Super Study God

Chapter 1598: The plague is rampant!



The time flickered for several days, not to mention the result of Suhang’s treatment of Emperor Jiang’s poison. The words were divided into two ends. Demon ghost, everywhere people do not talk about life.


  The disciples of the Pangu family went to various places for disaster relief. Over the past few days, the small ones have been effective, but I am afraid it will take a long time to get through this disaster.


The floods have changed the geopolitical movements in many parts of the mainland. All the saints used great magical powers to break the river and lead the floods to the Quartet. These surging floods moved to the Quartet and lifted the sea surface of the ancient China. The vast sea area has not been greatly expanded, and the four seas of southeast, northeast and northwest gradually formed.


   This flood has caused many losses to all living beings, and it has completely exceeded the measurement. The loss of the human race alone is countless.


In the past few days, there have been rumors that Zhu Rong and Gong Gong fight for the throne, and Gong Gong defeated, and they ran into Zhoushen Mountain with shame and anger, breaking Tianzhu, making a hole in the sky. Only when the water of the Tianhe flows back into the world, can the disaster of today happen.


  If you let Gong Gong know such rumors, I'm afraid I don't know how it will be. Do you think I want to hit it? I was thrown!


In any case, regardless of whether it is wrong or not, the co-worker is affirmed. In this regard, Su Hang should also be responsible, but in the identity of Su Hang, Pangu God, even if someone knows the inside, dare not dispute it. .


   Not to mention, Su Hang assisted the Nuwa family to save the world, which is obvious to many people.


In this matter, Gong Gong has become a sinner, followed by Zhu Rongshi’s joint and several responsibilities. No one will, and no one dares to pursue Su Hang. For Zhu Rongshi, they can help Master take the blame. It is a great honor.


   There was a call from Su Hang, the great **** of Pangu. With the efforts of the gods, the water disaster was receding. However, another disaster came one after another.


After the flood, the plague was rampant.


   Since the beginning of the clarification, Unet has no idea what is disease and what is disease, and since the plague two demons raged, disease has become another fear thing for all creatures.


  Because disease is the vanguard of death, it can bring pain and even death. They come without a shadow, go without a trace, and may not be able to stare at you when they are tortured to death.


   The flood did not completely recede, and the plague came. The human race and the demon race, first of all, some small places, and then many clan territories reported continuously. The terrible plague spread rapidly on the mainland of Shenzhou.


   This world seems to have returned to the era thousands of years ago, when the two plagues raged, and the atmosphere of panic spread rapidly throughout the continent.


   People's fear of the plague is even worse than the flood.






  Canglang Mountain.


  Canglang tribe was also affected by floods this time, but because of the high terrain and remoteness, the disaster was severe and serious. However, the subsequent plague was to kill people.


Three days ago, a few animals were drowned in the river ditch outside the tribe. The tribe had eaten by the mountains. The food was scarce. Naturally, food was not allowed to be wasted. The animals were picked up and eaten that night.


The result was less than the next day. The people of the tribe were all ill and coughed and runny at first. Then they ran belly Laxi and then syncope. The wizards of the tribe came to cure them from evil, but they still didn’t. Can be rescued, a few people died before dawn, covered with blood when they died, quite horrible and miserable.


   It was just dawning the next day, and the treating wizard was also ill. The symptoms were exactly the same. Immediately afterwards, many tribes who had been in contact with the patient fell one by one, and then there was a wave of ills.


  In just three days, the clan of the Canglang tribe died of illness, fearing that there were no fewer than a hundred people, and the corpses were listed on the square in the middle of the tribe. The spectacular scene was almost frightening.


Nearly a hundred people, for the Canglang tribe with no more than a thousand people, can be considered horrible. Around the square, the clan people are all together, looking at the deadly horrible corpse on the square, That kind of fear can hardly be understood by outsiders.


   An atmosphere of panic enveloped the entire tribe. Patriarch Yao stood angrily next to the square. At this time, his face did not know what kind of expression.


   These are all their own people. Among them, there is even a son who is just two years old. It was fine a few days ago. How come suddenly...


   "Elders, what is your opinion?" Facing such a sudden situation, Yao couldn't make any idea for a while, and could only ask for opinions from a few elders.


   An rickety old man said, "In the past few days, the outside world has been rumored that the two plagues that ravaged the mainland once again reappeared in the world. I am afraid that we are also suffering..."


   The old man's voice fell, and the people's panic was even worse. They all whispered and whispered, noisy and abnormal.


   "Everyone is quiet, listen to the elder Yong." Yao roared and made everyone quiet down.


  The elder man named Yao is the oldest person in the Canglang tribe. He has lived for more than two thousand years, almost reaching the same level.


  In these years, the elder Yaoyong has been retreating to break through the road. Before the arrival of the Tianwu City army, he did not alarm him. If this is not the case, Yao Nu will not disturb him.


Yao Biao said, "Although I haven't experienced the disaster of that year, when I was a child, I also heard some horror about the plague two demons from the mouths of my elders. Alas, I can't think of something that will happen one day. In the waves."


  After talking, Yao Yong shook his head again and again.


At this Yao Nuo said, "Elder Piao, you are the oldest qualified old man in the tribe, if you can't help it, then we can't just sit back and die. Everyone in the family falls down every day. Please show the elders how can we survive this disaster?"


  Yao Yi listened and shook his head vigorously, "How can you escape after being stared at by the two plagues? You don't know the power of those two demons. Alas, bury these tribes first..."


   "Elder Ho..."


   At this time, a young man stood up, and everyone looked at it, but it was Yao Meng, and Yao Yue was next to him.


   Yao said fiercely, "Elder Mang, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this."


   "Oh? How wrong?"


  Yao Yi listened, frowned slightly, he was regarded as the absolute majesty among the tribe, even the patriarch should respect him respectfully, how could his arrangement be questioned by a junior?


  Yao Meng is the kind of one kind of muscle, but regardless of whether you are unhappy, directly say, "I think these bodies are still burnt.") Download the free reader!!

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