Super Study God

Chapter 1653: Than background?

Everyone was arguing endlessly, and they were all chosen for that day. As long as they are not stupid, this is definitely a good job!


   Suhang looked straight and shook his head, so keep going, I'm afraid I will fight!


   Fortunately, a few disciples under his door had to be much quieter, which made Su Hang a little comforting, but maybe it was because of his presence!


   For a long time, Hongjun finally said, "Shut up, the destiny has already been decided, everyone need not fight!"




   has been set? After a moment of silence, everyone looked back, and it seemed that then they realized that Dao Zu was on the side. Those who had left the seat quickly returned to their seats and sat in danger!


   was just a rogue phase, but now he is one of the world's other masters. The so-called all kinds of sentient beings can be seen on this Qintai Mountain!


   A pair of eyes, all fell on Hongjun's body, waiting for Hongjun to speak, the destiny has been set, I don't know who it is, is it on this Qintai Mountain?


   Anxious, looking forward, that lucky person, will it be me?


   At this time, Hongjun glanced and said, "Before I wait for the mountain, I have already made an appointment with the real person of Pangu. The first person to set foot on Qintai Mountain is the Lord of the future court!"


   "Ah?" Everyone heard the words and instantly went to the person sitting at the front. Emperor Jun looked at it.


   Both of them were stunned, and Di Jun was trembling all over. The first one to climb the Qintai Mountain, wasn't it me?


   At this time, Emperor Jun finally understood why the master's expression would look so strange when he went up the mountain that day!


   Actually, he is a man of yin and yang, and he is the man of destiny chosen by the ancestors? In an instant, Di Jun felt a thorn in his back.


   didn't need to look back at all, he would be able to know that everyone was looking at him at the moment, and that all eyes must be full of jealousy and hatred.


  After all, he was not glorious at first, not to mention upright. Among the people, I was afraid that only the Sun Palace’s demon Shengru would be smashed by the pie, ecstatic.


   There was a lot of discussion around everyone, it was nothing more than to care about the length of Emperor Jun!




   At this moment, one person stood up, and everyone looked up, but it was the dragon seven with a face full of anger!


  Almost without guessing, you can know why Long Qi is so angry, and it is angry to be yourself!


  Long Qi pointed directly at Emperor Jun, and said to Hongjun, "Dao Zu, these two men flew directly up from the mountain road, not the right way..."


  The words were so passionate and everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Emperor Jun Tai's first is indeed not glorious. If the truth is first, Long Qi is the first!


   "Dragon Sovereign is bad!" At this time, a voice came from the back seat.


   looked back, but it was Kun Peng.


Kun Peng smiled on his face, and at first glance was a smooth generation, "Although Long Zun came early and my lord came, Dao Zu did not say that we must go up the mountain from the mountain road, only that the first one to go up the mountain is destiny. Man, my lord is the first to go up the mountain, this one must be my lord, and no one else is!"


   said that the people said were dumb and speechless. Everyone heard it. Although they were disdainful in their hearts, no one opened their mouths to preach justice.


  After all, who is the first of you, what does it matter? What to do with me, anyway, it is not our turn, and it is still an offense to offend people!


   "Kun Peng, you junior, who is so brave to talk to the deity?" Long Qi stared.


  Long Qi Na is a veteran of the Shui tribe. Kunpeng was born later than him. Strictly speaking, it is indeed a junior of the Shui tribe.


  Kunpeng heard the words, not hurrying, but only laughed, "Long Zun's words are not good. I'm waiting for Daozu and Pangu real people. Doesn't it make sense for seniors and juniors?"


   is really reasonable. Everyone saw it, and they all felt that Long Qi was hot-tempered, and Kun Peng was a little calm. Although Long Qi was powerful, it was reasonable, but he had lost three points at this time.


   "Sin obstacles, dare to bully me?" Long Qi scolded!


   Kunpeng Road, "Dragon Lord is not annoyed, the destiny has been determined, everything is decided by Dao Zu!"


  Long Qi looked back at Hongjun. He saw that Hongjun did not speak. He knew that Hongjun must have told Yijun already.


   But if Hongjun’s words were not spoken, then there was still room for change. What fate, wasn’t Hongjun’s words? He is a free and easy person, but today's affairs are about dignity and the future, indisputable!


   fiercely, Long Qi turned and pointed to Emperor Jun, "This junior, what can he do?"


   "Dragon Lord!"


At this time, Ape Xiaotianteng stood up at once, and it was related to the interests of the Sun Palace. He could not sit back and watch, "My Lord is sent by someone from my ape. Long Zunruo has gas in his heart, just come to me. That's it!"


   "Well, you are a furry beast, but when the deity doesn't dare to take you?" Long Qilong was shocked, his eyes glared, as if he wanted to eat people!


   Both of them are impulsive generations. When they came together, they did not directly hit the fire.


Kunpeng immediately said, "Long Zun, I think you are a few points long, and you are also a sage of the aquarium, so respect you three points, don't give yourself a long face, my lord is the demon demon emperor, and under the door of the real person of Pangu Disciple, how honorable is your identity, and what is the reason for this fate?"


   Say it in one sentence, there were still a few people who wanted to give Longqi platform all were speechless.


The demon demon emperor said that there are many demon clan powers on the spot. In addition to the Sun Palace, a few will take Dijun as a junior, but don’t forget, Dijun is Pangu Disciples of real people, Pangu real people are now sitting on the stage. Who dares not give face when they are present?


At this time, everyone knew that Di Jun's destiny had already been determined. Even if Di Jun was not the first to go up the mountain today, I was afraid that the last one to go up the mountain was the choice of destiny. Can block the long mouth.


  Everyone looked at Long Qi's eyes, full of sympathy, who made you not so powerful backstage!




   However, what is surprising is that Long Qi laughed when he heard this, as if he heard the most funny joke in the world.


   Everyone was stunned. Was it difficult for Long Ao to get stimulated and not be crazy?


  Long Ao laughed for a while, then suddenly stopped his laughter, and looked at Kunpeng and other people with irony, "I'm really a big slippery world, compared with the deity, compared to the background?"


   Everyone was stunned. Listening to Long Ao's tone, it seems that there is nothing more awesome in the background?


I saw Long Ao pointing at Emperor Jun, proudly saying, "In terms of seniority, this child's father, Jin Wu, when I saw him, I had to be called an elder brother. On the background, he was nothing more than a real disciple of Pangu. I have a sister, Pangu. His wife, where can he compare with his deity?"



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