Super Study God

Chapter 1669: Rift Valley!

Blackwater City!

The family land of the cuttlefish in the West Sea is a huge underwater city that runs through tens of miles. The houses in the city are mostly decorated with large marine life shells, bones, structures, exquisite seaweeds, corals, and gemstones. For spectacular.

Around the ink city, there is a circle of black water layer blocking off, forming a natural barrier, just like covering a black shell, quite mysterious.

"Master, this is the Blackwater City of the Cuttlefish tribe, shall we take a look at the Advanced City?" Outside the Ink City, far away, Zhang Gan is facing the Suhangdao.

Su Hang looked back and shook his head. "No, let's get things done first."

This time when he came to the West China Sea, Su Hang only brought Zhang Gan, and even Liu Ruxu did not bring it. He did not intend to disturb anyone.

Zhang Gan nodded, "That sea valley is here in a crack in the sea floor five hundred miles west."

Zhang Gan's words just fell and saw Su Hang's big sleeves. The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a huge submarine gorge appeared in front of him.

"Is it here?"

In the icy waters, Su Hang stood on the ground, standing above the cracks on the bottom of the sea, and asked Zhang Gan lightly.

Zhang Gan was completely unable to return to God for a while. This space teleportation technique is already an absolute supernatural power. In the eyes of a small monk like Zhang Gan, it is so shocking.

It took a while for Zhang Gan to close his mouth, looked down at the unfathomable black sea valley in front of him, and nodded at Suhang. "Yes, this is the sea valley."

After a pause, Zhang Gan said again, "This sea valley has been leading to the shark city's crazy shark city. Senior's cave house is in this sea valley. It is about 300 miles away from the crazy shark city. There is heavy water pressure at the bottom of the valley. Ordinary Shui people did not dare to enter. At that time, disciples were also introduced by Senior Mo."

Su Hang swayed slightly, without saying a word, he waved his sleeves directly, wrapped in Zhang Gan, and entered the sea valley.

This is called the daring of the artist, the powerful body of Dadao Realm, where can the world go? Just a sea valley, how much water pressure can there be?


However, the water in this valley is indeed extraordinary.

This water is colder than other places and heavier than other places. I am afraid that it will be about ten or twenty miles before I can see the bottom. The huge water pressure at the bottom of the valley is completely imaginable. If it is not protected by Su Hang, I am afraid that Zhang Gan will not dive. In half, it will be crushed into powder.

I am afraid that the water pressure at the bottom of the valley does not want to come in below Tianzun Realm. Above Tianzun Realm, you may be able to try it, but you really don’t want to move freely. Life is almost extinct on this seabed.

The bottom of the valley is very cold, like Jiuyou Huangquan, but this powerful heavy water pressure is nothing to Suhang, and it cannot restrain his hands and feet at all.

Su Hang handed over the sea pearl to Zhang Gan so that he could walk freely at the bottom of the valley, lest he still spend real money to protect him.

Looking at it from the left and right, although there is no light at the bottom of the valley, it is dark, but Su Hang has its own eyes and can use it to look around. The space at the bottom of this rift valley is not small.

At all, Zhang Gan led the road without knowing how many years he had accumulated. However, Su Hang felt a faint light in his vision for a long time.

On the cliffs of the rift valleys on both sides, there are some old branches, and on that branch, there are stars and dots, hanging things like light bulbs, and the light in front is from those things.

"These are the fish in the sea, the eyes of the lantern fish." Zhang Gan said carefully, it was considered to be a popular science for Su Hang.

Actually using fisheye as a light bulb, these things are obviously not natural. It seems that Zhang Gan is right. This sea valley does indeed have a master.

Those fisheyes were like street lamps beside the road, illuminating the future, and the ground covered with black stone slabs appeared at the foot. Not long after, a cave house suddenly appeared in front of Su Hang.

The Rift Valley is here. Under the cliff, a strange rock protrudes, just like a giant shark with an open mouth, and that big mouth is the gate of the cave house. From a distance, it is very spectacular, just like A dormant sea monster is waiting for its prey to come to the door.

"Master, that's it." Zhang Gan held the Poseidon Pearl in his hand and stopped, facing the Su Channel next to him.

Because of tension, the voice is shaking.

Su Hang's eyes fell slightly, and his eyes fell on the hole. The two huge stones in the hole, like two front teeth, closed the door tightly. Su Hang's consciousness had subconsciously explored the cave.

Zhang Gan walked up anxiously, "Senior Mo can be in the palace, the boy Zhang Gan asks for advice."

"Zhang Gan?"

Soon, an old voice came from the cave, "Why did you bring outsiders?"

The voice is very low, it seems to be a little unpleasant, and even has a reprimand.

Hearing this, Zhang Gan kneeled down subconsciously, "Seniors forgive sins, not because the kid doesn't speak loyalty, this is the kid's teacher Su Zhenren, he listened to the name of his senior, and he wanted to meet him, kid I promised to be a senior, never to disclose the matter of the senior to outsiders, but the teacher is not an outsider..."

"Slick It seems that the old man misunderstood you." A long sigh came from the cave.

Zhang Gan looked embarrassed and looked back at Suhang.

Su Hang stepped forward and directly faced the gate of the cave, "But the cave is Daoxuan Daxian? Under Suhang, I wonder if I would be lucky to see you?"

Su Hang is considered polite. Hearing Leopard said that Xuan Tian's nature is not bad. Unlike Huang Tian, ​​if the person in this cave is Xuan Tian, ​​Su Hang still prefers harmony.

"Su Hang? What a distant name."

The quiet voice in the cave murmured for a long time before saying, "I know you."


Su Hang was surprised when he heard this, "Do you know me?"

"Pangu's Su Hang, the ancestor of the human race, who can't recognize it?" The voice in the cave said with a long voice.

Su Hang listened, frowned slightly, this man could call his name too ancient, even if it is not Xuantian, it is definitely too old.

"Since I'm an old friend of Taikoo, I'm all here from afar, can I show up?" Su Hang said directly.

Da Lao Yuan is coming, you don't open the door to welcome guests, do you want me to break the door and get in?

"See, I don't have to. I'm a foreigner. I have been hiding here for many years. I don't want to be contaminated by the outside world. I just want to practice with all my heart. Go to the ancient **** of Pangu. I only want to live my life here." The old voice sighed faintly, full of infinite heavyness.

Su Hang frowned slightly, "If you really don't want to be contaminated with cause and effect, why should you provoke cause and effect?"

This is what Zhang Gan is saying. If the person in this hole doesn't want to be involved in causation, why should he preach Zhang Gan Gong? If he doesn't spread Zhang Gan Gong, how can he recruit himself today?

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