Super Study God

Chapter 1664: protocol!

"You said, Lord Dao let you wait here for the new master, could it be the little girl of the Ye family?" Su Hang asked.

"Yes or not, it doesn't matter to you..." Leopard said.

Su Hang chuckled, "That girl has a relationship with me, why is it irrelevant? Besides, how credible your words are, it is not yet known, how do you let me believe your words? And let me go in See her mother and daughter!"

"No!" Leopard stopped directly in front of Su Hang, his face full of vigilance.

Su Hang frowned and clenched his fists violently, "I just saved you!"

"This matter should be counted as another!" Leopard cuts the nail, "Heaven is destined, I can't let this baby girl fail!"


Su Hang sneered and didn't let me meet. How can I be sure that her mother and daughter are safe? If you are destined to die, you want to chase me away. How can I know if you have any evil intentions?

Seeing the mother and daughter of the Ye family, Su Hang is really at ease, since you want to stop me, then hit it!

At the moment, Su Hang raised his right hand and pointed the muzzle of the killing gun at the domain beast leopard, "Keep off!"

The words are full of threats. This leopard is afraid that it is already an adult. The adult leopard has the power of the main level. Just after Huang Tian and Styx have joined forces, they can only tie it. Let alone Su Hang?

However, because this beast has just fought a battle, it must be damaged. Su Airways believes that there will be an opportunity!

Leopard saw the power of the sharp gun just now, and was pointed at the muzzle of Su Hang. He also instinctively felt the threat and his body paused.

"Young man, it's dangerous for you to do this!" Leopard said.

Su Hang said sharply, "I let you give up!"

One word at a time, the meaning of the threat is beyond words, the finger is already on the trigger, and it seems to be ready to fire this shot at any time!

Leopard did not give up, "If I am not wrong, you will do more damage to the soul and spirit body in this instrument..."

"Would you like to try it?" Su Hangdao said that the Leopard said well. The killing of the sharp gun is indeed more harmful to the spirit. However, if you get a gun, the same will hurt, but it will be weakened by the body. It’s all right, and you can take it if you get a shot.

Leopard said, "Don't bluff, your magical instrument hurts me a lot, but I can kill you. Would it be faster than anyone of us?"

It's a bit embarrassing if I can't bluff it. Su Hang is not sure if the beast is bluffing like him. This is a bit risky.

One person and one animal was so deadlocked that the scene was very embarrassing.

At this time, a rustling footsteps came from behind the leopard. Su Hang looked at it, and at the entrance of the cave, a woman with light makeup, holding a baby swaddle, came out of the cave entrance.

His face was pale, he looked left and right, and he was terrified. He was very scared at first glance.

Su Hang looked at it, it was Ye mother and daughter. At this time, Leopard obviously saw them too, obviously a little nervous, for fear that Su Hang was suddenly difficult.

"You, you..." Looking at this man and the beast in the canyon, the woman was obviously terrified, holding the child and shaking.

Su Hang directly said, "Tiandu Mountain, Dragon Palace monk Su Hang, I have seen you, you have not seen me!"

When the woman heard the words, she was startled, and then her face was filled with joy, "It turns out to be Immortal Chang, please help the little lady!"

After that, the woman hugged her child and knelt down directly on the ground. In the past two days, she was taken captively by this beast. She didn’t know what she had born, only that she was scared and scared. After all, this The shape of the beast is terrifying.

I saw Su Hang at this time, and heard that it was a monk in Tiandu Mountain. Although she had never seen Su Hang, she had heard the two old women who took care of her in the village. When she saw Su Hang, she naturally saw it. Savior.

But this scene can embarrass that domain beast carp leopard.

"Don't be afraid, and get up, I will take you safely away!" Su Hang said directly.

The woman was very thankful, but wherever she could get up, she hadn't eaten for two days because she was afraid, and her legs were too soft.

Su Hang looked at Leopard, "But what else do I say, I want to take them away, do you still want to stop?"

Leopard is obviously not very happy, I saved your mother and daughter, why are you so afraid of me?

"No, they are the safest to follow me!" Leopard said.

Su Hang smiled, "Safe? You see what she was afraid of, and, for these two days, you didn't give them anything to eat. She is a mortal and cannot survive like you, relying on Reiki, you let her Can they still live with you?"

This remark was obviously in the heart of Leopard, and suddenly hesitated.

"Moreover, their mother and daughter are both women. You are a little leopard to take them, is it inconvenient?" Su Hang said again.

"How do I know you will not harm them?" Leopard said.

When it asked this sentence, Suhang already knew It was already relieved.

Su Hangdao, "You don't worry about me, and I don't worry about you, but you can ask her to see if she is willing to follow you or follow me!"

The domain beast carp leopard looked back, scared the woman trembling, almost not fainted.

No need to ask anymore, the result is very obvious.

Leopard hesitated for a long time, turned his head to look at Su Hang, "I can give them to you, but I have a condition!"

condition? I'm afraid that if you don't mention the conditions, Su Hang immediately spread its hands and signaled that the beast Lei Leopard in that domain said nothing.

"Where they go, I will go where I can't let this female doll out of my sight!" Leopard said.

What is this condition? Su Hang listened to this and frowned lightly. Does the leopard mean to follow her?

However, Su Hang still could not confirm whether the beast was good or evil, and what he told him was somewhat true, so he took it away rashly, was it a bit risky?

"If you don't agree, then we don't have much to talk about. We want to take them away. I'll talk better than me!" At this time, Leopard said, it seemed to see the hesitation of Su Hang.

"Who said I did not agree?" Su Hang said immediately.

Since we can solve the problem with harmony, why should we fight? Besides, with the current capabilities of the Soviet Airways, it is not possible to beat this carp.

This domain beast said that the young daughter of the Ye family is its new owner, and he wants to protect it wholeheartedly. Well, I will take you back together. If it is as you said, I will raise this child on the mountain. It is good to be a mountain guardian beast.

Su Hang's abacus is also very accurate, even when saying, "You can go with me, but, I also have a condition, you must not rely on the powerful, harming the souls of the world!"

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