Super Study God

Chapter 1661: 1 punch break!

Using conscious modeling techniques, non-stop deductions, non-stop backtracking through time, searching for the traces of the horses and horses, and the route for the chemical beads to leave, Su Hang came all the way to the top of Xianxia Mountain.


   In the modeling of consciousness, the made-up beads disappeared here that night, and they never appeared again.


   Su Hang stood on the top of the mountain and looked around blankly. For a moment, he didn't know how to start. The consciousness modeling technique was stopped here, and no trace of synthetic beads was found before and after.


   I heard that the domain beast leopard is good at the space field, and the space fluctuation is abnormal here. Could it be that the leopard has opened up a different space here?


   Su Hang frowned lightly. On the top of the mountain, Su Hang could feel that the space barrier was more active than other places. Of course, if you don't look closely, you can't detect it.


   Su Hang also thought of the ability of the carp, plus the chemical beads disappeared here again, only after this guess.


  The domain beast carp leopard has extraordinary abilities. Because of its powerful space sphere ability, it was nothing more than that he and Huang Tian Singhe Chabian Xianxia Mountain failed to find its trail last time.


  If it opens up a different space on this mountain, and is interested in hiding, if you want to find it, it may be as difficult as it is to climb into the sky. The chemical beads disappear from here, and the space here fluctuates abnormally. Presumably that different space is here!


   took a deep breath, Su Hang clenched his fists, ready to break the space barrier, so as to go in and see.


  If there is no accident, the two old monsters are also inside. If he breaks into himself like this, he is undoubtedly dying himself, but he seems to have no choice.


  Have to save the mother and daughter of the Ye family quickly. Waiting for a second is dangerous.


  However, just as Su Hang was about to start, a gleam of light flashed in the sky to the east, and someone came from the sky.


   Several figures crossed the sky and landed in front of Su Hang steadily.


   Su Hang looked at it, and he was relieved, but Su Jin came, followed by Ao Fang, and there was a young guy.


   "Children meet my father!" Su Jin met Su Hang and immediately bowed down!


  Su Hang raised his hand and put the matter at hand temporarily, "When will he return?"


   "The child just returned from the East China Sea, and heard that his father was coming to Xianxia, ​​and came over immediately!" Su Jindao said.


   Su Hang nodded slightly, didn't ask too much, just set her eyes behind Su Jin.


  Su Jin turned around and looked, "Gan'er, haven't you come up to see God Emperor yet?"


  The young man was Zhang Gan. He was standing behind Su Jin at this time and was already seen by Su Hang with a pale face.


   Hearing Su Jin’s words, Zhang Gan quickly stepped forward and knelt in front of Su Hang. “Disciple Zhang Gan, see the teacher!”


   "Teacher?" Su Hang heard the words and was stunned.


Su Jin said quickly, "This son's name is Zhang Gan, but this time the Sihai tribe will compete first. The child saw him with extraordinary talent, so he brought him back and wanted to accept a disciple, but before that, he had to let his father see one look!"


Su Hang heard that and glanced at Su Jin. With his understanding of Su Jin, he obviously had other deep meanings in his words. Su Jin also lived for 100,000 years, and he did not accept an apprentice in 100,000 years. How come there is a sudden whim?


   And even if you want to accept a disciple on a whim, there is no need to tell him, although he is a father, but it is not a matter of son. It is not a matter of taking an apprentice, it is not a matter of recruiting a daughter-in-law!


   What is the difference between this young man?


   Su Hang looked at the Zhang Gan in front of him with a kind of scrutiny, can a little octopus essence enter the eyes of the Dragon Emperor?


  Zhang Gan buried his head, not daring to raise his head.


  Su Jin laughed sideways, "This child was not like this before, even the Xihai Dragon King dared to collide. At this moment, under the majesty of his father, he finally knew that he was afraid!"


   "Master dignity, disciple fears!" Faced with Su Hang's gaze, Zhang Gan's voice was shaking.


   "Get up!" For a long time, Su Hang waved his hand, "You wait and go back to the palace, I will return later!"


  He still has more important things, but he has no time to care about Su Jin, this apprentice, everything is still waiting for the thorny things to be solved.


  Zhang Gan just got up and retreated behind Su Jin tremblingly, looked up at Su Hang secretly, his sweat did not know when he had soaked his clothes.


   This is the father of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. The legendary existence. Seen today, it really is extraordinary, just a glance, almost made my heart collapse.


   "Father, do you want this?" Su Jin asked Suhang.


   "Something needs to be done, maybe it will be a little tricky, go back and wait!" Su Hangdao said, turned around, and punched him into the void with a punch.




   The space cracked in response to the sound. The void was like a glass hit by a bullet, and was instantly covered with cracks. A dark black hole formed in the fist of Suhang!




   Zhang Gan exclaimed, almost sitting on the ground without a butt, although he was arrogant genius, but why had he seen such a battle?


   The terrible turbulence in space, even if Su Jin didn’t dare to hurry up, not to mention that he was such a little demon in the same realm?


   After Su Jin quickly retreated with Zhang Gan, he was afraid that he would be entangled in that space. He was physically strong, but it was better to say that, but if he changed Zhang Gan, he was afraid that he would be turned into a fan in minutes.


   "Father, can you take the children with you?" Su Jin asked quickly.


   "Dangerous, retreat quickly." Su Hang only said, without looking back, he directly stepped into the black hole.


  As the figure of Su Hang disappeared, the black hole gradually shrank, and the broken space barrier quickly healed until there were no traces.


   Su Jin stood on the spot, his face full of disappointment, after all, he was still too weak to help even a little.




   At this time, Zhang Gan stepped forward, his face still palpitated, pale, "Master, where did he go?"


  Su Jin shook his He also wanted to know.


  Zhang Gan stood in the same place, his face full of fear, just a punch, it broke the space, what a powerful force.


   It's ridiculous that he was in the West Sea, and boasted of himself as a genius. He really looked at the sky from the well. The world outside was so vast, and there were so many powerful people between heaven and earth.




I don’t know where Su Hang went. Su Jin was always worried, but there was no way. He didn’t have Su Hang’s ability to wait for a punch to break the void. The only thing he could do was listen to Su Hang’s instructions and wait for Huilong Palace to wait. .


  It was hard to see each other, but left in a hurry. Su Jin sighed in his heart, hoping that Su Hang would come back as soon as he said.


   "Your Majesty, the Sihai tribe will just finish, there are still many miscellaneous things in the palace that need to be dealt with, let's go back." Ao Fang bowed.


  Su Jin nodded slightly and took the two to the sky to Tiandu Mountain. )!!

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