Super Study God

Chapter 1607: Tiaohulishan!

"Keep seeing Pangu God."


  Everyone was creeping on the ground, trembling, especially the elders. Now I thought more about it. Why didn't the old ancestor come out early or late?


Yao Biao looked at the tribes around him who were kneeling all over, and suddenly looked a little dumbfounded. He looked up at Su Hang, who was in front of him in a pretentious manner. It’s Hongjun’s ancestors who gave me up and killed this group of outsiders."


   Yao Yong has gone crazy, and there is only one thought in his heart. These people are not provoking themselves, but provoking their masters.


From the beginning, when Yao Yong acknowledged that the two plagues were dominant, he actually refused his heart, but it was an expedient measure, not from his sincerity. However, the two demons controlled him with viruses and gave him powerful strength. , The decayed body regained vitality, and since then, he has become a loyal fan of the two demons.


   power, sometimes can really make people lost!


  Everyone knelt on the ground and heard Yao Chong's shouting. Who dare to move? You old man wants to be crazy, we dare not play with you, want to kill the ancestors, are you kidding me?


  Although they are scared by the virus, they are crazy, and they are lost, but they still have some basic knowledge. Even if they are crazy, they can’t be so stupid!


   "Look for death!"


   Emperor Jun was beside Su Hang, and that allowed some people to humiliate his master. Immediately, with a cold drink, only his big sleeves waved, and a strong wind blew through, directly rolling Yao Yong up.




  The powerful Yaoyong finally realized his weakness and had no ability to resist at all, leaving only a scream, and he didn't know where he was flew away!


   Without a noisy bug, the world became quiet all at once.


   Everyone shivered, and no one dared to look up.


   Su Hang's eyes swept, "Where are those two demons now?"


  Under dignity, no one dared to answer.


   "Are you all dumb?" Di Jun yelled next to him, and there was a posture that he would wipe you out if there was a disagreement.


"Return to the ancestors' words!" It was San Niang who was kneeling out and knocked his head at Su Hang first, and then said, "This morning, I saw the two demon heads leaving the tribe with fierce children. Never seen them again!"




  Hongyun Wangbo and others looked at each other. Su Hang heard this and suddenly felt a bad feeling.






  Tiandu, Panhuang Palace.


   At this time, the atmosphere in the Panhuang Palace was very tense. In the square in front of the main hall, the evil bee led Tian Wu and others. They waited strictly, and the expression on everyone's face appeared very dignified.


   In the sky, a black cloud pressed down without warning, and fell to the front of the square. The black air spread out, revealing two figures.


   "Cough, everyone, brothers and brothers, although they haven't seen them for many years, even if we know that we are coming, we don't need to come out to meet them in such a big show?"


   Lin Feng coughed twice, with a smile on his face, but there was a little more joking between words.


   Lin Lei rubbed his red nose and smiled, "I wonder if the brothers received the gift from my brother? Have you received it? Are you satisfied?"


   "It really is the two of you scum!"


   Everyone was furious, Tianwu stood up and scolded, and showed no mercy!


Because of the relationship between Su Hang and Lin Xuan, these two people must be called Su Hang, and of course they must also call Tian Wu and others. They obviously do not want to have any relationship with the two, or even Seeing them is disgusting.


   "Cough, why are you talking so loudly?" Lin Feng coughed and said, "I heard that Uncle is back and wonder if he is in the palace? My two brothers, come to see you!"




Everyone heard the words and frowned. The two guys knew that Su Hang was not in the palace before they dared to show up. Moreover, they could even be sure that the two men had done something before, and they might have deliberately led Su Hang away. .


   Tiaohulishan, the intention of these two people is self-evident.


  Sin Bee directly said, "Dare you dare to come to Pan Palace to let go of it, did you two eat bear heart leopard gall? Can you get the benefits from me and the other based on the two of you?"




The Second Demon heard the words, and laughed, especially Lin Feng, who was really coughing constantly, and finally stopped the laughter, and raised his head to look at the people in front of him like a joke, yin and yang said, "You are really waiting Naive, if we don’t have a certain degree of confidence, how dare we appear here?"


   Everyone's face is not good-looking.


   Lin Lei said, "If you read it right, you should have received the gift just now. How do you feel? Do you feel that you have been blocked for a lot? The body is abnormally weak, and you want to sleep?"


   "Two scums, dark arrows hurt people, what heroes are they?" Zhu Rong scolded sharply.


  Lin Lei smiled, "We are not heroes originally, don't you say, we are insidious villains? Yes, we are insidious villains, to deal with you so-called heroes, how can you succeed without some insidious means?"


"Bad the poison of the plagues of my brothers and you, these of you are equivalent to abandonment, as long as my two minds toxins in your body will explode in an instant, even if it just seals you for a moment , Enough to give us time to eradicate all of you!"


"I really look forward to it. When Master returns, he sees that the hard-built Panhuang Palace is destroyed, and all his precious disciples have turned into decayed bones. I don’t know what it will be like. At that time, our two brothers I have returned to Taihuang Mountain. Master knows that we have destroyed Pangu, and will definitely reward me for sheltering me. Haha, I really look forward to it!"


  Lin Leiha's smile, that expression is really rampant.


   "Sin Barrier!" Sin Bee scolded, "Since ancient times, there is no evil, but I have something to do with it, despite the messenger!"


   was present. The one who was not a gangster was threatened by these two guys. They were both filled with indignation and fists. Since you sent them to your door, don’t blame us.


   "Senior brother, don't talk nonsense with them, hurry up and clean them up. We haven't dared to return to Taihuang Mountain for so many years. This time we must give Master a big gift!" Lin Feng said aloud.


   "That's right!" Lin Lei grinned and glanced at the crowd. "Brothers and brothers, I really want to say goodbye to you today!"


  Finally, Lin Lei and Lin Feng's body surged instantly and pressed towards the Quartet.


  Sin Fengtian Wu and others all felt that their breathing was stagnant. These two guys, who have been hiding for so many years, really are not Baizang. With this momentum alone, I am afraid that these individuals, alone, will not be opponents. )!!

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