Super Study God

Chapter 1628: Underworld!

Next to him, Emperor Jun listened to Wang Bo's words. Obviously, he felt very uncomfortable, but because of Su Hang's side, he could only hold his heart and dared not have an attack.

Su Hang extended a finger and pointed at Wang's nose. "Originally I thought that after all these years, you would grow a lot, but I didn't expect it to be such a reckless impulse to do whatever I want."

Wang exploded, "I've figured it out for a long time, anyway, I'm dead, I'm dead, I have lived for so long, I have lived long enough, my husband is born in this world, if I can't catch up with some vigorous events, wouldn't it be in vain? A trip to the world?"

"Criticism." Su Hang groaned angrily.

Wang Zong shrugged, "Our outlook on life is different. You have to be the Pangu God who protects the justice of the world and is famous in the history of the world. For me, I am only for myself. You say that I am selfish or extreme, anyway. Ah, I am me, different fireworks, wrong, I am not a fireworks, I am the lighter."

Wang Zu glanced at Su Hang, "Everything starts from Taihuang Mountain, and then ends at Taihuang Mountain."

After finishing talking, Wang Bian turned to go, and Su Hang stopped him, "I really don't know what you are thinking in your head, can you get him with just a few demon bombs?"

"Is it possible to get him one thing, to do or not to do it is another, since you don't want to help me, why bother me?" Wang Zu looked back at Su Hang, "You can rest assured that I will Find the place where Taihuang Mountain is located, and wait to see me lighting up the huge and bright fireworks."

"I'm afraid you will catch fire and burn up, even the mountains will not go up..." Su Hang said in a deep voice.

Wang Biao quickly interrupted Su Hang's words, and smiled indifferently, "It's nothing but a death. The big deal is death. Maybe your eyes are closed and you will return to later generations. These years have been just a dream."

Listening to Wang Radical's radical ideas, Su Hang knew that no matter what he said, it was useless. There is nothing to say at the moment.

Suddenly, Wang Zong looked at Su Hang, "When you leave, leave a few words for you, Su Hang, you are too focused on justice. I know that you may believe that the benevolent is invincible, but, don’t forget Now, this is an ancient world, a barbaric land, and righteousness is the hypocrisy among civilized people. The practice world is weak and strong. No one will tell you about righteousness. Only the fist is the last word. You are more fierce than others, more ruthless than others, Others will be afraid of you."

Su Hang frowned slightly, trying to refute Wang Bo's crooked theory.

However, Wang Fang apparently did not want to give Su Hang a chance to speak, "I know what you want to say, but I also want to say one more word. If you don’t say anything, just say to your few disciples, you think they all obey you. What? Even if you are convinced to take it orally, wait until you are gone, huh, wait and see."

Hehe, but it contains a lot of connotation, where can Suhang not hear it? For a while, I didn't know how to answer him.

Although Wang Zong's words are very aggressive and radical, it is undeniable that there are some truths.

When Su Hang was stunned, Wang Fang had already turned away.

He wanted to educate and educate him, but instead he was educated. At this time, Su Hang only had a hard smile in his heart.

This man Wang Fei, he can't understand more and more.

Next to him, Di Jun was a little nervous. The fire just seemed to be lit by him.

"The disciples are reckless and the master respects sin." Di Jun said.

"It's none of your business." Su Hang waved his hand, paused, and said, "You just heard the bombing of the heavenly people, and after you leave as a teacher, you brothers and sisters, will they really be like what he said?" "

Di Jun froze for a moment.

That's how stunned Su Air seems to have understood a lot, "Forget it, when I didn't ask."

Emperor Jun heard the words and fell down on his knees, full of panic. He looked up and wanted to say something. Hesitated for a long time, but he could not speak.

Su Hang sighed, "If there is one day, let the human race live a way."

After hearing this, Emperor Jun quickly shook his head at Su Hang. "When I return to Master, the disciples have no intention of unifying the whole world. In the future, they will never take the initiative to mobilize the sword soldiers with the human race. The disciples also borrowed from Master just now. Then, if, if there is one day, the disciples hope that the human race can also give me a way of life."

Su Hang exhaled for a long time, "Get up, there are some things, the general trend, but, for the teacher really can't bear to fight and fight!"

Suddenly, Su Hang looked at the vast mountains. "Unfortunately, the world trend is so vast. If you want to turn the tide, how easy is it?"

"Disciples panic." Di Jun said.

Su Hang looked away, "Go back, no need to follow me."

"Where is Master going?" Di Jun looked up at Su Hang.

"Underworld." Su Hang paused. "Go and see your two sisters."

"The two sisters are righteous, can the disciples go together?" Di Jun said.

Su Hang shook his head, "No need, just do your Su Hang is gone, Emperor Jun is standing on the top of the mountain, he can't calm down for a long time, in fact, he is not belligerent The human race, but the human race and the demon race are naturally opposed, and the demon race is not the other person's demon race. Many things are involuntarily.

Su Hang wants him to guarantee that he will not fight against the human race in the future, which is almost impossible. Even if he guarantees, it is just to deceive people and himself. He can only say that he does his best. After all, although he is a demon emperor, he He is not the only one who can make the decision.

In the same way, it is the same for the human race. The two races may settle down for a period of time because of Su Hang, but after a long time, they will repeat the reincarnation, forgetting it.

What's more, there is also a Taihuang Mountain. From time to time, some people will be sent out to engage in trouble. How can the future situation go, who can tell?




Since the earth was put away to make the human path unobstructed, the Heavenly Path was completed. Hongjun became the Heavenly Path, and the Dadao Avenue was in charge of the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

This world of illusion was another small world that Hong Jun developed at that time, and was separated from the Shura world opened by the Soviet Union.

This world is attached to the Xuanhuang Realm and is part of the Xuanhuang Realm, but it floats freely. Like the Shura Realm, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it.

The Underworld, also known as the Earth Mansion, is a place where Yin Qi converges. It is a place where six reincarnations stand.

Everything in the world can't escape death, old age, sickness and death. Although the body is dead, but the soul will not be destroyed, the soul will follow the instinct of traction to find the way to the earth.

Because there are countless monks in the ancient world, the capitals at this time have not had much influence, and there are not so many yin and evil spirits. Therefore, the underworld in the Taiko spiritual practice is almost a neglected and forgotten existence.

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