Super Study God

Chapter 1521: 10-year contract!

Su Hang paused and said, "Let Xi'er be released. What do you have to complain about? I'll suffer!"

Lin Xuan listened, looked up at Su Hang, and said a little funny, "In your eyes, am I a jackal and a tiger?"

Su Hang was silent, and Lin Xuan in front of him was too strange to him. He didn't understand him so much. Su Xi was in his hands. Su Hang didn't expect him to treat Su Xi kindly. After all, this was For the sake of improving cultivation, seeing all beings as grass and mustard, they can arbitrarily slaughter.

What can Su Xi, the so-called affection, be in the eyes of such a person?

Su Hang didn’t speak, obviously it was the default. At this time, Lin Xuan looked at Su Hang, “If she wants to go back, I will naturally send her back. You don’t have to worry about it. If you come to me today, it’s just for In this case, then I think you should come in vain, or please come back, or you can use your powerlessness to break this void and take her away from Taihuang Mountain, provided that you can pass It’s got me!"

Su Hang listened to this, and the whole person was not good. It was euphemistic, but wasn’t it just to make yourself hurry?

If he can grab it, should he still sit here and talk to Lin Xuan? I have already started!

The difference between him and Lin Xuan's strength is too far. He can feel that Lin Xuan has a monstrous hatred for him. However, Lin Xuan did not move him, but also sat down to talk to him. In the view of Su Hang, Lin Xuan is completely ignoring him, because he has no threat to Lin Xuan, and even has no interest in killing himself.

"Let's talk, what conditions do you need?" Su Hang was helpless. "Will I give you my life and you will let Xi'er pass?"

"Oh!" Lin Xuan sneered and looked at Su Hang with his eyes. "What's the use of killing me?"

Su Hang was stagnant.

Lin Xuandao, "Relax, the matter between you and me is limited to you and me, and will not harm others, and there will be ten years..."

Speaking of which, Lin Xuan paused and looked at Su Hang indifferently, "You still have ten years..."


Su Hang was amazed for ten years? What decade?

"Sooner or later you will understand..." Lin Xuan did not answer. He stood up directly, turned around to go, but stopped and turned to look at Su Hang. "Do you sometimes feel that being a person is a failure of?"


Su Hang frowned. Was he taunting himself or scolding himself?


Lin Xuan smiled a little, "My time is precious, so stop here today, don't come again, otherwise, I might actually kill you directly!"

Suddenly, Su Hang immediately overwhelmed Su Hang, and Su Hang immediately felt his hair fall, as if poured into a body of ice water.

"I want to see her!" Su Hang said directly, holding the murderous opportunity.

Even if Lin Xuan promised not to hurt Su Xi, Su Hang still refused to believe him, at least to meet Su Xi to confirm her safety.

"You still have to take care of yourself first!" Lin Xuan did not answer Su Hang's request at all. "I can't guarantee myself. I still think about others. The two of you, but none of them are easy generations. I can now I'm really worried. You haven't waited for the battle between you and me. You will be destroyed by them first!"

Having said that, Lin Xuan had disappeared in front of Su Hang out of thin air. Su Hang stayed in place for a while, but for a moment, he was somewhat at a loss.

Somehow, Su Hang suddenly had a bit of anger in his heart, took a violent step out, came to the place where Lin Xuan had just disappeared, and punched directly into the void.


The space shock was actually smashed by Su Hangsheng into a large hole.

The inside of the hole was dark, and at a glance, there was only chaotic chaos in the space, and then the hole quickly healed at a very fast rate.


Where did Su Hang willing to let it heal, another punch was smashed out, and the violent impact directly hit the dense cracks in most of the sky.

As if the toughened glass had been broken, it looked terrifying, like the end of the world.

This is the physical body of Pseudo Daojing. Although it carries a pseudo character, it is also much stronger than the peak of Tian Dao Realm. This punch out can be described as ruining the world.

The hole, after being smashed a few punches by Su Hang, was enlarged a lot, just like the city wall was destroyed by a big gap, but unfortunately, there was still a turbulent flow of black paint in the space, and I didn’t see anything at all. .

"Don't fight, if you hit it like this, you will have to ruin this world!"

At this time, a voice came from my mind, but it was Huang Tian!

Su Hang heard that this just calmed down a little bit and closed his hand!

"Why didn't you see you when he was here just now? Now that everyone is gone, you have such a big fire to use a feather?" Styx also said.

Su Hang didn't get angry when he heard this, "What about you? What did you do just now? Aren't you better than one? Just in front of him, don't you dare to put one?"

"Heaven and earth conscience!" Styx called Qu, "You are the master of this flesh. If you change me, you will not dare to fight back!"

What a special mouth!

Su Hang is completely speechless, don't want to talk to these two old strange nonsense, if you have such a powerful word, can it be mixed like this?

Huang Tiandao, "If the old man was at his peak, crushing him would be like crushing an ant!"

He is still speaking, Su Hang is speechless, "Heroes do not mention the bravery of those days, no matter what, the two of you are always counseling!"

The two were angered, I am afraid that they swear by Su Hang.

"Don't you say that Mushan is the entrance of Taihuang Mountain? Where is the mountain gate?" Su Hang asked Huang Tian.

Just a few of his punches, he almost broke the space but still couldn't find the entrance of Taihuang Mountain, but had no choice but to consult Huang Tian.

Huang Tian smiled bitterly, "I was here in Mushan before, but now, he has been removed by him now!"

"Removed?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

"Nonsense, you have come to collect debts, and you are not allowed to move a nest?" Styx said.

Su Hang was held back and said, "Where did he move the mountain gate?"

"How do we know? If you think he has the intention to remove the mountain gate, let us know? So that you can come to the door again?" Scythe Road.

"Now young people, it's getting less and less polite!" Huang Tian talked, a little bit cool. What kind of world is this Nima, just such a little guy, can he drink with himself?

Su Hang frowned, and these two old monsters used it as a feather.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Chuangjie Mountain, yes, don't you say that he comes from Chuangjie Mountain? You give me directions and take me to Chuangjie Mountain!"

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