Super Study God

Chapter 1578: Master please lower the penalty!

Even Liuyun and Nuwa's next to them were relieved for a long time. This afternoon was really too much for them.


   "Senior, shall we avoid it?" Liu Yun said quickly, and Su Hang had to deal with family matters.


   Su Hang shook his head, "No, just let the two bear witnesses. These wicked people, without discipline, are becoming more and more pretentious."


Nu Wa and Liu Yun looked at each other, and they both saw a bitter smile from each other's faces. It seemed that they had to continue to torment. Seeing Su Hang's smile but not smiling, they could have foreseen it for a while. There will definitely be a big show.




   Not long ago, a group of people, led by Yao Meng, came to the cabin where Su Hang was in a panic. When they saw Su Hang one by one, they couldn't help shrinking their pupils and their faces changed slightly.


   "Disciples, please visit Master, and Master is well."


  Tian Wu Dijun and others, all of them came forward and fell down, crying in an instant, it really looked like they were aggrieved by Tianda.


   "What are you crying for, are you crying? I'm not dead yet." Su Hang saw this group of guys, and he was inexplicably irritable. He didn't know whether it was true crying or false crying, which made him feel uncomfortable.


   "Disciples waited for the Master for more than 1 million years. Seeing the Master again, the disciple and others have a hard time."


   She is more tearful than old corpse tears. She wipes her tears while crying, but she sees the master anyway. As long as the master is willing to see these people, it proves that the anger of the master has dissipated a lot.


   "Love is hard?" Su Hang snorted coldly, "I'm waiting in my heart, but I still have this Master? I'm afraid I was thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun?"


   "Dare not dare!"


  The seven people quickly kowtowed and trembling. Although they all existed in the heavenly realm, they still couldn't stand their chests in front of the Suhang. The inexplicable majesty had already penetrated into their bones.


   "Is there anything you dare not?" Su Hang had a black face, his eyes glanced over the seven people one by one, "Will the seven of you come? What about the others?"




   Seven people raised their heads and looked at each other.


   "Tianwu, you said." Su Hang directly named.


Tian Wu shivered, quickly guarded his mind, and kowtowed, "Return to Master's words, after the Master left, then the Tu Shimei turned into six reincarnations, exchanged for humanity in Yongchang, and then Dao ancestors became enlightened, and built a realm , Sister Xuanming entered the Earth Mansion and became a King of Hades, never again..."


   "Brother Dijiang again, thousands of years ago, was wounded by the two gods of the plague, recuperating and healing for many years, and the life and death are still unknown. In addition, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong two brothers, but the disciples do not know why it is not reached..."




   When he said this, Tian Wu's voice was trembling slightly, because he could see that Su Hang frowned slightly after he heard his report.


  After so many years, under the Suhang Gate, there are twelve people in the line of the human race who can reach the heavenly realm.


Among these twelve people, there was less Hou Tu Xuan Ming, less Emperor Jiang, and no more harvests issued by Su Hang, and there were eight more, and there were fewer Zhu Rong and co-workers who did not know why. There are only six left.


  Adding one emperor Jun, full of money, only those seven people can appear in front of Su Hang at the moment.


Millions of years are right and wrong. For Su Hang, it was only a few days since the last time, and in these days, everything changed, some familiar people, familiar faces , I can't see it, the softest place in my heart seems to be touched, Su Hang feels a sour heart.


  It is comforting that at least seven more came.


   "The disciple is guilty, please respect and punish."


  Tianwu quickly shouted loudly, and his whole body crawled down. It looked like an elementary student in a misfortune. In this case, only the initiative to confess and take the initiative to admit mistakes, but also strive for leniency.


   Several other people met, and they all scolded Tian Wu in their hearts. This is unreasonable. How can you rush to admit mistakes at this time, where do you put our teachers and brothers?


   "The disciple is guilty, please respect and punish."




  The remaining six people, who would let Tianwu take the lead, even prostrate on the ground, confessed the wrong attitude is very good, please punish.


   Su Hang glanced at seven people and said indifferently, "What are you all wrong, why should you be punished for being a teacher?"


   said that he completely asked Tian Wu and the others, but these people are all strange monsters who have lived for millions of years. They have not seen anything in the world, and they soon calm down.


Tian Wu said, "When I return to Master, when Master left, I urged my disciples to live in harmony with each other. There was no reason for trouble. However, in these years, the Pangu clan's hearts have been disorganized. Although the disciples have tried their best to maintain them, There is still friction and chaos. The disciple's own strength is really difficult to turn the tide. The disciple is guilty, please ask the master to reduce the penalty."


Nima, when several other people listened, there was an urge to scold others. Tianwu's mouth was too much to say. The black ones became white. What else are you trying to maintain, why are you yourself? The source of the disaster?


   "Please Master to lower the penalty!"


  Although everyone is dissatisfied, at this moment can only follow the words of Tian Wu.




   Su Hang smiled, he would not be naive in these guys' routines, since he made up his mind to clean up and tidy you up, but also allows you to escape in a few words.


"Three times, everyone said nothing, but I came back three times, and you hit three times. It seems that my master, in his eyes, is really just a decoration, and all my words are taken as ears. what."


   After a while, Su Hang spoke.


   "Master Zun's words are serious, he will be a teacher for a day, a father for life, and his disciples will never dare to forget the teachings of the master. They will always keep in mind." Di Jun grabbed his voice.




   Su Hang looked at Emperor Jun, a disciple of the later introductory class, "You can hear from the teacher that you have cut off a descendant of the later Tu clan? In order to fight for what kind of **** mountain, do you still want to fight against the human race?


"Master, Mo Xin rumored, the disciples would not dare." Emperor Jun sweated forehead and quickly explained, "That sentence of the day was due to the matter of Sister Tu, and he hated the disciple for many times. The disciple read that he is a post-Turk ethnic group, but only cut off his body, but did not destroy his soul. In the same year, the Tu sister did not have anything to do with his disciples. , Beg the Master to learn the lesson."


   "Humph, nonsense." At this time, Shebi shook his beard angrily, "If you were not pressing hard, how would the Tutu sister get involved in samsara?")!!

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