-old man, and a pair of eyes that were very deep, just like the two Wang Hantan.

"what's up?"

The old man let out a long whisper, the voice was very low, as weak as a mosquito, as if he would swallow anytime.

The middle-aged man is very respectful of the old man, kneeling down on the ground and daring not to get up at all. ..."

"Oh, a foreign expert?" When the old man heard this, he slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed a little deep in his eyes.

The middle-aged humane, "Yes, it is the existence of the Great Demon King Realm. When a man and a woman and seven younger brothers go out on a parade, they accidentally come across!"

The old man asked, "What background? What's so special about it!"

The middle-aged humanist said, "What kind of disciple is Pangu's disciple? It's really special. The life and soul talents are unique. I believe that there will be benefits for the ancestors of the old ancestors. It is said that he deliberately let go, so that he could invite some more masters to come here, and in these years, few ethnic monks have set foot in this territory!"


The old man nodded slightly, "The seventh is doing well, you are not bad, bring people in, let me see!"


The middle-aged man got a compliment, was flattered, and immediately retreated, and in a short while, he walked in with another man, escorting a man and a woman.

This man and a woman are Kuizi and Xuanming. At this time, both of them were pale as paper, their expressions were decadent, and the bleeding at the corner of their mouth was already seriously injured.

"Old ancestors, the man has arrived!" The two middle-aged men said immediately after throwing them on the ground.

The old man nodded slightly.

"Old ancestors, although these two are not strong, but their talents are wonderful, especially this woman, but also a natural ghost..." The other man said quickly.

The man was very excited. It was very difficult to see this ancestor at ordinary times. Today, it was a chance.

The old man looked at the two of them on the ground, opened his right hand, took out two green elixirs and threw them directly at the two middle-aged These are the two Yinkui Dan made by the old man , Enough for your two skills to score one more point! "

"Thank you, ancestors!" The two of them grabbed a panacea, and they rejoiced in the past and retreated with joy.


As soon as the two left, there were only three people left in the house, and the few skull lanterns next to them were burning with a phosphorescent glow, and the atmosphere was terrifying.

"Look up!"

For a while, the old man spoke, and his voice was like frosted, although it was very low, but it fell into the bone marrow.

Xuan Ming and Kui Zi, at this time, have already lost most of their lives, lying on the ground, only breathing.

Hearing the old man's words, the two raised their heads reluctantly and looked at the old man.

The old man's eyes swept away, and the invisible coercion from the strong man directly made the two lower their heads.

"Yes, it is indeed a good seedling!" The old man's eyes only fell on Xuan Ming's body, with a smile on his face, and he didn't know what to praise, "What's the name?"

"Pangu's, Xuan Ming!" Xuan Ming reluctantly put up some strength and said.

"Pangu's?" The old man paused for a moment. "It's never heard of, but it's certainly not a small person who can give birth to a young strong like you. The old man hasn't come out for many years. The world has unknown things, but it is Some ignorant!"

Xuan Ming looked up at the old man, "Seniors do not know how to call it?"

"Appellation?" The old man paused. "It seems that some people call me Nine Infants!"

Even the title is uncertain, it seems to be really old!

"Senior of Nine Infants!" Xuan Ming said, "My brother and sister are here, there is no malice..."

"Is it malicious? I don't care for the moment!" The old man waved his hand to Xuan Ming Road, "Old and ask you, would you like to worship me as a teacher and enter my door?"


Xuan Ming froze for a moment, as if he didn't hear clearly.

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