Super Study God

Chapter 1441: 9 Infant genocide!


Su Hang was about to chase it. Suddenly, a huge mouth appeared in the sky, as if the sky was torn apart, and a huge hand extended from that mouth and directly entered the weak water.

So gently, the turbulent weak water immediately settled down.

When the giant hand was taken out of the weak water, someone was already caught between his fingers. Su Hang fixed his eyes on it. Who was the nine baby who just got into the weak water?

The giant hand rose and entered the opening in the sky. Su Hang looked at this scene in surprise. What is this?

The mouth closed slowly, and Su Hang looked up. There was a pair of eyes behind the crack in the space, and he was looking at him at this time.

"Xiao Xuan?"

Su Hang's pupils shrank suddenly, and Su Hang's eyes were very clear and familiar with the look.

Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan!

The crack quickly closed, leaving Su Hang alone, and the weak water that calmed down as always!

Lin Xuan shot? What does this mean?

Su Hang stood by the river, unable to recover for a long time. The look of Lin Xuan just behind the sky curtain left him too much shock.

Why did he suddenly shoot?

In order to save the nine infants from their own hands?

Su Hang felt a little unrealistic. It was not that Jiu Ying was not worth the rescue of Lin Xuan. If Lin Xuan really wanted to save him, he should have shot long ago, instead of waiting until this time.

His eyes turned to the surface of the weak water river. Su Hang's face turned blue, did Jiu Ying say that it was true? There is really nothing under this weak water.

So much so that even Lin Xuan should be afraid, afraid of being awakened by the nine infants?

This seems to be the only reasonable explanation. You should know that Lin Xuan is not the avenue of the year, but only restored to the realm of heaven, and some existences can still threaten him.

Even Lin Xuan has to be afraid, is it another road?

Impossible, how can there be so many strong people in this world? Su Hang frowned. Wasn't this world opened up by Daoxin Linxuan, how could other Dadao Realm experts be allowed to settle in?

Looking over the weak water, this ghost land is really mysterious. I don’t know how many secrets are hidden!

The Divine Consciousness could not detect the bottom of the weak water, and Su Hang did not dare to explore it again, nor did he dare to dive into the river to die, to find out, in case there really is such a person underneath, if you accidentally wake up, It's not good.

Su Hang did not dare to stay, and those ghosts and babies needed to be cleaned up, otherwise the scourge was endless.



Soon back to the Jiuying clan, what he saw in front of him surprised Su Hang.

After losing the control of the Nine Infants, the ghosts and ghosts left by the Nine Infants naturally showed their fierce nature and slaughtered the entire Nine Infants clan.

Obviously, there was still a war here. After all, there are still many masters among the nine infants, but there are almost a hundred ghost babies who stayed here, not to mention nearly a hundred, all of which are comparable to the pinnacle of Heavenly Realm. Demon Emperor, is it simply a few demon emperor realm can be beaten.

The entire Nine Infants, fearing that there are tens of thousands of people, will not survive.

When Su Hang arrived, the Nine Infants had become a ruin, but those ghost babies were still wandering in place, and some even fought each other.

These things have no mind at all, they are completely a walking dead, but this walking dead is five powerful horses, only knowing to kill, all living things are food in their eyes.

Such a group of scourges, once they are allowed to leave and live on the mainland, I do not know how much scourge it will cause.


A loud noise came as several ghost babies fought against each other for a corpse of the Nine Infants, and the huge might actually destroyed all the mountains nearby.

The rumbling collapse of the mountain, Su Hang looked at it, but couldn’t help but be stunned by what he saw in front of him. I saw that the mountain collapsed, and tumbling out of the pile of white things, suddenly, the ghosts below The babies are buried.

Looking closely, it was densely packed with human skulls. I don't know there are thousands or tens of thousands.

That scene was really a little shock. There were so many skulls buried in the belly of that big mountain.

How many evil things did the nine infants have done?

At the beginning, Su Hang still had a little pity in his heart. After all, the nine infants were still humans, and they were so exterminated. He was afraid that he would not be able to go with that hand, but at this moment, he saw the whole leopard at a glance. When the nine infants were so humane, the trace of pity in his heart disappeared instantly.

This group of people should not have appeared in this world.

Su Hang’s gaze fell on the group of ghost babies who had struggled out of the pile of skeletons and howling and roaring, and their right hand touched the sky axe in their waists a little bit, “You, neither should live in this world, destruction is yours Belongs to!"



A group of ghost babies, because they have no sanity, and are not driven by nine babies, are so much better for Su Hang.

Because there are a lot of numbers, it takes a lot of effort to kill each one. Some are really hard to kill, so they are collected in the sky monster bottle, and they will be refined slowly. These ghost babies are also pitiful, but Su Hang There is no way.

On the edge of Wangchuan, Su Hang’s consciousness found out and included the entire area of ​​the ghost side, searching back and forth to make sure that there were no fish in the net, which made him feel relieved.

"Master, this..."

Xuan Ming three people, looking at the ruins in front of was completely stunned, what happened just now?

What kind of people? Why is there only this mess, and skeletons piled up in the mountains?

"It's all dead!" Su Hang sighed.

The three Xuan Ming listened, and took a breath of breath. Are these all done by the Master? Master slaughtered the entire nine infants?

Feeling the fear of the three people, Su Hang knew what they were thinking, but did not explain it. Jiu Yingshi had already changed.

"Unfortunately, let the old man run away!" Su Hang shook his head, but a little regret.

"With Master's ability, can that man still escape?" Zhu Jiuyin was a little surprised.

Xuan Ming and Panzi also had the same expression, as if Su Hang had shot, there shouldn't be anything that has the ability to escape their lives.

"Are you really omnipotent as a teacher? Many times, there are many frustrations for being a teacher!" Su Hang shook his head and smiled wryly. "Taihuangshan shot, this nine babies, ancient relics, this time let him escape, not yet Know how many evils..."

When he heard about Taihuangshan, Xuan Ming and others twitched in their hearts. They all knew that the relationship between their master and the existence of Taihuangshan was very delicate.

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