Super Study God

Chapter 1657: Wrath of the Dragon King!

  Octopus is not a race with extraordinary talents. At this age, it can almost be compared with the peak genius of human race.


   At this time, Su Jin asked, "Is there a teacher for this child?"


  , but it seems that he asked Aoke. Aoke quickly turned around and carried the shelf to the lower ring and shouted, "Zhang Gan, your majesty asked you, can you have a teacher?"


This chapter is Gan, although young, but also extraordinary, now put away the spear, kneeling on the knee on one knee, calmly facing the higher order, said, "Your Majesty, the boy has no teacher, only in childhood, because of chance , An old immortal from the West Sea has given pointers for a few days, and he has learned a little bit of the practice of refining the gods..."




   Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this, but with just a few days of pointing, can they achieve such achievements? This little guy is bragging.


   Su Jin went to the West Sea Dragon King Aoke and looked over, "Aoke, in your West Sea, there are such superiors?"


   "Fourth brother, please don't let this child's yellow mouth talk nonsense to fill your Xihai face..."


   "You can't afford the crime of bullying the king..."


   Su Jin's voice fell, and several dragon kings scolded Aoke, listening to the ear, there was a bit of sour grape flavor.


  Aoke was sweaty, and quickly got up and prayed to Su Jin, "Your Majesty forgive sins, this subject is really unknown..."


  Su Jin waved his hand, "Ai Qing does not need to be nervous, I just ask casually, our vast territory is vast, and there are a few high-ranking people, it is not surprising..."


  Ok listened to this, and then calmed down a little bit. After gratitude, he quickly turned to the audience Zhang Gan said, "Gan, you also say, who is the name of the old immortal surname, can there be a name among the four seas?"


  Zhang Gan said, "The kid only knew that the old fairy called himself Dao Xuan Lao Xian, and all the people in the world are juniors, except that the disciples didn't know anything else..."


   Dao Xuan Lao Xian? All the people in the world are juniors? This tone is not small.


Everyone shook their heads. Among the four seas, there was this figure, and even Su Jin shook his head. He lived for 100,000 years, not to mention that the four seas, even if it is the entire land of the immortal continent, there are no famous people with surnames. He didn't know a few, but he had never heard of Dao Xuan Lao Xian.


  Long Emperor faced up, Aoke naturally knew that Zhang Gan's answer was not satisfactory, and immediately asked, "Where is that old fairy, and where did you see him?"


   In the Xihai, there are such people. As the king of the Xihai Dragon, he is completely unaware, and some are too unreasonable.


  Zhang Gan was about to say something. At this time, Su Jin waved his hand, "Today's clan meeting, such idle business, come down and talk about it."


  Su Jin made a speech, Aoke just stopped, returned to the position and sat down, the clan would compete, and proceed.




  Half a day later, the contest finally ended. There was no accident in that chapter. Actually, several elite children of the Dragon race were defeated and won the first prize.


The Xihai Dragon Palace suddenly covered the momentum of the other four seas. In the previous clan meetings, Xihai was basically the last one, but this time it killed a black horse and directly made a number one. It was really unexpected and it was a bit difficult. Confidence.


   logically said that the Xihai Dragon King should be very happy, because after so many years, he finally raised his eyebrows and exhaled once, but in fact, he was not happy at all.


There is no reason for him. The first in the past was all from the Dragon Clan, but this time, it fell into the side branch and was taken by a little monster of the Octopus Clan. Although he had a Xihai face, he beat the Dragon Clan. face.




   is night, Yinglong Palace.


   This is the guest palace. In this tribal meeting, guests from all over the world stayed here. The Xuanshui Temple, west of the palace, was the sleeping place of the Xihai delegation.


   The door of the main hall was closed, and there were several soldiers outside the house, but they didn't know what was going on in the hall, only to hear a few swears.


   "Zhang Gan, this king can treat you as a father and son. Are you brave enough?" Aoke sat on the throne, his face dark as black, staring with big eyes, just like eating humans.


In the middle of the hall, Zhang Gan knelt on the ground, heard Aoke's words, and calmly replied, "Why did the Dragon King say this? Gan didn't understand."


   "Don't understand?" Aok seemed to dislike Zhang Gan's indifferent appearance immediately, and said, "How did this king tell you before the tribe meeting? Remember?"


  Zhang Gan listened, and replied, "This time the family meeting, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is close, once in a lifetime, the Dragon King let Gan Bao Prince Ao Jun..."




  Waiting for Zhang Gan to finish, Aoke interrupted him with a snort, "You remember clearly."


After a pause, Aoke said, "This king knows you are very capable. This competition, not to mention the first, it is a certain thing to enter the top three, and the king does not ask much. I only hope my child can enter the top five. , Leaking a face in front of the Dragon Emperor, but you are good, just kill him, and lose the king's face."


   Zhang Gan is speechless.


This King of the West Sea Dragon is also a superlative. He knew Zhang Gan's ability. This time he brought Zhang Gan to participate in the contest. In fact, he was allowed to play counterfeit. The four sea dragons all have guaranteed places. For example, dragons and grandsons can enter the final. Of the finals.


  The Xihai Dragon King had a good abacus. Let Zhang Gan fight for a few games. He challenged his dragon prince Ao Jun to take the stage. As long as Zhang Gan deliberately lost, he would be able to pick up his son.


   This is a good opportunity to show his face in front of the Dragon Emperor, maybe the Dragon Emperor is Directly under the door to teach, no matter how bad, reward a few drops of Dragon Blood, and also be able to get his son's hard work for many years.


In today's situation, let alone the top five, Zhang Gan had defeated the dragons of the four seas at that time, no one dared to take the stage to fight, Ao Jun came to the stage to challenge, Zhang Gan only needs one defeat, his son is the first , How beautiful?


  How can you think of it, but after a dozen rounds, Zhang Gan knocked Ao Jun off the ring.


   This time the West Sea won the championship, Aoke did not feel the glory, but rather a little shame.


"The boy is guilty." Zhang Gan bowed his head and said, "The dragon king told him that the boy didn't dare or hope, but at that time His Majesty the Dragon Emperor faced him. If the boy was fake, how could he escape the eyes of His Majesty's Dharma? How can you be ashamed when you get it?"




  Aoke listened, and became angry and angry, but even if he wanted to reach out and hit someone, but he fisted into the air, he stopped again.


The fist was taken back fiercely. Aoke tried to calm down his grumpy temper and said, "Okay, this king is not going to investigate with you for the time being. At the clan meeting today, Your Majesty asks you, what is your mission, why? Never explained to this king? What Dao Xuan Lao Xian, and where is the wild monster, dare to call me a senior of the world."


After listening to this, Zhang Gan was obviously a little bit uncomfortable. He paused before saying, "The Dragon King never asked, how did the boy explain, as for the mysterious old fairy, the boy is only one side of his old family, but From the point of view of the kid, his old man is a fairy, not a monster.") Download the free reader!!

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