Super Study God

Chapter 1602: The origin of the beast!

For example, when they are chaotic due to floods today, it is when they rise again in chaos. It can be said that after these thousands of years of dormancy, the two brothers have become more and more crazy.


  Yao Yong finally recovered, and prostrate to the ground, "Originally, the two great gods arrived, old, and old to see the two gods."


At this moment, Yao Yong had scolded Yao Meng Yao Yue and others in his heart, and told you a long time ago that you would burn a lot of these corpses, but you did not listen. It turned out that what I said was true. Right? I really got these two demons.


  Hey, what kind of evil did you make in your last life, the world is so big, these two old demons can't go anywhere, how come they come to a small place like Canglang?


   This is the existence of killing without blinking. Yaoyong now has only one thought in his heart. It's over. The Canglang family is over.


   At this time, the tuberculosis man Lin Feng grinned and glanced around, "Fun, fun, old guy, you are the master here? So, from now on, here is our brother's dojo..."




  Yao Yi looked up to Lin Feng, the whole person was stupid, dojo? Are they going to stay here? If it became their dojo here, wouldn't this Canglang tribe be a purgatory yet?


   "A sneeze." lei sneezed, rubbed his red nose, and said, "what's not welcome?"


   "No, no." Yao Yi shook his head again and again, knocking his head like pounding garlic. "The two great gods come here, there is no gift of welcome to the old, old Yao Yao, welcome the two gods."


  Say, Yao Yi turned his head to look at the people around him, scolding, "The two gods are here, are you waiting to kneel?"


  Yao Bong is still very majestic. Everyone has been scared enough to be choked, and was yelled by Yao Biao, and he kneeled to the ground in a hurry.


   At this time, no matter what dignity you care about, kneel down and save your life. Let’s talk about it. It’s better to die than to live. Only by living can we have hope.


   "Haha, hahaha..."


   laughed, and went straight to the hill tribe, Yao Yong and others all knelt down on the ground, not even raising their heads.




  Canglang tribe, in the house of discussion.


   Yao Yong took the elders and knelt on the ground with his buttocks. In front of him, the plague two demons were tasting the wine carefully. The atmosphere in the house was almost solidified, as if they could hear each other's heartbeats.


   "Cough, Yao Yi, I appreciate you." Lin Feng spoke, breaking the silence.


  Yao Yi looked up and peeked at Lin Feng, then quickly laid his head down again, "Younger, younger people are flattered."


"Huh..." Lin Feng smiled and said, "My two brothers have been wandering for a long time, and they have settled here since today. From today on, my two brothers are the masters of Er and so on. ?"


  The elders were all frightened, so who dare to speak, who dare to say no, Yao Yong quickly bowed his head, "I am willing to worship the two great gods, but ask the two great gods to bless me."


"Ahhh..." Lin Lei said, "I just like you people who know how to be our servants. It's a blessing that I have waited for several centuries. When I wait for the day when I get the world, I will know today. How right is your choice."




  Everyone is only promised, and they are afraid of saying the wrong word, and they will directly bring the disaster of killing life.


   Lin Feng smiled indifferently, waved his right hand, several thick black gas, directly shot at Yao Yong and others, and instantly fell into the body of several people.


   Everyone was frightened and their faces turned blue instantly.


   "Don't be afraid." Lin Feng said, "This is the destiny of the deity, and it is only good for Er and so on, and can improve the strength of Er and other grades..."


Yao Bong and others were stunned for a moment, and immediately looked closely at their flesh. Sure enough, when the black gas entered his body, he instantly flowed through the limbs and bones, and the black particles invaded the blood vein, which was already old. The cells seem to regain their vitality, even Yao Yao feels that the vitality is recovering quickly.


   The power is obviously increasing, and the process continues.


   Several people were inexplicably surprised, quickly thanked excitedly, the legendary plague two demons, it seems not as terrible as the legend.


   "However, if you dare to be unfaithful, the deity only needs to move your heart to make him wait for life to die." Lin Feng said suddenly.


   Several people heard the smiles on their faces, and swallowed a sip.


   "Don't dare, slaves, etc. will swear allegiance to the two masters."


   Yao Yong quickly took the lead and showed loyalty.


   "Hopefully, you can do it." lei said coldly.


  Yao Yiwei Wei Nuo Nuo, "Master, the one who was previously injured by the master is my patriarch..."


   Lin Feng waved his hand, "Relax, just give him a lesson. If you can't die, wait for it to retreat, and call the little girl in."




  The little girl said that Yaoyue was the natural one. These two people suddenly decided to settle in Canglang. In fact, a big reason is Yaoyue.


   Soon, Yaoyue walked into the tent and looked at the two old evil spirits in front of him. At this time, Yaoyue, who was alone, felt very embarrassed.


   Both demons are staring at Yaoyue, looking closely at them, their eyes very strange.


  Yaoyue stood under pressure and stood like this. The two old demons did not speak, nor did she speak, facing the existence of being many times more powerful than herself. That feeling can only be clarified only by personal experience.


   "Cough, little girl, what's your name?" For a long time, Lin Feng coughed twice and finally broke the dead silence.


   "Yao Yue." Yao Yue said calmly.


  The corners of Lin Feng’s mouth curled up with a slight arc, “I can still stand in front of the deity, and I’m not too It’s not guts.”


   "Seniors win prizes." Yao Yue said.


   Lin Feng said, "Mother West Queen, have you been turned into a life soul?"


   "Isn't the senior asking for this?" Yao Yue asked back.


   "Interesting, interesting, coughing..." Lin Feng grinned, then suddenly closed his smile, and looked forward slightly, "Then do you know, the origin of the Western Queen Mother Beast?"


  Yaoyue frowned lightly, "The origin?"


Lin Feng looked at Lin Lei, who said with great interest, "This beast came from Taihuang Mountain, Lin Zun, the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Saints, who sat down on the Sacred Beast. Ten thousand years ago, two disciples who followed Lin Zun came down the mountain to save the world. Lin Zun’s two disciples were chased and killed by the enemy, and the beast was nowhere to be found. It was later heard that it was sealed by Dao Zu Hongjun in this Canglang Mountain."


Yaoyue looked at Lin Lei, "The little woman has the courage to guess that the two disciples who said Lin Zun should be yourself. As far as I know, the two are great evils that do nothing evil. The so-called place of salvation is probably pure. Nonsense.")!!

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