Super Study God

Chapter 1477: The person behind!

"Oh, joke, I'm kind, sent me the Elixir, and I was reminded in advance that he was greedy, but he blamed it on me in the end. How can there be such a truth in the world? Instructed? Who can make me evil? Buddha Shitian?" Shi Tian's face was full of irony.

"You..." The silkworm bush stood up. Rao was so good-tempered, and he was also irritated at the moment. I really wished he could cut this bureaucrat with a sword.

Shi Tian said to the silkworm bush, "Yes, I blame you too. You are better than Master. Tang Ao is anxious to break through Tianzun Realm and has to resort to my panacea, so it is better to blame me than to blame me. Yourself!"

After hearing the words, the whole group was stunned. What happened to Master's death?

"Mi Tuo, what do you have to say?" At this time, Mian roared loudly.

"My Buddha is merciful!" Mituo reluctantly proclaimed the Buddha's slogan, "At first, respecting his old man's benevolence, leaving you with a ray of vitality, but never thought, Master respecting his old man did something wrong, Shitian, you damn... …"

"Humph!" Shi Tianlen snorted, "Mi Tuo, if it wasn't you, how would I fall to this? But I really have to thank you, if not you, there will be no me now!"

After speaking, Shi Tian’s eyes looked hard, “I hate you guys who are decent and honest, since you are in your hands today, you want to kill me again, I have nothing to say, I want to kill Kill it, I will release the innocence, and it will be another 100,000 years, but I don’t know if you can live that long!"


Feeling excited.

"It's not so easy to die, if you want to die happily, you have to answer my question first!" At this time, Su Hang raised his hand to stop the almost violent people, facing Shi Tiandao, "Tang Ao's true spirit , But you took it?"

At this time, all the talents came back to their heads, and they were all stunned by their anger, and even the most important things were forgotten. Tang Ao's true spirit has not yet landed!

Shi Tian heard the words and paused, saying, "Not in!"

The answer was very simple, but from his pause of less than a second, no one could tell that he didn't tell the truth.

"Not there?" Su Hang frowned, and his voice was already cold. "It's not you who took it, who took it?"

"Joke, how do I know who gets it? You ask me, who do I ask?" Shi Tian sneered.

"It seems that just that moment did not make you enjoyable!" Su Hang was not angry, "Then we have some new tricks!"

New tricks?

Shi Tian froze for a moment, and instinctively felt the danger approaching. As soon as he looked up, he saw four figures running towards him quickly.

Sleepy madness, not bad, Yang Jian, and his good brother Mi Tuo, four people, two people raised their hands, two people raised their feet, and hadn’t waited for Shi Tian to react, they had been lifted up and their legs moved forward, At the speed of light, he ran towards a big tree next to him.

Aruba's Fury!

This trick is rarely used by Soviet Airways. After all, it is too sloppy. However, such a method is used to deal with this seemingly tough person. It is the most effective. It can physically and psychologically attack opponents and destroy the dignity of the heart. Line of defense.


The big tree was crushed directly, and there was another scream. This scene made people feel chilly!

In the realm of heaven, the physical body is as powerful as a magic weapon, but even if it is stronger? The effects of force are mutual. Under high-speed motion, the plane can be destroyed by a sparrow, not to mention that the tree hit the sky.

In the midst of it, there seemed to be the sound of cracked eggs.

Looking at Shi Tian sitting on the ground, covering his crotch and shouting, the four of them are all dumbfounded, and even they do not know what just happened, and the body ran uncontrollably for no reason and lifted Shi Tianbian Aruba is gone.

Next to them, they are even more chilly. How can these four seniors still play with this kind of thing that children only play. The key thing is that they still play so tacitly.

Of course, there are also people with bright eyes, that is Liu Rusu, she clearly feels that these four people are ruled by the rules, and the people who rule the rules, if there is no accident, only her master, Su Hang.

At this time, it was true that they were slowly reminiscing, and looked back at Suhang, apparently suspecting that Suhang was coming. In their impression, only Suhang could have such a nasty means.

Seeing Shi Tian crying from the ground, they should have been happy, and now a little sympathy rose in their hearts.

"How do you feel?" Su Hang walked over and asked Shi Tian.

Where did Shi Tian still have the strength to answer, just hummed on the ground, a magnificent master of Heavenly Realm was actually tortured like this, and it was also a legend that was spread out.

"Say, where is Tang Ao's true spirit?" Su Hang said coldly.

Shi Tian looked at Su Hang with an extremely resentful look, clenching his teeth, "I don't know!"

"I don't know, do you?" Su Hang's face didn't change color. "Then I will guess. The blood of your body is from the blood sea of ​​Shura?"

Shi Tian listened, his pupils shrank suddenly, "You, you know the blood sea of ​​Shura?"

Su Hang smiled, "It's a joke, the Shura world was developed by me. You said I wouldn't know the blood sea of ​​Shura?"

What a joke? Are you the Shura world? Who do you think you are?

When Shi Tian heard this, he immediately mocked him, but when he looked up, he saw Liu Ruxu standing next to Su Hang. He didn’t know Su Hang, but he knew Liu Ruxu, who existed in the ancient times. It is very famous. Now that such a person exists, he is willing to enslave the person in front of him. Can this person be an ordinary person?

"I don't know who you are?" At this Shi Tiancai looked at Suhang with some embarrassment.

My inexplicable appearance here, and also suffered from unspeakable injuries, must be related to this person.

"So that you know, this is Su Su Huang Huang, the imperial palace!" said Mi Tuo.

"Su Shenhuang? Su Hang?" Shi Tian's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why, do you know me?" Su Hang was a little surprised, he actually called his name.

"Hear it!"

It took half a day for Shi Tian to spit out a sentence, "It turned out that it was in the hands of Su Shenhuang. If you want to kill or kill it, I will admit it. However, your majesty, you may not have a good life!"

Su Hang frowned. This release of the sky was obviously that there was something in it, and there was a little threat.

What makes him so fearless?

"Listening to you, someone behind you?" Su Hang looked at Shi Tian as if to see him through. "And the person behind you should be very strong. He helped you rebirth. This time Tang Ao's thing Is he also instructed by him? If Tang Ao’s true spirit is not in your hands, it is in the hands of that person. Are you afraid of him and dare not give him up?"

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