Super Study God

Chapter 1566: The black cloud is under pressure!

Human beings have been exhibiting for nearly two million years. I can imagine how advanced they will be, but unfortunately, the mainstream of Taikoo 6 is practice. If it takes two million years to develop technology, I am afraid I don’t know how advanced it is.

The city is more than ten feet high. From a distance, it looks like a towering castle, showing its majesty to the surrounding mountains and to the sky and earth.

The main palace.

Located in Dongcheng, a tall building. This is the office of the lord of the city. The lord of the city is just a management position set up by Tianwu City.

In the middle of Tianwu City, there is a towering temple, that is the most mysterious and lofty place of Tianwu, that is the ancestral temple of Tianwu.

According to legend, the ancestor Tian Wu, the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm, dived in that temple, and there are countless Wu strong people. It can be said that that place is the pinnacle of Tian Wu's power and strength.

The master of the city of Tianwu, named Meng Kun, is the eighth generation of the ancestors of Tianwu, the seventh realm of the great demon king realm, and is ordered to control the city of Tianwu. The city of Tianwu governs 365 cities. The report must be passed on through the master of Tianwu City.

Meng Kun is more than 30,000 years old this year. Because of the wealth of life, he has a somewhat blessed and stout body. The whole looks like a fat grandfather. A little bit of city chaos.

If the Temple of Ancestral Hall is likened to a mansion, Meng Kun is a city god, and Meng Kun is different from other city gods. He is a capital city **** and has more power. It can be said that in the secular world, in the Tian Wu clan, he has been regarded as the supreme king .

However, at this time, in the main hall of the city, in the main hall, Meng Kun's face was not very good-looking. The pottery cup fell on the ground and the fragments were all over the ground. It seemed that he had just experienced an angry vent.

Meng Kun was in a bad mood. He slept soundly in the middle of the night, but was called out from the bed. He was a little bit upset after hearing the news reported by his subordinates.

His youngest uncle, Yi Ke, was robbed in a small tribe whose life and death are unknown.

Yi Ke was Meng Kun's youngest uncle, Jiuyi Taiyi Ji's younger brother. This time Wu Wu recruited, or Yi Ji begged to let Yi Ke go, because everyone knew that it was a fat gap.

Go to the subordinate tribes to conscript as a poor man in the city of Tianwu. Can those tribal leaders not serve them well and obey them with respect?

Meng Kun also opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and was happy to let Yi Ke go down and swim. After all, there is no corruption in this era, only weak meat and strong food.

However, I never imagined that my little brother-in-law, this time, actually went, and still in a small tribe that is unknown.

The followers who heard the escape said that Yi Ke was thrown directly into the sky, and he had just checked Yi Ke's soul card, which was broken, that is to say, his little uncle, he had a lot of evil.

Next to him, Jiuyi Yiji sat on the chair and wept. The voice made Meng Kun feel upset for the first time.

"Husband, you must revenge for Brother Ke." Mrs. Nine cried in tears.

"Enough, cry and cry, just know to cry, shut up for me." Meng Kun drank, slammed the table, and stopped the woman in a terrified voice. The cry stopped abruptly, and looked up. A pair of tears looked at Meng Kun, full of panic.

"Okay, it's really awkward. A small Canglang tribe dared to fight against my Wucheng." The inexplicable irritability and anger in Meng Kun's heart overflowed with words, and a bit of rue flashed between Meiyu, "Chai Chun, immediately mobilizing two hundred government guards, I will personally set foot on the Canglang Mountain to see who it is, such a bold courage, on my Tian Wu's site, even the people I unknowingly dare to kill. "


The young people who were already waiting next to him responded respectfully and quickly retreated.

Fuwei is a private soldier of the city's lord's government. Although Meng Kun is a city lord and has a high status, he has no right to mobilize Tianwu's army. However, Fuwei is not the same. It is his private property. Although the total number is only five hundred, the value lies in the essence, all of them have a realm of demon babies.

In the eyes of Meng Kun, the two hundred government guards, it is enough for him to lead the small Canglang Mountain.

According to the rumored news, the master of Canglang Mountain, Yi Ke, who can destroy the little demon king realm, is likely to be a master of the big demon king realm. This is why Meng Kun also respects the master of the city. The reason to go there.

Not only does he have to go, but he also has to bring the enlightenment of several demon king realms to ensure foolproof.

In Tianwu's realm, no one dared to pretend to be in front of him. If so, he would either submit or die.


It was night, and the day had not yet dawned, and the two hundred elite elite guards had already assembled. Under the leadership of Meng Langshan is near.



Canglang Mountain.

The genius had just shined, and Yao Meng and Yao Yue had arrived at Canglang Mountain according to the agreement last night, and found Su Hang on a flat ground on the mountainside.

"Master, what are you going to tell us?"

Yaoyue couldn't help but open her mouth. Both of them were full of expectations, and they didn't know what kind of skill this newly worshipped master would pass on to them.

Yao Meng still feels that this teacher is a bit confused. I used to hear people say that there is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not strong. Look at this master. The mouth is clean and clean, there is no hair at all, should not be pitted? ?

Su Hang looked at the two of them first and said, "You both have the same qualifications, but it's a pity that the soul of life is too much. If there is no external traction, it will be difficult to achieve with the life of the two of you."

Yaoyue listened and said, "Master, you don't need to hit us like this, my life soul parrot flower is also on the wood clan life soul list, the fierce brother's life soul fears the cow, that is the spirit demon list. There is a ranking."

"Spirit demon list, so embarrassed to say." Su Hang smiled and shook his head, what wood clan life soul list, he had never heard of it, as for the life soul on the spirit demon list, it is impossible to enter him. Eye of the law.

Yaoyue's life soul is a plant called parrot flower. This kind of flower has a fragrant fragrance, which can attract people into the illusion. The same is true of Yaoyue's talent, but it is too weak to even reach the Demon Pill Realm.

In other words, Yaoyue is the plant cultivation of the Mu tribe. Although the five tribes still exist from the same tribe of the Pangu clan, the practice of spiritual practice has already blossomed everywhere. Many tribes are owned by the five tribe monks, except the old five. Beyond the clan, the purely cultivated tribes are increasingly rare.

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