Super Study God

Chapter 1456: Falling down!

"He once said to be one with me, he is me, but said, I am the strong man you said, he is the evil karma I cut?" Su Hang asked.

Zhou Zhou shook his head and smiled bitterly, "That's his nonsense, the master should not be credulous. The old slave said this strong man, the master will only know later, at this time it is no good to talk to you!"

not me?

Su Hang was a little distracted. If it were really himself, it would be really scary.

But why do you feel familiar? I have to find a time to go back to my hometown to see if I can turn over a few pictures from my childhood.

"Master!" At this time, thoughtless, "This fellow is a great hidden danger. The master has the ability in the future. When he is removed early, this time the old slave is able to severely seal it. The guard of the old slave, you must be careful!

"Not good, you..."

Su Hang heard that his voice was a little choked, and he waited for countless years before he met Su Hang again. During this period, he saved himself countless times.

Panhuang jade seal is a Taoist implement, and imperfection is the spirit of the Taoist implement. The jade seal is ruined, and the imperfection as an instrumental spirit will surely be annihilated accordingly.

Tears involuntarily scratched Su Hang's cheek, Su Hang could not remember when the last time she shed tears, at this moment, inexplicable colic.

His lifelong ambitions were to protect those who should be protected, but in the end, some people vanished to protect him.

This kind of sadness and touching is really deep into the bone marrow.

At this time, Zhou raised his head and a smile of relief appeared on his face, "Master, don't need to be sad. This is an unsightly mission. Now the old slaves are considered to be successful, and the difference at this time is only for the sake of In the coming day, when the master refining the Panhuang Jade Seal, it is the day when the master and the bad guys see you again!"

Su Hang heard the words, looked at it imperfectly, a little stunned, and immediately reacted.

Wasn't the Panhuang Jade Seal refined by Zhoupan Gu's Zhoushan? Isn't he Zupan Gu's?

At this time, Zhoushan is not yet visible. The current Zhou is brought from later generations. Will he regenerate Panhuang Yuxi later in the future?

"Really?" Su Hang looked at it.

"It really is!"

Unexpectedly, a smile appeared, "The old slave just did what he did, and the master does not need to mind..."

"Well, do you know some secrets? Why..." Su Hang cleared up a little bit of emotion, and saw Zhou's figure getting weaker and weaker, and asked quickly.

His own experience these days has become more and more strange, and there are too many doubts in his mind.

"Master, don't mind the **** waves of the road ahead, as long as you stick to your heart and take the path you think is right, although striding forward is just..." Bu Zhou seemed to know what Su Hang wanted to ask and interrupted Su Hang said the words, as if to give Su Hang a piece of advice.

As long as you can stick to your heart, everything you do is right.

"Six reincarnations can be established, but you can do it alone if you are not the master, there are many things waiting for you to do, but the master should not be too hasty, and everything must be forbeared..." I'm afraid I will explain a sentence and a half.

Su Hang listened patiently and did not follow him for a long time, but he certainly knew more than himself. For himself, he took his life. Every sentence he said must be for himself.


"Master, the old slave is gone, cherish!"

Finally, without a long sigh, his figure completely faded away from the knowledge of Suhang.

"Not good, bad..."

Su Hang shouted a few times, however, in the sea of ​​awareness, it was empty and calm, like the void, where there was still a half figure.

The nose was sour, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down. At this moment, Su Hang really had a feeling of losing his loved ones. That kind of digging flesh made Su Hang feel heartbroken. He really wanted to look up and cry.

The mind came out of the sea of ​​knowledge, and what I saw was still bloody. Su Hang’s heart could not be calm for a long time. He blamed himself for recklessness. He had to come here to set up these six reincarnations. If he did not come, he would not have encountered this. It's not a matter of not doing anything, and it won't die because of it.

It was not easy for Su Hang to clear up his mood, and he was right to say that the matter of refining Panhuang's jade seal was the day of their goodbye. Even though the smoke disappeared, it would definitely be reborn in the future.

An instrumental spirit, loyal and loyal, can do this, it is already very valuable.


Su Hang couldn't help but squeeze his fist. If he didn't take care of it, he kept the bottom line. At this time, he was afraid that he was not the one who was in control of this body.

In retrospect, Su Hang is always frightened, and he hasn't traded his life for his completeness. What reason do I have to wince, and the road ahead is bumpy, I will ride through the wind and waves.

Styx did not steal the chicken, but was pecked by the chicken. At the moment, Su Hang was trapped within the sea of ​​knowledge, and the sea of ​​blood had no owner. He had no threat to Su Hang. At the moment, Su Hang, who had come back to God, was thinking about it. These six reincarnations should not be established.

The reason why Lin Xuan calculated him, let him come to reincarnation, now in Su Hang's view, it must be for the Styx.

The situation of the Styx Avenue made Lin Xuan feel threatened. He didn't do it himself, but he let Su Hang come, so he let Su Hang come to this thunder.

If Suhang hangs, he will be happy to see that if Stygian hangs, he will be less threatened. Moreover, as long as the reincarnation is established, the number of days will be complete. It can be said that it is all in three This Lin Xuan's ingenuity really made Suhang have to admire it.

If it is indeed the avenue of the past, it is no longer a conspiracy, but a so-called conspiracy. If you know his calculations, you still have to follow his calculations. This is the most terrible.

However, Lin Xuan may not have counted everything. Su Hang not only did not die, but also lived well, and Styx did not die, but was conscientiously secretly calculated by Su Qing. Among.

In this way, Su Hang's reincarnation seems to be irrelevant. After all, the hidden dangers of the blood sea have been eliminated. Even if he comes to Linxuan to calculate, let his two apprentices come to reincarnate. On the contrary, it can create some merit.

If he walked away at this time, I am afraid that Lin Xuan, who has a headache, should be the main road?

Well, it's not a headache, Styx has been removed, Lin Xuan has no fear, and it's okay to set up this reincarnation by hand.

Su Hang pondered for a moment, looking at the torrent of blood in front of her, every drop was a soul, on the continent, after the death of all creatures, it was this ending, falling into the endless sea of ​​blood, unrelievable, really pitiful . [.]

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