Super Study God

Chapter 1655: Wait for 1 time in 0 million years!

Will she really be on the mountain?


   I always thought that she would go to the future, how could she come to the present?


  If she came to the Taikoo world, why didn't she come out to meet me when I came to Zhonghuangshan?


  If, if she is not on the mountain, what should I do?


   At this moment, Su Hang's mood is extremely complicated and messy. Countless thoughts drifted from his mind. The result of the loss is that the feet are like lead, and they can't step out.


   "Xue'er, are you really here?"


   Su Hang looked at the waterfall and murmured in his mouth.






  Zhonghuang Mountain, in the back of the mountain.




  The woman in white embroidered her face and knelt down on the steps. On the high-level stage, a white-haired old woman was sitting, just like a sculpture, and she didn't know how long she had been sitting there.


  100,000 years? Million years?


   "He is here, how is it good?" The woman looked up at the old woman on the stage, with a pair of beautiful eyes in a pair of beautiful eyes.




   A faint, old sigh, the old woman opened her eyes slowly, a pair of murky eyes, instantly became clear, like two bottomless deep pools, vicissitudes, wisdom, seems to be able to penetrate everything.


   Feng Lixi didn't know that this was the first time she had woken up. Since she achieved Heavenly Dao Realm that year, she has been retreating and practicing, most of the time she is sleeping.


With a big sleeve waving, his right hand made a circle in the void, making a circle of light, and a circular mirror was formed in the void. The scene shown above was just outside Zhonghuang Mountain, and Su Hang was standing in front of the waterfall. Scenes.


Looking down and kneeling in front of yourself, this favorite beloved disciple sighed in the wind, "It's time to come, after all, the old ancestors have strict orders, before the human race is prosperous and becomes the ruler of heaven and earth, you and him are not allowed Meet, now it seems that the block can't stop, let's go out and meet him."


   "Master?" The woman looked up, surprised and surprised, looking at Feng Lixi unexpectedly.


   Feng Lixi said, "He had taken the monsters up the mountain and had a fight. This time is even different from the past. If he will go up the mountain, the current Zhonghuang Mountain can't stand his destruction."


This is the truth. Today's Feng Lixi, the Seventh Realm of the Heavenly Dao Realm, can be said to be the first person under the Dao Zu. The pinnacle ninth grade realm can be called invincible in the universe, but Feng Li hopes to use the talent of the Nuwa family to practice it.


  The first person under Dao Zu was almost without suspense. However, in the face of Suhang, Feng Lixi did not dare to claim that he had the victory over him.


   If Su Hang insists on asking for a drop out, Zhonghuang Mountain can't stop it at all. If it is deliberately obstructed, it may bring Zhongshan Mountain to death. This is what Feng Lixi does not want to see.


   "Go, go back quickly, just see one side, not to stay long, let alone take him up the mountain." Feng Lixi commanded, and closed his eyes again.


  The woman in white froze for a moment, then tapped her head on the stage, got up, and turned away.




   "Alas, my robbery is coming!"


  After the woman in white walked, Feng Lixi opened her eyes and sighed for a long time.






  Outside Zhonghuang Mountain.


  Su Hang suffered a lot, and didn't know whether he should go up the mountain. On the one hand, he couldn't wait to find Ao Xue. On the one hand, he was afraid that Ao Xue was not in Zhonghuang Mountain, which made him lose hope.




At this moment, a sudden tremor came from the waterfall in front. Su Hang turned to look up and saw that the waterfall was like two curtains, slowly opening to the side, revealing a spacious waterway in the middle. Come.


   Someone came out.


   A white figure slowly came out of the depth of the waterfall.


   in white clothes, embroidered veil cover, exquisite figure, light footsteps, such as immortal Linchen, slowly step by step Lingbo.


   The figure is like printing ten million times in Su Hang's mind, so familiar, so missed, so enchanted.


   Su Hang stayed in place, watching the figure slowly come out of the waterfall, completely excited and inexplicable, and two warm currents passed unconsciously on his face.


   salty, is tears.


  Even if Wan Tribulation engulfed, Su Hang couldn't shout a word. At this moment, she was crying disappointedly, tears captivating her eyes.


   The figure, step by step, step by step, as if stepping on his heart.


The woman came outside the waterfall, only 20 to 30 meters away from Su Hang, stopped, and stopped looking forward. She only looked at Su Hang with tears in her eyes. Time and space seemed to be completely still at this moment, the sound of the rushing waterfall, It seems to be gradually away from the two.


   "Xue'er, are you?"


   It took a long time before Su Hang shuddered and asked a word.


  Ling Bo stood up, her eyes were dizzy and she looked at Su Hang from afar, but she did not respond for a long time.


   At this time, without warning, a black spot suddenly appeared in the space behind Su Hang.


  Like a drop of ink, dripping on rice paper, the black spots grew larger and larger, and quickly spread into a black hole of more than one foot in height.


  'S huge suction power instantly surpassed Suhang's body, and even his fleshly body could not resist.




   Su Hang called lowly, trying hard, and wanted to approach the woman in front.


  However, before he lifted his leg, he was already swallowed by the black hole in that space.


After Su Hang entered the black hole, the black hole shrank quickly, and it quickly shrank into a black dot, then disappeared completely, as if never waterfall is still running, and the woman is standing in the water Above, there was no movement for a long time, and let the pool water stirred in that pool hit him, and the wind blew the long hair in front of her, blowing away her covered embroidered parquet.


  Under the embroidered parquet, a peerless face was covered with tears at this time. Two drops of crystal fell along the cheeks and fell into the water pool, without arousing the slightest wave.


   "Brother Su!"


   For a long time, the woman called softly, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and she had completely cried into tears.


   One side is really just one side.


  Wait for millions of years, and wait, it's just this side.


   But this seems to be enough.






   Later generations, Huoyun Mountain!


  Why, why did it happen at this time?


The tears of   's life seemed to have shed at this moment, but that was not sad, but excitement and joy.


   finally found her, no one can feel how excited Suhang is at the moment.


  Although it was brought back by the Xueshen system at the critical moment, at least I saw her and at least knew where she was.


  Although she did not answer, Su Hang was sure that it was Ao Xue, Su Jin's mother, and his wife Ao Xue who was thinking about it day and night. )!!

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