Super Study God

Chapter 1529: Disciple Luo Xiu!

Or, is he called Stygian?


   Stygian is the ancestor of the blood sea, and King Shura called him the ancestor. ????一?看????W?WW?·??????????????????COM?


   "Master Zu save me!" King Shura shouted again with all his strength, "Disciple Luo Xiu, at the order of Master Zun Pangu's posthumous lady, guard the Shura world, Master Zu save me!"


At this moment, King Shura finally clarified his identity. The sea of ​​blood is not dry, and he will not die. He wanted to explode the flesh directly, and the sea of ​​blood would be regenerated in minutes, and the flesh could be regenerated in minutes. It was found that it was impossible, he had no ability to explode, and this space was completely isolated from the sea of ​​blood.


   The fear of death appeared for the first time in the mind of King Asura in hundreds of millions of years. He had no choice but to resort to Suhang.


   "Hou Tu?"


   Su Hang instantly froze when he heard this, is this King Shura, a disciple of Hou Tu?


   Hou Tu is his own disciple. In this way, the ancestor he called is himself?


   At this time, Su Hang was a bit stunned, and he was unable to recover for a while.


   "Boy, go quickly, don't listen to his nonsense!" At this time, Huang Tian shouted.


  Joke, that was a sin of heaven. Even Huang Tian’s own original sin was sealed in it. If he was allowed to escape, he would not know how to die.


   Huang Tiancai had just escaped from the Immortal King Temple. He had seen a glorious future, but he didn’t want to lose it in vain. Now, he can never be the opponent of the original sin.


Su Hang was hesitant. If King Shura said it true, he really needed to save him, not to mention his own grandchildren. Su Hang also wanted to know some later things, his group of apprentices, and what happened What is the end?


  Is there anyone still alive?


   Su Hang wanted to save him, but how to save?


   King Xiuluo's situation at this moment is more than he was when he was snatched by Styx and Huang Tian, ​​and the whole body has become a blood man, and Su Hang has no power to intervene.


   "Master, save me!"


   Asura King hysterical, because of the pain, those **** eyes burst out like a person who was about to burst out from under his skin. It looked terrible.


   "Sin obstacles, don't leave!"


   At this moment, there was a sudden deep drink, and the sea of ​​blood was tumbling in shock. Like the end of the day, Su Hang's body suddenly changed greatly, and the chaos was chaotic, pressing against the Quartet.


   A jaw-dropping scene happened, and I saw the black gas that wrapped around King Shura, just like a conscious pause.


   is like a group of gangsters molesting a big girl in the corner of the wall. Suddenly someone stood up and yelled to let go of the girl. Those blacks are clearly conscious.


   At this time, King Shura only felt a lot of pain in his body, but those black qi still haunted him, and he was still unable to break free.


   The mind slowly sobered, and King Shura looked up, and the only target was Su Hang's blood-red eyes. His body was determined to stand upright, just like a desolate ancient **** who came through time and space.


   "Master, save me!" King Shura shouted weakly again, his voice almost inaudible.


   Su Hang’s blood eyes were like contempt, "Why? Didn’t you know the deity? Have you quickly retreated!"


With a stern drink, with endless majesty, the black air, as if understanding Su Hang's words, after a short pause, they all escaped from the body of King Shura, just like a group of snakes returning to the cave, Quickly returned to the black pillar.


King Shura lost his restraint, just like a broken kite, fell directly to the ground, covered in blood, the whole person was like a dead dog, gasping heavily on the ground, as if the whole soul seemed to be taken away For the most part, he was unable to move at all.


  The dark pillar stood at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, and remained motionless. After the black gas converged, it no longer escaped outside, revealing its original dark appearance.


   At this time, Suhang strode over meteor without looking down at King Shura, and reached out directly to the black pillar and grabbed it.




   A roar, the huge and horrible pillar was pulled up by Su Hangsheng.




   The torrential blood wave was surging, and the whole sea of ​​blood was as terrifying as the twelfth-level tsunami occurred.






   A huge column of blood rose from the sea of ​​blood, like a fountain, and immediately rushed to Xiao Han.


   It's a pity that no one else saw it, otherwise, it will definitely be stunned by this scene.


  Blood column rushed to the sky, and then blasted away, the endless stench diffused in the blood sea, it was fainting.


   At this time, a dark pillar stretched out of the void, like a rolling pin, and stirred back a few times in the blood sea, and soon the blood sea of ​​raging anger subsided.


  The dark pillar was closed, a white figure, and the gesture floated down from the void.


   had a dark stick in his hand, and the majesty of his body was so strong that the blood sea didn't dare to spray the slightest wave. That was not Su Hang and who.


   " handsome enough?"


   emptiness stepped on the sea of ​​blood, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Su Hang's mouth, and the blood-red eye at this moment seemed extremely strange, but the sound was a bit strange.


   "Time is up, where did it come from, where would I go back." A voice suddenly sounded, but it was also Su Hang's voice.


  If there is a person here, seeing this scene, I am afraid that Su Hang will be treated as a neuropathy, and I will ask myself questions here.


"Boy, if you have something to say, take away your gadget, and the muzzle can't be aimed at yourself." Su Hang said again. "The deity is hard to come out and breathe. Can you let me walk for a while? You? He was cooked by a dead dog and killed his donkey, and he played unreasonably."


   "Huh, it's just because of your bad character, it's so uncomfortable, I just let you out for a while, I have done my best, and I will return immediately. Otherwise, I really shot."


   "Boy, say yes, old man Huang and I, one junior and one fifteen. Your boy is now occupied by one person. Where do you put me?"


   "Today is the first day, the time limit has passed, still want to come up, wait next month?"


   "Fart, the first two days are the ninth day, why is today the first day? This calendar is set by your family?"


   "If it is my calendar, there will be no fifteenth day." Su Hang snorted coldly, "Say it again, give me back, don't doubt my patience...")!!

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