Super Study God

Chapter 1539: Reincarnation light!

Huang Tian was not angry, and directly said, "It's really unlucky, "I have a set of exercises, but I spent a lot of effort with Xuan Tian, ​​but I haven't tried it..." Speaking of which, Huang Tian paused. , And then said, "This exercise is specially designed to eliminate the "other me", boy, I can give you this exercise, as long as you cultivate this exercise, you can refine the heavenly sins and all the sages, and maximize their abilities. Turn it into your own, enough for you! "

"Oh, joke, refine the original sin, the ability to devour the original sin, old guy, are you kidding me, if it's as simple as you said, does heaven sin still need to exist?" Sing He laughed sarcastically.

Huang Tiandao, "Not to mention anything else, when the old man and Xuan Tian were there, they were absolutely supreme. With the two of us working together, do you think that you can't think of a way to refine the original sin? It’s just a rarity?”

Huang Tian seemed to feel trampled on his dignity and began to say hi.

"Since there are such powerful exercises, why don't you cultivate yourself?" Styx asked.

Huang Tian snorted coldly, "Don't the old man say it, the exercises were just beginning, and the old man didn't have time to practice..."

Speaking of which, Huang Tian paused for a moment, as if remembering some unhappy past, "And, now that I have lost my flesh, how do you let me practice? In short, if Xuan Tian and I could practice this exercise earlier, hum , Now I’m afraid I don’t have anything to do with Dao Dao Zong!"

"Oh, it's the same as the real thing!" Styx sneered and turned to Su Hangdao, "Boy, if you believe in him, follow him to practice the Laozi's exercises, it doesn't affect me anyway. , But I have to remind you that original sin is a body of sin, and it contains endless negative abilities. If you have that guts, go ahead and refine it!"

"Huh, the old man's exercises are naturally not so simple, boy, don't worry about it..."

"You haven't tried it yourself, and you don't have to worry, where is your confidence?"



Su Hang interrupted the dispute between the two of them, "Let's talk, so much, your motives and character make me doubt, although I don't know what you are planning, but I can tell you clearly , I don’t believe either of you two words!"

I don’t believe any of them. It’s a bit hurtful to say, but it’s true. They are all old monsters who haven’t known how many years they live.

The two strange people said that the method is very attractive, it can be said that it was lured into the bones of Suhang, but Suhang can be sure that they will not give themselves benefits in vain, maybe there is any bad water brewing in their stomachs.

Besides, I don’t mean I can’t take this thing. I don’t have to sin now, it doesn’t mean I won’t do it in the future. I don’t have to work hard to earn some energy points, exchange a bunch of bullets, and then pull out one by one, including those hidden in my consciousness. These two in the sea were also shot together!

Of course, for this idea, Su Hang can only think about it now. With these two old monsters watching, Su Hang has to be careful with every move.

Putting the sins away, Su Hang sighed for a long time. Now, he will feel a powerless feeling for a long time. It seems that his body is hollowed out. Sometimes he feels useless.

If you are strong enough, you won’t be so passive now, you won’t be captured by these two old men, and you won’t watch your sister in danger and helpless, the only thing you can do is to pray Lin Xuan Don't be too embarrassed.

This kind of feeling is really very uncomfortable. Now, looking for a thirst for strength, there are new demands and a new height.

There are too many people who are stronger than yourself. If you are not so passive, you can only get stronger power.

Now, these two old monsters have ideas and suggestions, but Su Hang dare not try it. In the final analysis, he is still too weak and has too much fear of this world.


At this moment, Su Hang suddenly froze for a moment, the halo around his eyes, looked up, only to see the horizon far away, a colorful glow of light flashed by, just like a falling meteor, fleeting.

"That is?"

Su Hangteng stood up at once, stretched his neck, and looked to the distance where the ray of light fell, "Did you see it? What is that?"

Although it only flashed, Su Hang could feel that there was something in that glow, and that it was pulling his mind.

"Eyes are growing on you, what can we see?" Styx spit out, and now he seems to be looking at Suhang with all sorts of discomfort.

Su Hang can't believe what he said, what he can see with his naked eyes, he can't believe that the two old monsters will not see it.

Or Huang Tian, ​​a serious man, listened to Su Hang's words and said, "That is the light of reincarnation, there must be someone who is reincarnated!"

"The light of reincarnation? Are you sure?" Su Hang frowned the establishment of six reincarnations, I don't know how many daily reincarnations. Why have I never seen them? "

To be honest, this is the first time Suhang has seen the light of reincarnation.

"Well, it's strange that you've seen it before. Do you think that only six reincarnations are called reincarnations?" Styx sneered. "A powerful monk can all be born without passing through six reincarnations. This is also called reincarnation! "

"You mean, there was a reincarnation of the monk's soul just now?" Su Hang ignored the mockery of Stygian and asked in surprise.

The monk's soul is so powerful that he can be reborn without six reincarnations, and there are not a few. The huge Dixian continent may happen every day, but how did Suhang never see such a scene before?

Huang Tiandao, "General monks reincarnate, can't lead to this kind of heaven and earth out of phase, unless they are saints and sages, can they be protected by Xiaguang, this Xiaguang colorful, I am afraid that it is an extraordinary figure?"

"Xiaguang colorful, what is it about?" Su Hang asked.

"Generally speaking, only the monks of Dadao Realm can turn around to have colorful out-of-phase, but it does not exclude some people with great luck and great faith!" Huang Tiandao said.

Su Hang listened, but his heart made a whisper, this Huang Tian, ​​is it bragging right, Dadao Realm, still need to reincarnate? Unless the brain is funny!

Moreover, what is the existence of the master of Dadao Realm, the main level of the world? You can see it casually, so is your character too good?

"Go, look!"

The reincarnation of the sage sage was reborn, and it was a great thing. Su Hang was determined to find out what was going on. Without a word, he took off from the sky and chased towards the place where the Xiaguang fell.


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