Super Study God

Chapter 1675: A modern city in vain!

Otherwise, once captured by a black hole, if there is no Tianzun realm, it is basically difficult to escape.


   Some larger black holes, even masters of Tianzun Realm, dare not approach them without permission.


   The black hole in front of him is neither a big nor a small one. It is precisely because of such a horrible existence that the entire galaxy has become an extinct and can be called a restricted area of ​​life.


  Can anyone imagine that such a black hole, which is listed as a taboo by the monks, would actually be the entrance of the underworld, the connection between the underworld and the human world!


   Looking at the whole Xuanhuang Realm, how many people dare to drill into this black hole?


   In front of the black hole, the two men stopped and Zhang Chu turned to look at Su Hang, opening his mouth to speak, as if there was something to explain to Su Hang.


   If they bring strangers into the underworld like this without permission, it is a felony. Maybe the clothes are not guaranteed, and the penalty of being sentenced to 18 layers of **** is light.


  However, Su Hang did not give them the opportunity to speak. Since they have found the entrance, they are willing to spend more time talking and throwing away the two of them, and went to the black hole.


The two Yinshas were flabbergasted and quickly chased them up. If such a person exists, if they enter the Underworld, what is the wrong scheme, their sins will be great, not to mention, Mo Daoxuan’s soul is still in this person Body!




   Su Hang, who was still in charge of the two people, only momentarily traversed the black hole and entered the underworld.


After hundreds of millions of years, this is the second time that Suhang has come to the underworld. It is a continuous mountain range with no air, and only a rich yin, some in the sky, and what I saw There seems to be no difference.


The world of spirits and the blessed land of ghost cultivation are really not covered. The rules of this world are not allowed to enter by flesh. For hundreds of millions of years, the rules of the underworld have become more perfect and powerful, even if they jump out of the heavens outside the rules. Powerful people are not afraid to challenge the majesty of heaven.


   However, in Suhang's eyes, what rules are counted as balls. As soon as he enters this circle, he can feel the rules coming, and clouds quickly condense above him.


  Innumerable thunders roar in the clouds, endless power gathers, the fire rages, it is chilling!


Seeing such a scene, the two behind-the-scenes who came in later were all frightened. They all knew that it is taboo for strangers to enter the underworld, and they must provoke rules to eliminate them, but they have never had a precedent before. Such a horror.


The billowing thunder clouds came together, and the invisible Heavenly Dao's pressure was almost to cause them to collapse. If it wasn't for the earth's shadowy difference to protect the guardian spirit, I was afraid that it would be crushed into the **** by Heaven's Dao. Soul dissipated.


"Senior, the rules are now obvious. Heavenly Tribulation is approaching, nothing is possible, let's leave the Underworld!" Zhang Chu hurriedly shouted, at this time the Heavenly Tribulation has not fallen, the two of them can venture together to reopen the Underworld for Suhang The door, if Su Hang leaves in time, there may be room for salvation.


  However, Su Hang didn't seem to hear his shouts at all. Just as Zhang Chu and his heart swayed and their hearts shuddered, Su Hang raised his head and looked at the robbery in the sky.


   One look, as if he could penetrate the void and see the existence behind the robbery.


   Immediately after, a scene that surprised Zhang Chu and Xu Hu in surprise happened. I saw the cloud robbing in the air, just like a collapsed ant cave, and dispersed suddenly.


   The scene was really weird, as if a group of Tibetan Mastiffs were rushing towards their prey, but they were suddenly frightened and fled with their tails.


Both Zhang Chu and Xu Hu were so shocked at the moment that they opened their mouths and never recovered. They thought it would be a life-and-death catastrophe, maybe even both of them would fall under the horrible thunderstorm , Wan Wan did not expect such a hasty ending.


   There is only one look, but the thunder bred by Heavenly Dao, I was scared by one look?


  How exactly does this exist? What a horror?


   They didn't know that since the Heavenly Tribulation was conceived by Heavenly Dao, they already had a little wisdom. Maybe Hongjun looked after the Cloud Tribulation, could he know what Su Hang's eyes mean?


  A lot of thunder, and dare to play with me in front of me? You have to close it for a moment, I only pass with a punch. You underworld barriers, don't know if they can bear it?


   This is not Su Hang's arrogance. Now that our strength is there, you are still here, isn't it superfluous?


When the two yin came back, they found that Su Hang had walked away, and hurriedly chased up again, "Senior, wrong, wrong direction, there is a city of dying, not a ghost city. , Guijuancheng has to go here."




   in vain.


   is located to the west of the Underworld, adjacent to the Neihe Bridge and the Bitter World of the Blood Basin. It is the place where the Underworld contains the souls of the dead.


   However, when Su Hang stood on the top of the mountain outside the city and looked into the city, it was shocked by the huge and magnificent city.


   Sit up in a high-rise building and stand upright, with wide roads connecting the city and the city, and countless floating sports cars passing through the city buildings and forests.


   seems to be a modern city, no, it should be said to be a big city in the future of science fiction.


   This scene can only be seen in some technologically powerful civilizations in the universe, which is completely a huge ultra-modern city.


   The realm of the underworld actually developed like this, which made Su Hang a little unbelievable.


Just came to the dying Su Hang was blocked by several errands who stepped on a portable flying chess. Fortunately, Xu Hu and Zhang Chu followed, and they put the special envoy token one. Bright, go all the way immediately.


   "Senior, this is the sixth city of the underworld, the dead city is under the control of Yan Jun and Bian Chengwang." Entering the city, Xu Hu Zhang Chu immediately chased up, one left and one right, just like a small class.


Zhang Chuxian said, "This vain city is also regarded as a first-tier city in the underworld, but compared with it, our ghost city is the city with the most ghost mouths, but the first city below the ghost capital. With more than 30 million trillion coins, we won the first place three times. Seniors should follow us to the ghost town."


   Su Hang was a bit sweaty after hearing this, did all the underworld still fight gdp? Returning Nima 30 million trillion coins, won't it be the kind burned by the human world? A piece of hundreds of billions?


   At this time, Su Hang began to be a little curious about the world.


   "Where is Biancheng Wangfu?" Su Hang asked.


   Standing on the street, Su Hang had a feeling of entering the city for the first time. There were tall buildings all over the place, and there were vehicles with unnamed traffic. His eyes were too expensive. )!!

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