Super Study God

Chapter 1648: It's late!

"Alright!" Hongjun put a smile on his face, "Thank you brother for being magnanimous, if Pangumen got some first place, this little celestial fruit of the younger brother should also be offered, and the right should be a gift!"


   "Then I really want to thank you!"


   Su Hang gave him a speechless speech. Although Hong Jun said it was tempting, Pangu's **** of the three realms, but in Su Hang's view, it must not be that simple.


Everything is unknown in the future, Hong Jun’s history is extraordinary, for now it is only temporarily restrained. After all, the past generations are more coquettish. Such an existence, Su Hang can’t see what he is thinking in his heart, and now Hong Jun is the endorsement of Daoxin Linxuan. In fact, Lin Xuan hated himself so deeply, would he let such good things fall on himself?


   But Hongjun has already spoken about this, what can Su Hang say? If I refused it again, I was afraid that it would affect the relationship between the two. Su Hang also expected Hongjun to work with himself to turn the world around, but he dared not turn Hongjun from a friend into an enemy.


  The weight of those apprentices, Su Hang knew in his heart that with so many masters on the mountain road, they were almost impossible to take the lead, but if anyone was allowed to come first, then Su Hang would really only recognize it.




Looking on the mountain road, there are many familiar faces. Xue Qi Hongyun and others have already arrived, ranked in the tenth place, the two are holding hands, and there are hundreds of steps from the top of the mountain, but each step is It's difficult, and every time you take a step, you have to blush and wait for a while before looking to the next step.


   King fried also came, this guy was going to blow Taihuangshan, can not find the location of Taihuangshan, after receiving the invitation of Daozu, how dare you miss such an event?


The Wang fried arrived late, after the two of Xue Qi, there was a difference of twenty steps, separated by seven or eight people, with his head buried, his head crawled up, and the fat on his face was not pressed. The tremor stopped, the sweat kept flowing down!


   Other people are not much better. These days are the existence of ancestors, but now, even a small hill is very difficult to climb.


Su Hang looked at many familiar faces, and even Zhonghuangshan Nuwa was among them. He was followed by two old women. It seemed that Zhonghuangshan was very popular, but he didn't see the granddaughter of that day. It's a pity that the woman in white who possessed her body to make up the sky.


   "Huh? This man walks in front of Nuwa, I don't know who it is?" Su Hang's eyes fell on the front of the team, walking a handsome man who looked less than thirty.


   This man is covered with blonde hair, slender and tall, and looks marvelously heroic, perhaps for the purpose of carrying pressure, evoking a golden armor, which is very majestic.


   This person walks in the front of the team, only two or thirty steps from the top of the mountain. Although everyone comes there sooner or later, the one who walks in front is not necessarily the strongest, but the one who can walk in front is definitely not a waiter.


   The face is strange, but there is a bit of familiar breath, but Su Hang couldn't remember if he had seen it.


  Hongjun said, "His name is Long Ao, nicknamed Dragon Seven, I don’t know if you can remember, brother, the seventh in the world, and the qualifications are older than me..."


   "Dragon Seven? It turned out to be him?" Su Hang heard the words, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised. It turned out to be this man, the man of the piggy?


Hong Jun nodded, "This man is the first **** in the world, the monster in the list of monsters. This has unlimited potential, but unfortunately Long Ao is naturally unruly and neglected in practice. , I’m afraid I can compare it with the Nuwa Fenglixi."


   Nuwa Fenglixi is the old woman that Su Hang had seen on Zhonghuang Mountain at that time, and Nuwa, the former Nuwa, was the second existence in the world.


At that time, Su Hang and Hong Jun could not be ranked well in front of these existences, but now it is different now. Hong Jun has achieved Heavenly Dao and is invincible in the Heavenly Dao Realm, while Su Hang’s flesh and blood is in the Heavenly Dao Realm. In the environment, it is rare to meet rivals.


   Back then, those so-called masters, now in the eyes of Su Hang and Hong Jun, are not worth mentioning, and are not at all an order of magnitude.


   Knowing this person's identity, Su Hang couldn't help but glance at it twice, but unfortunately he didn't see the pig-woman, and I don't know if he was dead.


   If the mother-in-law did not break through the Heavenly Dao Realm, I am afraid that she would not be able to live the present, but is Heaven Dao Realm so good to break through?


   Long Ao's strength is indeed extraordinary, others have to stop for three or five minutes to take a step, and although he has already reached the top of the mountain, the pressure is getting stronger. Every step, the time he stays is only one or two minutes.


  If there is no accident, the first person to climb the mountain should be this Long Ao.


  Hongjun’s abacus is probably going to fall through. Su Hang has settled a little bit in his heart. It’s better not to touch his apprentice’s head.




   At this time, several streamers came from a distance and fell at the foot of the mountain.


  The people at the bottom of the mountain turned their heads to see, but they all froze for a moment.


   But who is the person who came, it turned out to be the Holy Saints of the Sun Palace.


   Emperor Jun and Tai Yi started, followed by several people, including the demon master Kunpeng, and a kind of demon sage.


   There is also a demon, wearing a mail armor, strong build, majestic, and gray hair on his face, tidy and tidy, and looks not messy.


   was originally an elder ancestor-level figure born out of a demon race for a long time, Ape Huang Xiaotian.


   Today's meeting actually brought out this existence, and it can be seen what kind of prosperity will be. Unfortunately, for most of the people present, it is impossible to go up the mountain at all, let alone see the ancestral face of Daozu?


   "Oh, it's too The demon master Kunpeng patted his thigh and looked at the countless people on the mountain road, he couldn't help feeling annoyed.


  The Sun Palace is far away from this place, and gathered all the saints to come, so it was so delayed, and it came later.


   "I heard that there are only one hundred seats on the mountain, but I don't know how many people have already gone up. Xidian, let's hurry up."


  I didn't expect this kind of show. Taiyi was also anxious. She yelled at Dijun quickly and said that she would go on the mountain road.


Dao Zu preached, it was extremely rare, so many people sharpened their heads and drilled on the mountain, one can imagine how precious the 100 seats are, the magnificent demon clan, the heaven and earth dominate, if the Sun Palace does not even have a seat If you get it, wouldn't it be plain jokes?


   Looking at the mountain road, still climbing, let alone hundreds of people, it is not impossible to put an air force in the Sun Palace.


   After listening to this, Emperor Jun did not dare to neglect, and even took the lead to go up the mountain road.


  However, at this time, the nearby Kunpeng Demon Master stretched out his hand to stop the two of them. )!!

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