Super Study God

Chapter 1600: 2 faces!

Soon, in a depression under the Canglang Mountain, the blazing flames ignited, and the scent of the smelling scent spread to the four sides. The clan people hid far away, and no one dared to come close.


   is full of crying, heartbreaking, and mourning. In the fire, but their clan, even some of them are blood and blood, the primitive people also know that they are sad.


  Several elders were silently praying for these dead people. At this time, Yao Nu walked to Yao Meng's side and pulled his son aside.


   "Sir, your master, uh, is his old man not coming back?" Yao Nu asked in a low voice.


   Yao scratched his head violently, "I don't know. When Master left, he said he would be back soon, but it was seven or eight days."


Yao heard this, and the black line on his forehead was heavy. "Look at the girl in Yue'er, you have at least got a life of a different animal, and you, you haven't got any benefits, if the ancestors would never return. , Son, how do you say this is good?"


   Yao said fiercely, "Master said that he would come back, he should come back."


  Think about it too. Master said he wanted to pass on his exercises. But now, the exercises haven’t been passed. If he doesn’t come back, wouldn’t he just pray in vain?


Yao glared at Yao Meng, "Oh, how can you be so naive, what kind of person is that ancestor? That Pangu God, who has lived for millions of years, can take our little people like me in my heart, I am afraid that you will be an apprentice It’s also a temporary intention, maybe I will forget it in a blink of an eye."


  Yao Meng scratched his head again, as if it was such a truth.


   Yao said angrily, "Sir, I think it's better to leave."


   "Leave? Leaving the tribe?" Yao Meng heard the words, somewhat stunned.


Yao nodded angrily and said, "Now the epidemic is raging in the tribe, maybe how many people are infected with the epidemic. Our tribe is at risk, and your stay is too dangerous. So, you should go and take the month Son, go to your master..."




   Yao looked at Yao Nu with astonishment, never thought Yao Nu would say something like this to him, "Don't Yue'er say that, as long as you burn these bodies, will it be all right?"


"Where is it so simple." Yao shook his head angrily. "If it really burns and it's okay, it's really thankful, but I can foresee that this disaster will not end so easily. It's still early, take Yue'er and go to Tiandupan Imperial Palace. You should be able to find your master. I haven't been there, but you can go to Tianwu City first. If you can find Tianwu ancestor, then... …"




Yao Meng listened, and did not wait for Yao Nu to finish his speech. He knelt in front of Yao Nu with a thud, "The tribe is alive and dead, and the child can't go anymore. He has to face his father and the clan, and survive this together. One pass..."


   "You, why are you so confused..." Yao was so angry that he didn't know what to say. "What are you doing to stay, do you stay to die together?"


   "Listen to Yue'er, Yue'er has the inheritance memory of the Western Queen Mother Beast, and will definitely help us survive..." Yao Meng stubbornly said.


  Yao's angry skin slightly twitched and was about to say something. At this time, an invisible pressure came from the side.


   The feeling is like being stared at by some kind of horrible beast.


Looking down subconsciously, I only saw an old and rickety figure, standing with a cane in the pestle, standing at the mouth of the valley, the chest kept undulating, and an old black face was scary, as if it was about to explode. .


   "Elder Piao?" When Yao Nu and others saw the old man, their necks shrank suddenly.


   Burning the source of the disease, they did it without Yaoyong, but unless Yaoyong is blind, otherwise the Canglang tribe is so big. How could they hide it?


   Everyone stayed in place, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.


  Looking at the soaring fire, Yao Qi's beard was shaking, and the cane in his hand flicked a few times under the ground, "Fuck, what are you doing?"


   "Elder Hung, you listen to me explain." Yao Nu quickly hurryed over and smiled on his face.


   "Explanation? Yao Nu, you better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, your seat as patriarch, it is time to abdicate and let the virtuous." Yao Yong snorted.


   is just hitting Hong Guoguo's face. Have you taken me Yao Yao in your eyes? How dare I provoke my majesty so that my words are fart?


  I don't think so, Yao Yong's anger in his heart has climbed to the top at the moment. If there is any disagreement, the posture of Yao Nu's chief will be abolished.


   Yao's angry forehead was soaked with sweat, and he quickly slammed his scalp and said, "Yue'er girl's words are not unreasonable, so I think, I still burned a little more safely. I didn't know the elders in advance.


"This is your explanation?" Yao Yong's eyes widened, "That little girl's words make sense, but the old man's words make no sense? What does a little girl say he has more weight than the old man? It's really awkward, you Quickly put me out of the fire and offended the two plague gods, can you afford to sin?"


   The voice was just roaring out, including Yao Fury, all of them were silent, even the fart did not dare to put one.


   "Elder Ping."


   At this time, Yaoyue came out and said directly, "You don't even know what the poison of the plague is, you don't understand anything, you are still blindly commanding here, do you know how much disaster it will bring to the tribe?"


   Everyone's heart tightened, and Yao Yue was taken aback. The girl was also too bold.


   "It's the opposite, it's the opposite." Yao Yi's whole body shivered, "Which girl are you from, how dare you talk to me like this..."


"Although I am young, I can distinguish right from wrong, and I will not rely on old people like old elders to sell old ones. The style of the superior is full of time, and the extravagance is compelling.


Yao Yong was shocked for a while, and he was stunned for half a second, and then he came back to God, "Good girl, these bodies are occupied by the plague god, you burn them now, if you anger the two plague gods, you know the consequences What?"


   "Joke." Yaoyue sneered, "Now that the poison of the plague is all over the mainland, can he still be everywhere?"


   "Shut up!" Yao Yi's face changed, yelling, "No disrespect to God!"


   This old man was really crazy, and he was so afraid of the poison of the plague that he took the devil as a god.


   "Hahaha, it's so beautiful, I can't think of you and my brother, and we can also harvest faith on this continent."


   Just when Yaoyue had to say something, suddenly a cold laughter came from behind him, and the laughter was chilling.


  Looking back, the sky's fire light and thick black smoke turned into two twisted faces in the sky. ) Download the free reader!!

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