Super Study God

Chapter 1609: Paint the ground!



   Su Hang looked at the two men in front of him with a black face, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, "Where have you just gone?"


   The two were sweating as if they were cured by coughing and sneezing at this moment, and they dared not speak out at all.


  You asked me what I said. I can say that we made a trick to get away from the mountain, brought you here, and then sneaked to take your old nest?


  I really want to say this, your old man hasn't directly destroyed us.


   "Hui, back to Master Uncle's words, disciple, disciple..." The two of them swallowed up and down, but for a moment they couldn't think of a proper excuse. The panic in their hearts has already made them lose their square.


   Just now, they were still arrogant in the Panhuang Palace and thought they had succeeded. If this one destroyed the Panhuang Palace, killed the Su Hang disciples, and returned to Taihuang Mountain, that would not be a great achievement.


Originally, their task of going down the mountain was to add chaos to the Pangu clan. It has been 10,000 years, and they have not made any achievements, and they have lost the Holy Queen Beast Queen. This way, they will definitely be punished, so they only stayed for thousands of times. Years, this one finally saw hope, and the result, in a second, changed from heaven to hell.


   If the back door was so painful, they almost thought it was a dream.


   "Teacher spares life, Master spares life!"


  Kou who can't stop, at this moment, the only thing they can do is beg.


  After all, in the face of absolute strength, they dare to have other non-divided thoughts there.


   "Master Uncle?"


Hongyun looked up at Suhang with tears in her eyes, apparently trying to beg for the two, but she closed her mouth soon because she knew that Suhang could not forgive them with the heinous crimes committed by the two. No matter what she said, the result could not be changed.


   "Old Ancestor."


Several elders from the Canglang tribe came to their knees at this time and kowtowed to Su Hang, "These two demon heads have killed countless people of our tribe, and they still control me with the gas of the plague, making me wait for misery. Please beg the ancestors!"


   "Pray for the ancestors to decide for me!"


  The elders and the people of the Canglang tribe all knocked in unison.


   "Look at the good things you did!"


   Su Hang looked at the two men in front of him with a black face and looked like a guy who didn’t look like a ghost. He said angrily, "Do you want me to remind you how to do it?"


   There was no hesitation between them, and they stood up quickly, opened their mouths, and sucked in for a while, and the wind and the wind surged in a sudden, the plague gas spread all over the tribe, just like the dust under the vacuum cleaner, quickly gathered.


   Including the elders around, and a few of them Xue Qi, all of them had black air leaking out of them, and soon they were like a whirlwind. They were sucked into the mouth of the two people one after another.


   For a time, the sky seemed to be clear again. Xue Qi and others felt that the whole person had a new look. The weakness of the cold that hadn't been felt for a long time had disappeared, such as the initial recovery of a serious illness and the inexplicable relaxation of the body.


   "Uncle Shi!"


  Everything last night, the two of them quickly kneeled well, trembling, and looked like they were waiting to be heard.


   "Wu Jun, you leave the aftermath, after setting up these tribes, take your sister and sister back to heaven!"


  Su Hang instructed Emperor Jun, then grabbed one in one hand, just like twisting a chicken, lifted up the two plague demon, and left the sky.


   Xue Qi stepped forward and patted Hongyun on the shoulder, comforting two sentences, Hongyun stopped crying, and then the three left.


  Although the two men were wicked, Hongyun grew up with them and had deep feelings. At this time, the mood is complicated.


  I want to help them plead, but is it meaningful? The so-called actions of the two men are already exhausted and cannot be forgiven!






  Tiandu, Panhuang Palace.


  When Su Hang twisted two old demons back, they were completely shocked.


  Looking at the dying of these two guys, everyone seems to understand what, just these two guys suddenly disappeared, I am afraid that Su Hang has done something magical.


  The magical power of Pangu is really incredible.


  Especially Tian Wu and others, the reverence for Su Hang reached the peak in their hearts. How many masters were dispatched to solve these two demons? I didn’t know how many people I lost, but I couldn’t get the two-person system. Now, it’s so simple that Suhang has given it away!


  Looking at the two like dead dogs, everyone can't help but sigh, this is strength!


Under the majesty of Su Hang, the Lin brothers detoxified everyone in the palace, but the Dijiang poisoning was too deep. Although these two people recovered the virus, they were not injured for a while because of the damage of the spirit. Fa wakes up.


  If you want to recover, you have to spend some effort. Su Hang is powerless now, and you can only think of a way afterwards.


   Two days later, how to deal with these two demons, put it on the agenda.


Su Hang did not imprison them. He only drew a circle on the square in front of the main hall. This is called painting a dungeon. It’s such a common circle, without any magical power, but it works better than any **** dungeon. Squatted inside, the **** did not dare to move.


  Because they knew that no matter where they fled, Suhang could get them back, and when they waited for them, it would be even more cruel punishment.


   Unless they can escape to Taihuang Mountain before Suhang catches them, they may be able to escape their lives under the protection of their master.


   But obviously it was almost impossible. Suhang Airlines could not let them escape to Taihuang Mountain, and even if they returned to Taihuang Mountain, their master would not necessarily spare them easily.


   Since millions of years ago ~ ~ when their masters spread their plague magic skills, they have been very clear that in Lin Xuan's eyes, they have become abandoned.


   The only thing that is comforting is that Xiaoshimei Hongyun still remembers them. During these two days, she often visited them, gave them food, and even cried for them.


Both of them are extremely complicated. The reason why these two people will look like today is actually not related to Hongyun. Both of them have a love for Hongyun. During the Pangu clash, the two experienced some life and death. Afterwards, in order to become stronger, in order to grab back the red cloud, he practiced the magic skills and made himself unhuman.


   Now, it is indeed powerful, but such a meeting presents its ugliest side in front of Hongyun.


   This is undoubtedly the saddest thing in life!


   At night, when the lantern was at the beginning, the palace was quiet, a figure came out of the palace gate, and the decadent two looked up and saw that it was Hongyun, who had come to give them food.


   "Two brothers, are you hungry!" Hongyun put the food box on the ground, took out the food from it, and pushed it into the circle painted by Su Hang two days ago. )!!

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