Super Study God

Chapter 1532: Nothing less!

Speaking of which, there was a cold light in Luo Xiu's eyes, "Since it is my slave, there should be the consciousness of the slave, if he dares to betray me, then only one death!"


   "By the way, the undead tribe named Tang Ao was also killed by me, but Shizu wanted to reduce the penalty?" At this time, Luo Xiu pointed at the Su Hangdao with a bit of sarcasm. ??One Reading WW?W·?K?ANSHU·COM


   Su Hang twisted her eyebrows. If she had killed Luo Xiu before, Su Hang would not frown, but now, the one who killed Tang Ao was actually his own grandson.


This makes Su Hang a little more complicated. It is like your friend was killed. You find the murderer, but you find that the murderer is your son who has been lost for many years. The son also asked if you want to kill him for revenge. You Say what can you do?


   "This matter, let's talk about it later!" Su Hang shook his head. Since he didn't think about how to deal with it, he will discuss it later.


   Luo Xiu sneered. It seemed that the Su Hang would say so, "For so many years, I have always had a sentence. I want to ask Shizu in person!"


   Luo Xiu's voice, some teeth clenched, his eyes seemed to swallow Su Hang.


   "What?" Su Hang asked back.


Luo Xiuteng stood up at once, "Master Shizu achieved reincarnation at that time, and said that he wanted to make a life for the human race, but the result was diametrically opposed, causing numerous tribes to suffer. Many uncles and division brothers were robbed. Inheritance, I just want to ask, why should Master Zu be like this? But really, as rumored, Master Zu colluded with Taihuang Mountain..."




   Su Hang snorted and slapped his palm on the chair. In any case, Luo Xiu was always a junior, actually talking to himself like this, and he also questioned Su Hang's character. How did Su Hang get angry?


   Luo Xiu looked at Su Hang with a pair of **** eyes, a stubborn look, as if he was an aggrieved child, so he had to ask for an explanation anyway. W?W?W·KANSHU·COM


   Perhaps it is the debt owed to the disciples and grandchildren. Su Hang's eyes on Shangxiu's eyes disappeared most of his anger, and he waved his hands helplessly.


   Su Hang sighed for a long time, and then, he said what happened in the blood sea that year, and his words were full of helplessness.




  After listening to Su Hang’s speech, Luo Xiu looked at Su Hang, his eyes full of doubts. Obviously, he wanted to know that Su Hang’s words were not credible.


Since he remembered, he has never seen Su Hang, but he has heard of Su Hang's deeds from the mouth of his teachers. In the mouth of his teachers, he is a great hero and great hero who is omnipotent, but he does not take it seriously. There is even a bit of rebellion. If this ancestor wasn’t messing around, why would the human race suffer so much?


  After his master's evolution of the reincarnation of the earth, his character was even more radical. After so many years in the blood, this radical has gradually evolved into hatred.


  From the mouth of the masters, Luo Xiu learned that this legendary master will be reborn in years to come, so Luo Xiu has been waiting until today!


  Su Hang, what a familiar name, the one that existed in Taikoo, the undefeated existence, is it not the legendary ancestor?


  If he could, just now, he really wanted to kill Su Hang directly in order to avenge his revenge, but he never thought that this seemingly weak ancestor would be so powerful.


   Even more, he also rescued his life. At this time, Luo Xiu's heart became more complicated and he persisted in the obsession for many years. At this moment, it seems to have been loosened.


"I also have my frustration!" Su Hang shook his head. "You don't understand the situation at that time, don't blame you. For so many years, you have been suffering in all kinds of pains in suppressing this sea of ​​blood. I will leave!"


Luo Xiu said, paused, looked up at Su Hang, and didn’t know what he was thinking. It took a long time to shake his head. "After so many years, the disciples have become accustomed to the Shura world. What the Master has commanded, I want Keep on guarding. This is the place closest to the reincarnation. I want to guard the master here!"


   Su Hang looked at Luo Xiu, but he didn't know what to say for a while. Looking at Luo Xiu's expression, it was full of truth. Su Hang thought, this Luo Xiu, wouldn't it be a plot of lovers and mothers?


   Long time, Su Hangdao, "Relax, I will release your Master from the cycle!"




   When Luo Xiu heard it, he suddenly looked up at Su Hang, "Master Zu, what are you saying?"


   "Not only your master, but also your uncles, no one is too small!" Su Hangdao said in his eyes with great determination.


   Luo Xiu's lips were a little trembling, "Master, her incarnation, has already merged with humanity, and even the true spirits no longer exist. How is it possible..."


   "As long as there is power, there is nothing impossible!" Su Hangdao said, in his dictionary, there is no such three words as impossible.


   Su Hang has always believed that as long as it has absolutely powerful power, even the impossible is possible.


   People see things with their naked eyes, and the scope they see is limited. This is called the horizon. The higher they stand, the farther they can see. Even if the true spirit no longer exists, as long as there is enough power, it can reverse the world.


   paused for a moment, Luo Xiu puffed and knelt in front of Su Hang, UU reading www. directly grabbed the ground with his head, "Disciples thank you Master."




After leaving the Sea of ​​Blood, Su Hang felt very heavy and thought nothing of it. In the Sea of ​​Blood, he could meet his own grandchildren, and from Luo Xiu's only words, Su Hang learned of something too ancient. At that time, before he left, he thought that he had paved the way for the Pangu Family Bridge. The human race was much better, but in fact it was not the case. After his departure, the life of the human race was more difficult.


   Su Hangguang thought about it, and was a little bit sad, especially his gang of apprentices, as well as Hou Tu, and ultimately he was inevitable incarnation.


   Su Hang looked up at the sky, Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, you are really a good plan. Could it be that you really want to take away everything around me little by little before you can take a break? What kind of hatred is there between you and me? What happened here?


   are all juniors, why do you bother them? Su Hang sighed and felt extremely tired.


"Boy, now that Heavenly Sin has come, we have a big killer in hand, even if Dao Dao Zong strikes you, we have some means of self-preservation. Next, the deity will teach you how to use the power of Heavenly Sin... "


   The sound of Styx sounded from Su Hang's mind, which seemed a bit outdated.


"Boy, don't listen to him. Heavenly sin is an ominous thing. Don't mess with it. If you're not careful, it will set you on fire." Huang Tian immediately interrupted Stygian's words. "Boy, help me find Xuan Tian, As long as Xuantian is found, my two can work together...")!!

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