Super Study God

Chapter 1479: Shura Corps?

There was silence in the void, and Su Hang stood in the air for a long time, with a serious expression on his face.

"the host!"

Liu Ruxu flew up and came to Su Hang's side with the same serious expression on his face.

"It's gone!" Su Hang spit out a few words.

"This person has a lot of skill beyond slave-servants. I am afraid that there are more than five grades of heaven and earth. I can't think of this world in addition to Taoist ancestors, such masters!" Liu Ruxu said.

Su Hang was silent for a while, "Don't underestimate this world. It has been more than 65 million years since the battle against the road. There are a few hidden old monsters, which is not surprising!"

Liu Ruxu nodded slightly, "Will that be the one again?"

Liu Ruxu knew very well that Su Hang had grievances with Dadao, but was it just the incarnation of Dadao?

Su Hang was silent. He hadn't seen the man's true face just now. He was not sure who he was.


On Longquan Peak, a few of them were worthwhile. At this time, they were already petrified. They all looked at this scene blankly. Everyone had the feeling of remaining life after the robbery, and their faces were pale as paper.

Until Suhang came back, they hadn't recovered, as if they had just returned to the 18th hell.

Everything is an instant matter, and that huge **** fingerprint really gave them a big impact.

Look at Shi Tian again. At this time, he was sitting on the ground, trembling, and his face was as white as a dead ghost. He had no other expression except fear.



Things during the day gave the Shushan School too much impact, and they settled down slowly until evening.

Above the Great Hall of the King of Shu, Su Hang sat on the throne and Shi Tian knelt down.

"Thank you God for your life-saving grace!" Shi Tian at this time, if his heart was ashamed, seemed to have undergone a drastic change in life and death.

It's true that the people are separated on the two sides, just like the three sessions of the trial. After the terrorist incident in the daytime, everyone's words at this time are obviously less, and the atmosphere is quite silent.

"He just wanted to kill you?" Su Hang looked at Shi Tian. Now, can he pry open his mouth?

At this time, Shi Tian looked up at Su Hang, then buried his head, and remained silent for a long time before he said, "He must think that I betrayed him, just the power of the contract!"

Saying that, Shi Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead, and if it wasn't for Su Hang, he almost blew himself.

At that moment, he really thought he was finished, that being wanted to kill his mouth!

"Who is he?" Su Hang asked.

Shi Jiejin swallowed and slobbered for a while before saying, "I can say, but I want God to protect me!"

"If you tell the truth, you are guilty!" Su Hangdao said.

This is to avoid Shi Tian's request, whether to protect you, you have to look at my mood, look at your attitude, if Tang Ao's death is really what you did, you are considered light.

Shi Tiandao said, "In the case of Huishenzun, in fact, I don't know who he is, but I know he is hiding in the blood sea of ​​Shura!"

"Continue!" Su Hang's expression was very plain. Shi Tian's words didn't make him feel a bit turbulent.

Shi Tian raised his head and seemed to be caught in a long-term memory, "At that time, after I sat down, my soul died, but only the true spirit still exists. What happened before, I don’t know, when I woke up, I was already there. In the sea of ​​blood."

"It was he who saved me. He reshaped me and gave me more power than before, but in exchange, I made a contract with him and became his servant anytime, as long as he wanted , I'll have to die, and the soul and the true spirits will be wiped out!"

Hearing the word "contract", Liu Ru next to it paused, and inadvertently glanced at Su Hang. Is it the same contract as yourself?

Looking at Shi Tian, ​​Liu Ruxu was somewhat sympathetic to the disease, but this seems to be much more pitiful than himself.

So, regarding the importance of following a good host, it is clear that before, since following the host of Su Hang, Su Hang did not feel sorry for her.

"What's the matter with Tang Ao?" Su Hang asked directly.

Now that he has pried open his mouth, Shi Tian will never hide it again.

Shi Tian immediately raised his head, "It was also he instructed!"

"Speak clearly!" Su Hangdao!

Shi Tian hurriedly said, "It was he who ordered me to come to Tang Ao and give the blood demon Dan to Tang Ao!"

"Why?" Su Hang asked.

Shi Tiandao said, "Because of Tang Ao's bloodline, Tang Ao is the only pure blood line of the undead between heaven and earth. He will use it as a guide to refine Xiuluodan and build a tyrannical undead Shura Corps!"

"Sura Corps?" Su Hang frowned!

Shi Tian seemed to think of something terrible, “I’ve seen it, he made it from the blood of the sea of ​​blood, each of which has the strength of Heavenly Realm, unmatched strength, fierce combat strength, I am afraid of the same level Heavenly Realm is not an enemy!"

"It's just that there is a flaw in that thing. The condensed body may not be able to withstand the huge power, and he will die old for a moment, so he wants to borrow Tang Ao's undead true spirit and want to study the secret from it!"


Shi Tianzhao said, without any further concealment, he explained everything he knew.

It's true that when people heard Shi Tian's words, they began to whisper. The existence in Shi Tian's mouth was actually refining such a horrible thing.

At least they are all in the realm of heaven, and they are still corps. How many are counted as corps?

And Tang Ao, who suffered because of this, the pair of fists next to the silkworm bush had almost pulled out of the water, showing how angry he was in his heart.

"What did he do with so many Shura soldiers?" Su Hang asked Shen Shi Tian looked up and looked at Su Hang, "I don't know very well, but I heard him talk about what it seems to be. Ancestor related, he also mentioned that God respect your old man..."

"Tell me what to do?" Su Hang asked.

Shi Tiandao said, "Revenge!"


Su Hang frowned, so far, his relationship with the Sea of ​​Blood has only been the time of Taikoo, but Stygian has been sealed into his own sea of ​​consciousness. Is there anything else in the Sea of ​​Blood?

Is it Lin Xuan's avatar? But what happened to the ancestor he said?

Ancestor? Does it mean Styx? The younger generation of Stygian? The so-called revenge, want to rescue Styx?

Su Hang's heart sank. If that was the case, it would be a little tricky.

"For example, this person is under your care first. I'm a little tired. I'll ask you about it tomorrow!" Su Hang rubbed his temples and only felt the pain in his head. How to deal with this matter had to be carefully considered.


Liu Ruxu responded, and then waved his big sleeve, and then put it into his sleeve.

"Please God to save a family teacher!"

At this time, the silkworm bush stood up and fell down before Suhang with a puff.

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