Super Study God

Chapter 1534: Cause of the war!

"Please revere the saint!"

Everyone shouted, thunderous!


At this moment, the purple rune ticket ignited fiercely in the air, and then there was a slight wave of time and space, and then, an oval corrugated light curtain formed in the void.

Everyone saw this scene, and for a moment they were silent, and their eyes did not dare to move away.

One foot slowly stepped out of the light curtain. When everyone saw it, they all felt tight.

On the other side, Emperor Jun, who had already stared at this scene for a long time, when he saw that one foot stepped out of the void, his heart snapped and knelt in a hurry to the cloud.

"Disciple Wu Jun, respect Master!"

Emperor Jun shouted quickly. At this moment, his heart mentioned his throat. Just now, he thought that Di Jiang was just bluffing and making a broken character to deliberately frighten him, but he never thought about it. It is actually true.

After nearly a million years, the master who has never appeared in the world actually appeared. Emperor Jun buried his head, and did not dare to lift it up to take another look. The sweat on his forehead was down.

"Respect Master!"

Everyone shouted in unison, Zhu Rong Gong Gong and others, at the moment are also sweating, they also did not expect that Di Jiang really recruited people!

Everyone smiled bitterly in the heart, Brother Dijiang, why are you so bitter, don't you find it uncomfortable for everyone?

Over the years, without the control of Su Hang, the disciples were somewhat indulgent. Was the Pangu's civil strife back then less punished? Now, Master returns again, and sees this kind of scene, is it not thunderous?

Although everyone is vomiting in their hearts, there is no way, people have appeared, all they can do is to welcome them and wait for the penalty!

The atmosphere was extremely tense. Except for the sound of shouting and killing below, above the entire cloud, it could be said that there was no sound at all.

Soon, a figure came out of the empty gate at that time. Dijiang and others looked up and peeked. They suddenly couldn't help swallowing. The majestic man standing in the void is not who is Su Hang. .

Although it has not been seen for nearly a million years, the figure and face in the hearts of the disciples, like a brand, cannot be erased at all.

The air was completely solidified, and the invisible pressure made everyone dare not breathe.

"Disciples wait, see Master!"

Or Dijiang was calm enough to immediately lead the disciples to call, and the voice was so shocked that all the four wild people were shaking.


At this moment, Su Hang's face was very unsightly. Now, above the clouds, listening to the shouting in his ears, and then looking at the posture in front of him, it is really amazing that Su Hang's face can look good.

"Who can tell me, what happened?" Su Hang asked in a deep voice.

All the disciples buried their heads, and no one dared to look up directly, and no one dared to speak, including Di Jun and Di Jiang, as well.

"Your Excellency is Zupan Gu's?" At this time, a dissonant voice came.

Di Jun twitched his heart, and quickly turned his head to look, but it was the old man with white beard beside him.

In an instant, Di Jun's face was green, and he wanted to stop it, but even the old man with white whiskers had stood up quite arrogantly, trying to stop it too late.

Su Hang stood up in the air, turned his eyes, and looked at the old man.

Without knowing it, Su Hang only glanced at it, and was too lazy to take care of it. His eyes turned to Dijiang and others, "Why didn't you speak?"

The old man with white beard looked green for a while, but was ignored?

As if dignity had been trampled, the old man with white beard looked very uncomfortable, and immediately got angry.

"Master, please ask Master to be the master of your disciples." Di Jun seemed to see something wrong and quickly kowtowed.

Su Hang frowned lightly and looked closely before recognizing that this person was the last disciple he had collected in the Taikoo World.

Fairy Prince!

"Say it."

Su Hang said with a deep voice, he had just arrived, he didn't know what had happened, but there must be a conflict when the two parties confronted each other, and if Di Jiang used a person to summon himself, it must be very difficult to solve. No trouble.

Emperor Jun cried directly, "Master is on top, Rong disciple tells, when the master left, the disciple always remembers the teaching of the master, and strives to restrain the demon clan and repair it with the human clan, but the human clan loses me. , Killing my nine sons, bullying me too much, the disciple did not intend to promote soldiers with the human race, just want to discuss an argument."

Speaking of which, Emperor Jun burst into tears, crying no more grace.


Su Hang heard this, his face was black, and he was the same as last time, and he was fratricidal. He looked awful and looked at Dijiang and others.

At this time, the character has always been a fierce wish for Rong Tao, "Master respectfully, don't listen to his nonsense, that was the demon clan's fault, and the tenth prince ignored the human race and people's Spreading the true fire of the sun has caused my people to live a life without suffering, and suffers so much. The disciples waited for the friendship of the same class, and repeatedly tolerated..."

Zhu Rongyitong explained that Suhang understands the cause and effect of the whole matter.

At that time, after Suhang left, about 200,000 years ago, the Golden Crow Demon Emperor of the Sun Palace, when breaking through the Heavenly Dao Realm, fell in the Heavenly Dao Tribulation, and the demon clan established the crown prince Wu Jun as the emperor, called Emperor Jun.

About ten thousand years ago, Di Jun’s ten sons broke out of the Sun Palace because it was the body of Jinwu. It was hard to conceal the true fire of the sun and messed up everywhere.

Hou Tu had a strong man named Kuafu, who died of exhaustion in order to get rid of these scourges. This incident angered Hou Tu and led to another young master.

This person is named Yi, one of the rare young masters in the Pangu clan. He already has the third-grade realm of Tianzun Realm, and he is particularly good at archery. He is a disciple of the later Tu clan. When he learned of the death of Kuafu, Yi searched half of the Taihuang Desert Finally, he found the ten Jinwu, and shot nine of them in a rage.

This incident irritated Emperor Jun, and even more enraged the demon clan. Although the demon clan seemed to be harmonious before, but with the establishment of the six Dao reincarnations, the power of the demon clan has been greatly improved, and the ambition has already been revealed.

This incident, which has grown smoothly and became the fuse of the war between the human race and the demon race, began with a battle that lasted more than 100,000 years.

Today, it seems that the two parties are not right or wrong, but that they have truly become a battle for survival between the two communities.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, there is no more powerful force to control, there must be a conflict between the two powerful forces, and they will also try their best to come up with a master and a second. If you can not fight and be safe, then it is absolutely absolute. .

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