Super Study God

Chapter 1524: King Shura!

In the early years, Shura’s monks were no longer in the minority, because without him, Shura was easier to repair and did not touch the sky. It was a completely different path.

This Shura Realm was the first one established by Su Hang. At that time, all those with profound careers could enter the Shura Realm. However, after the Sixth Road was completed successfully, the Shura Realm's hukou was as difficult as the Tiandao Hukou. Got it.

Because Shura is very powerful, in terms of potential, it is not as good as a monk who cultivates heaven, sometimes, even stronger. In history, whenever Shura is born, it must be a catastrophe.

So, don't look at this horror world is so terrible, in fact, in the eyes of some monks, it is completely heaven.

It has been hundreds of millions of years since the reincarnation of the Six Dao, and the Sea of ​​Blood has existed for a longer time. Today, the Sea of ​​Blood is even more advanced than that of that year.


Su Hang had just entered the sea of ​​blood, did not have time to probe around, he saw several blood waves rising from his side.


Blood splashed everywhere, and more than a dozen giants rushed out of the sea of ​​blood. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a group of giants who were bathed in blood and naked.

More than ten huge blood people formed a circle and surrounded Su Hang directly.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

A loud roar, deafening, as if more than ten ancient giant beasts, almost exaggerated to the mouth of the root of the ear, serrated like a blade, huge like a lake, fierce and poisonous eyes, it makes people look scared at first glance .

"Hungry Shura?"

Obviously, Su Hang made such a big move, just entering this space, I was afraid that it would have been discovered.

However, Su Hang did not panic at all, because these monsters did not threaten him at all. The Xueshen system scanned the lightly and already knew the identity of these monsters.

Hungry Shura, a powerful creature in the Shura realm, is also one of the strong classifications of Shura. Like a gluttonous beast, it has a terrible appetite, greed and violentness, and strong strength, but low intelligence.

Some monks who follow the path of Shura, if the heart of the Tao is unstable, they are easily influenced by hostility and strength, and they become hungry and become evil. This is a creature that only knows violence and killing.


With a roar, the group of hungry Asuras, like a group of hungry wolves, rushed towards Suhang directly, without any discussion at all.


Su Hang snorted coldly, his figure disappeared from the spot instantly, several consecutive flashes, the speed is fast, as if dozens of avatars appeared at the same time.

In less than a second, Su Hang returned to its original position. If someone changes to see this scene, I am afraid that Su Hang has never moved.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In an instant, those hungry Shura who came from all over the place seemed to be electrocuted, and they stopped at the same time. After a few seconds, the body exploded suddenly, suddenly turned into blood foam, and spilled into the surrounding sea of ​​blood.

More than a dozen hungry Shura, comparable to the existence of Tianzun realm, was instantly killed by Su Hang, completely destroyed by violence.

Just now, Su Hang was just very casual, one gave a punch, and these guys couldn't help beating so much, just came out and missed a face, he directly hit soy sauce, and even had no chance to get a lunch box, it was really a sad reminder.

Although Su Hang cannot fully exert this physical power, even if it only exerts a layer, it is definitely not a group of monsters in Heavenly Realm that can resist.

The whole world seemed to be quiet in an instant.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out that Goddess is coming to the realm.

At this time, a voice came out, Su Hang looked at it, and saw a red light drifting slowly from the depths of the blood sea.

It seems slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it has come to Suhang. Su Hang looked at it but was a very young red-haired man.

He looks handsome, naked to the top, and a large secret pattern on his chest is etched behind his chest. The whole person looks at the appearance, and there is a bit of exoticism, but the black eyes and red pupils are a bit chilling.

"Do you know me?" Su Hang glanced, but did not know.

But he could feel that this person was very strong. Although there was no such thing as suffocating, it also made Suhang feel a little dangerous.

The Xueshen system cannot scan this person's information, that is to say, this person is in the realm of heaven and earth, and it must be the master of the blood sea who used Tang Tian to calculate Tang Ao and take away Tang Ao's true spirit.

"God Venerable has forgotten." The man smiled indifferently. "But it is also right. How can such a humble person be in my heart like the presence of God Venerable."

Old acquaintance again? Su Hang paused and frowned slightly. He did not know this person in his memory. It is very likely that he would know at Taikoo in the future.

This kind of thing has happened to the Soviet Airways, which is not uncommon. The Soviet Airways is not surprised.

However, he felt that this person's eyes made him very uncomfortable. It was a very strange feeling. What exactly was Su Hang could not say, it seemed a bit resentful.

"What do you call it?" Su Hang asked.

"You can call me King Shura," the man said.

"King Shura?"

Su Hang frowned gently, and said, "Strange name, are you the master of the Shura realm now?"

"The deity said yes, that's it." The man said faintly, "Since he was ordered by the master to suppress this, it has been nearly 300 million years. During these 300 million years, the blood sea does not seem to be very powerful. Was born."

"Instructed to suppress?" Su Hang heard the words, but he was amazed. "That is to say, you are not a native of this world? Who is your master?"

The man was silent for a moment, and did not answer Su Hang’s question, but just digressed and said, “God is here, I don’t know what happened? Could it be that I asked my teacher to sin?”

Mention this Su Hang immediately frowned, "Don Ao's death, what did you do?"

The man nodded for granted.

"Why?" Su Hang asked.

The man smiled, "Is King Shura killing people, what reason do I need? That's the only blood of the undead in the world. If no one intervenes, I'm afraid I can understand the mystery of the undead and achieve a higher level."

He said that someone intervened, that should be Hong Jun.

The man looked at Su Hang, "If God Venerate came to avenge Tang Ao today, I just wanted to ask God Venerable for help. I waited for this opportunity, but I waited for a long time, a long time."

Speaking of which, the man's eyes burst into a very fierce light, and the fighting in his body burst out instantly.


The blood sea was tumbling, and countless bald and giant blood giants broke through the sea and stood up, violently surrounding them in the middle.

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