Super Study God

Chapter 1464: This is sad!

"Experiment? What experiment?" Yang Jian looked at Su Hang puzzled.

Su Hangdao, "The extraterrestrial creatures do not enter the five elements and six paths. The golden wood is full of fire, earth, wind, rain, and thunder and lightning, but it is no matter how bad it is, but as long as he is a living body, there will be weaknesses and there are many people, so let the disciples try , If anyone can find out the weakness of this thing, there are rewards."

Yang Jian listened, and his face shook gently. "Sovereign Venerable, this is a bit sloppy. Moreover, this thing is so fierce, I am afraid that it will hurt these disciples."

"Afraid?" Su Hang turned his head and looked at Yang Jian. "The tie is all tied up, and the mouth is sealed. Are you afraid that it can break up and hurt people?"

Yang Jian couldn't argue, so he nodded and agreed to get the disciples to let them experiment freely on the wild boar frog, hoping to test out the weakness of this thing.

All things are mutually exclusive, and Su Hang believes that these extraterrestrial creatures will definitely not be an exception. They must have weaknesses. If they can find out their weaknesses, this battle has not been fought yet, and our own side has already won half.

The little wild boar frog stayed in the square, and Su Hang turned around to leave, while Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun, under Su Hang's orders, took care of it near the cave, which was not a joke. thing.


The backyard of Yuxu Palace.

"I think there are a lot fewer disciples in this palace." Su Hang asked Yang Jian unintentionally.

Yang Jian smiled embarrassedly, "Don't hide the deity, since this incident happened, people in this palace were panic-stricken. I was afraid that something would happen, so I moved a large number of elites from the gate to the Tianba Lion Palace, and the rest, I also Prepare to evacuate them as soon as possible."

"How about you?" Su Hang looked at Yang Jian.

"Me?" Yang Jian heard the words and smiled bitterly. "Kunlun Mountain is my ancestral home of the jade veins. Yang will not naturally watch it destroyed. I want to stay. The dead are dead."

Su Hang listened, crying and laughing a bit, "I thought you were quite open-minded. I didn't expect to be so pedantic after the show. Isn't Kunlun safe if you die? There is an old saying, stay Qingshan is here, I'm not afraid that there is no firewood."

"Unfortunately, Qingshan is almost gone, where else to find firewood?" Yang Jian shook his head, "I don't have to die, I should have died 100,000 years ago, God let me live a lifetime, and now I can see Yuxu rebuilding the mountain gate , Already contented, as for Yuxu to carry forward in the future, there is a Tianba, I believe he will not let me down, he is stronger than me."

Su Hang waved his hands again and again, "Why is it so frustrating, do you think that this time you are really robbed? A group of extraterrestrial creatures, the Divine Cloud Divine Emperor can seal it, why should I wait?"

"Well?" Yang Jian listened, paused, and then shook his head. "Don't you say that differently, Divine Venerable? The Divine Cloud Emperor in those days, I am afraid that there has already been the peak state of Heavenly Dao Realm. The realm has to be suppressed. I can imagine how terrifying these extraterrestrial creatures are. In addition, in this era, do you think that there can still be the existence of the Emperor Yunyun?"

"Such existence, I am afraid that only Dao Zu will be alone, but, do you think Dao Zu is willing to give up defending?" Suddenly, Yang Jian continued.


Su Hang shook his head with a wry smile, hoping for Hongjun. It was hardly to think about it. The guy, who was just like the Hongjun from Swire, was in trouble and was afraid to hide faster than anyone else.

If Hong Jun is willing to take the shot, he has already shot it, and he will not wait until now. This matter has reached a critical moment. Those outside the territory may be out of the cage at any time. Hong Jun can bear it enough to prove him. There is no intention of intervening at all.

High lying on the ninth cloud, the futon made the truth.

Hong Jun has no way to do things, and Heaven has no way to do things. Su Hang doesn't want to go to him now. He intends to hide from himself and wants to see him. It is almost impossible.

What's more, when it was too ancient, Hong Jun committed himself to the road because of himself. Although this also made Hong Jun's way, Su Hang vaguely felt owed to him, because Su Hang was selfish, in order to let Hong Jun After taking control of the heavenly path, Jun opened up a side for the Pangu clan and for the human race.

The result of the facts is already very clear. Hongjun did, the rise of the human race, and the rise of detachment, became the dominant race in this world. Among them, Hongjun must have made great contributions, which is undeniable.

Therefore, because of the slightest loss, Suhang is also somewhat repellent and Hongjun is goodbye.

Yang Jian looked at Su Hang, and he could clearly feel that in the past few days, after Su Hang came out of retreat, it seemed more unpredictable.

I don’t know how much he has become strong now. In just a few years, from the beginning, a kid who still needs their protection has grown into a human race co-owner. He has already surpassed them, and has surpassed them. Yang Jian had to sigh that there really is a person in this world who was born against the sky.

"Now, the only one who can rely on the old deceased is the God of Venerable You. The Jade Xu inherits it in a vein, and all beings in heaven and earth are in danger.

"What are you doing, get up quickly." Su Hang was very helpless. Wearing such a big hat, he couldn't help but pick it up. "It's not as serious as you think. There must be a road before the mountain. The boat arrives. Qiaotou is naturally straight, and the solution is always something people have come up with."

Having said that, Yang Jian can hear that there is a certain degree of powerlessness and helplessness in Su Hang's words. Think about the Emperor Liuyun in the past, but the legend has the peak strength of Heavenly Dao Realm. Choose to turn it into a in order to suppress it with all the seals, what else can they do?


Unconsciously, Su Hang and Yang Jian actually spent the night in the courtyard. That is to say, from this night's chat, Su Hang learned the fact that what he did in Taikoo really affected the next generation. None, or to be precise, he thought that some things he did would change the direction of future generations, but as a result, it did not.

This is sad. Su Hang always wanted to fight against fate, but at the end it was discovered that no matter what he did, it was a pre-determined fate. Even if you deliberately went the wrong way, it would bring you back on track.

Weakness, perhaps, he is still too weak.

Su Hang had no choice but to think so, but one thing is gratifying. The human race has not been destroyed. It is still the lord of heaven and earth. That is to say, the six reincarnations that year did not break the inheritance of the human race.

This is indeed a happy event. For Su Hang, it is a great luck in misfortune.

"Let's go and see what your apprentices and grandchildren have done. Have you researched anything." The east became white, and Su Hang stood up and stretched a big lazy waist.

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