Super Study God

Chapter 1453: Stygian Domination!

Su Hang was about to take a closer look, the child's eyes suddenly opened, a pair of purple eyes, revealing a bit of blood, only a glance at the heart was cold, just like a thousand swords shot , Want to shoot himself without flesh and blood.

With just a glance, Suhang felt that the air was imminent, and his breath was stagnant. He could not help but take two steps back.

As if the child in front of him gave him a huge threat, this is the existence in the Styx?

"Disturb my dreams, **** it!"

The child's face was cold, and before Su Hang looked at it carefully, he heard an ice-cold sound.

Immediately, Suhang felt a surge of blood, and the whole person was thrown into the air without resistance.

With blood flowing, Su Hang only felt dizzy with his head, squeezed by the invisible force of the Quartet, and the whole person seemed to be crushed.


Su Hang burst out and almost exhausted all his strength.

The voice fell, the blood was gone, and the invisible pressure faded like a tide.

The turbulent sea of ​​blood also calmed down, and Su Hang finally stabilized her body. She even had a feeling of escape. She gasped for a few breaths and leaned forward to look forward.

The child was still sitting on the lotus platform, a pair of purple eyes, through the space, staring straight at him.

Su Hang fell slowly, standing on the blood wave, watching the child in front of him with vigilance.

This kid is terrifying!

"Oh, I can stand in front of me. It's interesting!" The child looked at Su Hang, but his tone was a bit old-fashioned. "Dare to break into my blood, it's a bit of a skill!"

"How do you call it?" Su Hang asked directly.

The child heard the words but suddenly smiled, leaning forward slightly and looking at Su Hang carefully. "Why, don't you think I'm familiar?"

"look familiar?"

Su Hang took a closer look, and the man looked like a child. He looked like a five- or six-year-old. To be familiar, Su Hang really felt a bit familiar with such a reminder.

However, Su Hang couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"I don't know..." Su Hang looked at this man in doubt.

This man is sleeping here. I don’t know how many years, how can Su Hang have seen it, but if he hasn’t seen it, why would he feel familiar?

However, since you are acquainted, you may be an acquaintance. If you are an acquaintance, it will be easier to handle things. With such a child, you can never have hatred with him?


The child suddenly laughed in the sky, and the whole sea of ​​blood boiled with his laughter. Su Hang's whole person only felt a stagnation of breath, and he was very upset.

I don’t know how long it has passed. For Suhang Air, it seems like a century. The kid’s laughter suddenly closed, and he had a pair of strange eyes, staring straight at Su Hang. See, I am not you?"


Su Hang's pupils shrank suddenly and took a step back suddenly. The whole person seemed to be struck by thunder, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Why? You can't really recognize it?" The child looked at Su Hang with interest.

Su Hang shuddered. Where can this be recognized?

For most people, they can remember the appearance of others, but it is difficult to remember their own appearance, because the eyes are on the face, and their appearance is not always seen, and the child in front of him, but At the age of five or six, how many people can remember what they looked like when they were five or six?

Even if the child said something like this, Su Hang looked at it carefully, but just felt familiar.

"Who is your Excellency?" Su Hang sullen his face, afraid that this man was teasing himself.

There was a slight smile on the corner of the child’s mouth, “I’ve told you, but you don’t believe it, and I can’t help it. Just call me Styx. Come here, wouldn’t you come here to play? I guess, who should let you come?"

that one?

Su Hang frowned lightly. Although it was a mystery, Su Hang could understand who he was talking about. This person was very advanced, and it was impossible to get a glimpse of cause and effect.

"Yes, it is related to him. He wants to borrow your treasure to establish a reincarnation, but he is afraid to provoke your lord, so he has to do more calculations and let me come!" Su Hang said this, but wanted to take Lin Xuan Also involved, even if I can’t let go today, I have to cause some trouble for Lin Xuan, or I’m too bad!

"Then, aren't you afraid of me?" The child who claimed to be Stygian looked at Su Hang with a smile.

Su Hang took a deep breath and strengthened his self-stability, "I don't even know who you are, how afraid of you?"

"Hahaha..." The child laughed again, and the laughter felt dazed.

"You know, why did he want you to come here?" Singhe asked for a while.

"Why?" Su Hang frowned, wasn't he afraid of getting you in this place, let me come to thunder?

Is there any other reason?

Styx, "Do you think he is really afraid of me? He just wanted to give me a gift!"

"Gift gift?"

Su Hang looked at the child in front of him, and was it calculated by Lin Xuan again?

Styx grinned, "You wake up at the beginning of a big dream. It's rare that you come to your door. If not, would you listen to me and tell the story first?"

Su Hang paused. He was afraid to tell some secret stories. Su Hang immediately nodded and arched his hands, "Listen to your ears!"

There was a smile on the corner of Styx's mouth, "In other words, a long time ago, a strong man appeared between the world and the earth, because of an This strong man had a devil and evil karma. This kind of evil karma, everyone fears like a tiger, most affects the monk's cultivation behavior, so does this strong man. Killing, becoming cruel, crazy,..."

"At that time, he called out anxiety, and later did not know who it was, and gave him a loss, he cut out the evil devil's karma by 30%, and found a place to seal it..."

After speaking, Stygian looked at Su Hang with great interest and shut up.

"Then? What do you want to say?" Su Hang asked. The half-headed story left him puzzled.

The corner of Styx's mouth bends a little arc, "The three-point evil karma that the strong man cut out is sealed in the blood sea of ​​Shura."

Speaking of which, Styx paused and looked at Su Hang with a smile. "Now, should you understand something?"

Su Hang's face changed slightly, "You're that three-pointed karma?"

Suddenly, Su Hang suddenly looked at him, and said with amusement, "You just said that you are me, you should not tell me, the strong man in your mouth is me, you are three Share the bad karma?"

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