Super Study God

Chapter 1488: Count you won!

"Will your father mention me without you?" The man's face was a bit ugly, "Yes, I was careless and lost to him, and one of them was defeated. I am afraid he has forgotten me. ."

Speaking of which, there was a bit of cold light on the man's face, "However, I never forgot him for a moment, always remembering the scene of his foot stepping on me, I spent a full 500 million years Time, after practicing to the peak of Heavenly Dao Realm, there will be no more progress..."

The man looked at Su Jin, "Do you know why? It's all because of your father. With your father in my heart, I have a hard time. Only by defeating your father with my own hands can I stabilize the Dao heart and achieve the avenue in one fell swoop."

The peak of heavenly realm?

Su Jin listened to the man's speech, and his heart was cold. He had long thought that this person must be above Heavenly Dao Realm, but he did not expect it to be the peak of Heaven's Dao Realm, and it was still the peak of Heaven's Dao Realm that had been cultivated for 500 million years.

"Since you lost to my father's hand 500 million years ago, do you think that after 500 million years, will you still be my father's opponent? If you go to him like this, you are definitely looking for death, leaving you only It will be another fiasco." Su Jindao said.

The man listened and laughed, "Boy, you are too naive, there is no name of your father on the Dadao list, that is to say, he and I have not yet proven Dadao Realm, do you think Dadao Realm is so easy to accomplish? That requires a great opportunity. Those who have no chance can say that three to five billion years, even if it is three to five billion years, can only do nothing."

Su Jin was caught in the hand by the man, his face became pale, how could he just be so back, he could meet such a violent man along the way, and this man was also an enemy of his father.

"Take me to your father," the man said directly.

"Sorry, I don't know where my father is." Su Jin said.

How can such a strong enemy lead to home?

"Tiger father has no dogs, it's kind of." The man's face was cold, and his right hand clutched Su Jin's shoulder. "In that case, then I'll kill you first, collect your soul memory, and then go find you Father is not late."


The severe pain made Su Jin's face wrinkle, his teeth clenched tightly and he wanted to support it, but the pain went deep into the bone marrow and he couldn't help it.

For the existence of the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm, if you want to kill Su Jin, it is simpler than crushing an ant, but when he moved to kill Su Jin, he suddenly found Su Jin’s There was a hint of light on his chest.


The man froze for a moment, and suddenly felt a little bad. Su Jin burst into a white light on his chest and rushed towards him. The two were close to each other, and the white light hit his chest.

The man was like being hit by a rocket. With the white light bursting out, it was like a shooting star crossing the starry sky. I didn't know where I flew. It was gone in a blink of an eye.

Su Jin was suddenly relieved, staying in place, stunned for a while, and was unable to recover for a long time.

"How is this going?"

Su Jin thought of the white light that had just emerged from his chest and looked down at his chest. His chest was empty, like something was missing.

A closer look, there is a red thread around his neck, and the finger magic weapon that his father gave him is gone!

Was that magic weapon saved yourself?

Su Jin had no time to think about it. When he didn't run at this time, when would he wait?

That's the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm, and what kind of damage the finger magic weapon can cause to him, Su Jin is not clear, maybe he will come back immediately, hurry up and slip.

"Boy, you are dead!"

However, before he even ran out of Su Jin, suddenly, a loud roar came from behind, Su Jin giggled, and looking back, he saw a big hand that covered the sky, pulled away the surrounding stars, and pressed directly towards him Over here.

Su Jin's pupils shrank, and there was a feeling of nowhere to escape.

"Heaven, you dare!"

At this time, a shocking sound, like a star explosion, blasted.

Immediately, Su Jin saw that the shattered stars covered the giant palm of the sky disappeared instantly, disappearing like a bubble.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin saw two light spots flying towards him, and in a blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of him.

"Father? Why are you here!"

The person who came was not Su Hang and Liu Ruxu. Su Jin saw Su Hang appearing and was overjoyed.

"The master and his younger father and son connected together. The master sensed the danger of the young master and came to seek the young master. I and the master just passed the nearby star field and felt the destruction of the stars. I came over to see that the young master was in danger here!" Before waiting for Su Hang to answer, Liu Ruxu explained.


Su Jin looked at Su Hang, a 100,000-year-old man, but he looked like a child who had been bullied and met his parents. For a while, his tears seemed to break the dike, and he could not stop falling.

"Is it hurt?" Su Hang asked when he saw tears.

"No, no!" Su Jin shook his head quickly.

"No, what did you cry, tears put away." Su Hang said.

Su Jin nodded quickly, put away her tears, and suddenly thought of something, "Father, just that man..."

Su Hang raised his hand to stop him, turned around, and a figure Shi Shiran floated down from the air.

"It's really a deep relationship between father and son. Pangu's Suhang, we haven't seen you for a long time." It was the man who was just At this moment, he was smiling with a smile on his face.

"It's not long, why? Find me to seek revenge?"

At the moment, Su Hang's face is very ugly. This person is no one else. It was the master of Heavenly Dao Realm who was seriously injured on the Qintai Mountain at the time, Heavenly Tribulation.

But that is Taikoo, Taikoo hundreds of millions of years ago!

For Suhang, this happened within a month, but for Sky Tribulation, it was hundreds of millions of years.

At the beginning, Su Hang still used the counterattack skills to seriously injure the Heavenly Tribulation. Now, the Heavenly Tribulation is making a comeback, which is absolutely different from the original.

Even Liu Ruxu next to him felt like facing a big mountain in front of Tianjiao.

Heavenly Dao Realm, even if it is only a difference of one grade, it is also the difference between heaven and earth.

"I can't talk about seeking revenge." Tianjiao shook his head and looked at Su Hang. "Just wanting to fight you again. Because of your foot, I was at a loss for many years. Only by winning you and winning back your dignity will I be able to achieve the avenue of the road."

"A fight? It's that simple?" Su Hang looked at him.

Tianjiao nodded, "It's that simple, rest assured, we will stop your life when we nominate."

Su Hang heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief. "Since that's the case, it doesn't have to be big. You can win."

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