Super Study God

Chapter 1556: What talent do you have?

"Candy, edible, very sweet." Su Hang peeled one and put it directly into Yao Xi's mouth.

"Well, it's really sweet." Yao Xi's eyes immediately squinted happily, looking up at Su Hang, his face full of surprises, "big mushroom, how can you have such a delicious thing?"

Su Hang's face was right, "Call brother."

"Why?" Yao Xi looked suspiciously at Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "Randomly nicknamed people, it is very impolite behavior."

Yao Xi tilted her head, "But everyone calls you that, and it's not a random name."

Su Hang flattened her face, "Then you give me candy."

Where was Yao Xi willing, he quickly put his hands behind his back, "I'm wrong, Brother Mushroom."

A pair of watery eyes, pitiful, Su Hang sweats in his heart, why do you want to compete with a little girl?


There was a laugh next to him, but Yaoyue didn't know when he came to Su Hang. Obviously, he heard the conversation between the two of them, and Nunjun couldn't help laughing. "For us, mushrooms are a rare food. Everyone calls You are a big mushroom, I like you!"

Su Hang listened, with black lines all over his forehead. "You didn't say that before."

The previous explanation given to him by Yaoyue, but said that Su Hang looked like their tribe named Dagu Mushroom, now he says that everyone likes him.

Are you so foolish? Although I don't know how this nickname came from, Su Hang can intuitively feel that there must be something in it, which is definitely not a nickname.

Yaoyue and the aunts outside have sold them out.

"Don't care about these details." Yaoyue came over and looked at Su Hang with a soothing face. "The patriarch wants to see you. San Niang asked me to call you to the council room."

So casually, it turned off the topic. Su Hang was a little speechless. However, he also wanted to see the patriarch of the Canglang clan. After all, he had just arrived at this time and many things were still unclear.



Chamber of Deputies.

Said it was the meeting room, but it was actually a slightly larger wooden house in the middle of the station.

When Su Hang came, there were three people in the room, two men and one woman, and the female Su Hang knew that it was Yao Lu.

The other two, one is a man with sixty or seventy years old, with a dark and dark face, a thin figure, a ricket on his back, a pole in his hand, and a pair of old wood.

But the other one is quite short, only reaching the waist of Yao Lu's waist, and resembles a grandson. If it weren't for his full-faced bearded beard and slightly frivolous eyes, Su Hang almost thought it was a child.

"Patriarch, this is the big mushroom." Seeing Su Hang came in, Lv Yao introduced it immediately.

Su Hang walked over and arched his hand at the old man. He had seen the ceremony. "Under Su Hang, I saw the Canglang Patriarch."

When the words fell, Su Hang suddenly felt that the atmosphere seemed to be frozen, and he looked up, including the old man, with his mouth slightly open. The scene seemed very embarrassing.


When Su Hang was in an accident, the Tu Xingsun broke a moment, breaking his silence and turning his face to the side, looking a little unhappy.

"Big mushroom, this is the patriarch." Lv Yao said quickly.


Su Hang stagnate, and turned his attention to the Tu Xingsun. Is this the Canglang patriarch? Don't say it, I thought it was your son!


Su Hang responded quickly, and quickly arched his hand at the Tu Xingsun. "The long-known clan leader, seeing today, is really magnificent, fortunate and fortunate."

When I first came in, there was absolutely something wrong with the three people's position. If I scan it with the Xueshen system first, there will be no such embarrassment.

Su Hang really vomited in his heart. Where is there a little bit of patriarch's temperament on Tu Xingsun's body? Where can he think of this as the patriarch? It's really a person's appearance. I'm just looking away today.

"Are you taunting me?"

This Tu Xingsun is obviously not very broad-minded, and he still has self-esteem. The first impression that Su Hang gave him is already bad. Hearing Su Hang's words, he felt that there was something in it, and immediately glanced at Su Hang with a cold eye. , Sitting back on the main seat, put one foot on the chair and put on a domineering look.

"Dare not dare." Su Hang sweated.

"Don't dare to forgive you." Tu Xingsun pouted, a high posture, and squinted at Suhang. "I heard that you came from Dijiang's?"

Su Hang nodded, "Yes."

Tu Xingsun grabbed a fruit larger than his palm on the table and said lightly, "What's the matter?"


Su Hang froze for a moment.

"Cough, when the patriarch asks you, there is nothing extraordinary." The old man next to him said, "We Canglang tribe can't raise idlers."

This is a bit rushing, next to it, Yao Lv smiled politely, "The patriarch likes to make good people, and I think you are extraordinary, and it is from the Emperor Jiang. I must have some extraordinary skills. Show us Right."

Su Hang was speechless for a moment. At this moment, he felt like he was participating in the talent show.

Tu Xingsun raised an eyebrow at Su Hang, "Boy, wouldn't you know nothing?"

The black line on Suhang's forehead is heavy, and there is a feeling of encountering strange flowers again. Why do you just keep your back so that you can encounter strange flowers everywhere you go?

"Uh, Hui patriarch's words, I really don't have any special skills. If you have to say anything, maybe it's thick skinned, beating!" Su Hang thought for a while.

"Oh?" Tu Xingsun listened, looked at Su Hang with surprise, turned his face to wink at the old man next to him, "Elder Wind, you try."

The old man stood up immediately, trembling and walking towards Su Hang, followed by Sun Dao, "When can the thick skin and thick meat be regarded as a talent? Boy, let Elder Feng try to beat you, Elder Feng." , Take it, what did you say badly, but said you can carry the beating? Isn’t that the way to look for the beating? Seeing Yao Lu next to him, his face is also lined with black lines, the first time I saw this Silly boy.

However, she also wanted to see that Su Hang has some skills.


The old man walked in front of Su Hang. Without saying anything, he directly raised his fist and punched Su Hang with a fist.

Crackling, all the bones and bones were banging, the previous gloomy momentum was absolutely no punch, and the punch was very powerful. This old man was full of strength.

Su Hang was speechless for a moment. What kind of people are these Nimas? Shouldn’t you be polite and say a few words before you take action? Why did I provoke you? It is a fist to come up.


The result was obvious, and with a muffled sound, something went backwards.

With a click, there seems to be something broken!

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