Super Study God

Chapter 1536: Supreme majesty!

"Thank you Master for your mercy!" Di Jun was sweating and bowed down quickly.

God, what kind of noble demon demon demon emperor, how beaten, the people were beaten, and actually kneeling down to thank, if this spread, who can believe it?

However, Emperor Jun knew that even though Kunpeng was seriously injured, he seemed to have lost half of his life. However, the Soviet Union had definitely left his hand just now.

In Di Jun's heart, his master is completely an invincible existence. If he wants to kill Kunpeng, Kunpeng can never just be seriously injured.

"Is there any other thing to strike?" Su Hang asked directly without looking at Kun Kunpeng.

Emperor Jun buried his head in the ground, "The disciples follow the order of the Master, and the demon clan will stop their troops, no longer embarrassing Pangu!"

As if it was a wronged and embarrassing decision, Emperor Jun raised his head and faced Su Hangdao, "But my son can't die in vain, please ask Master to rule for his disciples!"

Speaking of which, Emperor Jun cried again, completely without the appearance of that dashing young man. Time really can grind away many things.

"Get up!" Su Hang saw him crying and shook his head, saying, "Jinwu Nine Sons, the world's troubles, being shot by people, can be regarded as self-defeating. However, when he reads his young ignorance, he will be kind to the teacher. , You can go to Zixiao Palace to find Hongjun, let him give you nine sons of true spirits, let them go to reincarnation!"

Emperor Jun paused and looked up at Su Hang, his face showing a bit of joy, "Thank you, Master!"

Su Hang was helpless. He was limited in time and could not do much more. He could only resort to Hong Jun. Today Hong Jun should already be in charge of Heavenly Dao. With the past friendship between the two, Su Hang believes that this matter , Hong Jun can still do it.

"Master, my younger generation..." Dijiang also stood up at this time, apparently wanting to talk about Hou Yi's father.

Su Hang sighed, "Go together!"

One reincarnation is reincarnation, nine reincarnations are reincarnation, and there is no fear of having one or two more.

Su Hang smiled bitterly in his heart, Hongjun, Hongjun, although I don't know what you are coming from, I really treat you as a brother, don't blame me for finding something for you!

"Thank you, Master!" Dijiang Houtu and others, thanked Dushan.

Although compared to so many creatures killed and wounded by the two communities for so many years, it is trivial to live so few people, but how much is a solace for everyone.

"Okay, since the matter has been completed, I'm equal to the same class, regardless of the human race and the demon race, they are all in the same breath, let's truce!" Su Hang sighed, and then, Shen Shen said sternly, "Who will reinvigorate the soldiers?" Fight, Hugh Blame is the heart of the teacher, and expel you from the teacher!"


Everyone bowed their heads and bowed down, but when they raised their heads again, it was now clear that there was no Su Hang in the air.

There was silence in the air, and all the disciples were stunned. Su Hang came and went quickly, as if everything had just been born, just a dream.

"Congratulations to Master!"

Dijiang first came back to God, shouted loudly, and then the rest of the people also woke up and quickly bowed neatly.

Although Su Hang had just appeared for a while, the pressure left on the people was extremely huge, especially the devastating Kunpeng, a devastating demon master, even frightened everyone.

Also blamed Kunpeng for his own death, too confusing self-confidence, and did not weigh the strength of the other party, how can Su Hang be regarded as too old a god, and the existence of the peer discussion with Taihuangshan, how could it not be Some skills?

Although Su Hang is only true in Tianzun Realm, he still has a flesh that is close to the Dadao Realm. The ordinary Taoist is not as strong as his flesh. The flesh is enough to easily kill the ordinary Tian Dao Realm. Hang is indeed merciful. If Su Hang wants to kill him, Kun Peng can't just be seriously injured.

Tian Dao Jing also has the distinction of superiority. If he is capable of high points, Su Hang might not be able to get rid of him, but this Kunpeng, but Tian Dao Jing is of second grade.


A long time after Suhang left, Dijiang and others were still prostrate, and did not dare to raise their heads, fearing that Suhang would go and return.

After a long time, the solidified atmosphere slowly recovered, and everyone stood up and Dijiang shouted to the opposite side, "Brother, Master, there is a word first, you and my family, let's truce!"

Di Jun wiped the tears off his face, restored the majesty of the past, stared at Di Jiang for a long time, and now still struggles in his heart.

Beside, Tai Yi wanted to say something, but looked at Kun Peng's miserable condition, closed his mouth again, and dared not speak.

As for Kunpeng, he was busy vomiting blood, and he dared not say anything.

"Not at all."

Finally, Emperor Jun sighed, "You and my family have been fighting for many years. Today, Master Zun appears to unravel. You and I will withdraw our troops separately. A month later, all the brothers and sisters, Qintai Mountain will recount!"

Although Emperor Jun was terrified, Emperor Jiang summoned Su Hang out. There is such a great **** pressing on his What else can he say, just in case Emperor Jiang gives Means to call Su Hang out, it would be troublesome.

Di Jiang nodded and heard a sigh of relief in his heart, arched his hand at Di Jun, "Dare not follow his life."

Although the two tribes were in a truce, it was only a verbal agreement. The two tribes have been fighting for more than 100,000 years. The big 6 is full of war. Today, the truce is abrupt. It is difficult to carry out the implementation, and it can’t stay on the verbal. You have to sit down and negotiate an agreement.


Soon, the demon two clan Mingjin withdrew their troops, and each of them retired, leaving only an unconverged body at the foot of Nushan.

Yun Kaiwu scattered, this battle of life and death, so dramatic ending, it seems somewhat unrealistic.

However, the grudges between the two demons are deep. Is it really easy to resolve? After fighting for more than 100,000 years, it is so hastily ended.



What was the result, Su Hang, one of the parties, was temporarily impossible to know. After the comparison was in place, the five-minute time limit passed and was immediately pulled back to the next generation by the system.

The wilderness was endless, a group of giant monsters were wandering nearby, and a figure suddenly appeared, and the amazing momentum scattered on his body shocked those giant monsters, just like the frying pan, quickly scattered and fled, the loud and scary.

The scene changed, Su Hang now appeared on the huge planet again, looked up at the sky, Su Hangchang sighed, this group of apprentices, really don't let anyone worry.

It is a pity that only five minutes, he can do very few things, he can not guarantee that the two families will stop truce because of his presence.

"Boy, you are really a surprise." Just when Su Hang was worried, Huang Tian in his mind suddenly spoke.

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