Super Study God

Chapter 1686: Mysterious old woman!

Last night, the card game ended after two o'clock. Su Hang lost a lot. This guy has been out for a long time, but he has no penny on his body. In the end, it can only be credit.


   I slept all night on the sofa at night. This night was considered as a peaceful stay. Fortunately, my mom didn't get bored to come to listen to the root of the wall, otherwise, I would really suffer.


  The next day, at 7:30 in the morning, Su Hang was awakened by Su Rong and they were going to the provincial capital today. They arrived late and had to pick a gift for Zhao Dami when they arrived.


After breakfast, Su Hang and the three girls went to the village to take a car. After these two years of development, Suxi is no longer Suxi in the past, and it is not intentional or unintentional. A high-speed rail line that has just been repaired is just from Panlong Town where Suxi is located. Go through.


Therefore, to go to the provincial capital now, you don’t need to drive by yourself, and you don’t need to change the bus everywhere. You only need to take a village bus at the entrance of the village. You can get to the town in three or five minutes. It's a lot faster than driving, and it's a lot easier.


This high-speed rail, Su Hang is still sitting for the first time. Although at his current level, Rongcheng is at this distance, a teleport, almost no time is needed, but, can sit on the earth’s transportation with his family and watch along the way Looking at the scenery and talking about the heart, that feeling is also very good.




   got on the high-speed rail, four people sat together, Su Hang sat against the window, turned his head to look out the window, and suddenly sighed long.


   "What sigh?" Xue Xuan asked.


  Su Hang looked back, saw the three girls all looked at him, smiled, and said, "Suxi such a remote place can also have high-speed rail, think about how unrealistic."


The three girls laughed when they heard it. Qin Shiyu said, "This high-speed rail line has been planned for several years. It wasn't originally from here, or Sister Xuan was so powerful, I just won it over. Now After construction, the transportation of our tea factory and the outside world is much faster than before."


  Su Hang looked at Xue Xuan, "Then I can represent Su Xi people and say thank you to Xue Xuan girl."


   "Thank me for what? I'm just a part-time worker, you are the boss." Xue Xuan gave Su Hang a glance. "And, am I not a Suxi now."


   Speaking later, her voice is getting smaller and smaller, apparently a bit embarrassed. Now that her name has been placed in the Su family's hukou, it is naturally that the Suxi people are right.


  The two girls next to them were all smiling. Su Rong said, "I think we would have to change east and west in a provincial capital at that time. We couldn't get there for a long time. Now we can buy food in the provincial capital for half an hour."


   Su Hang smiled. I only heard that people in the city went to the countryside to buy vegetables. Those who went to the city to buy vegetables in the countryside. Besides, this high-speed rail ticket is not cheap.


"Now, the source energy research in Beijing has matured, and the first generation of source energy vehicles has begun trial operation. Before long, the high-speed rail will be eliminated by source energy technology. In the next two decades, the entire China and the entire world will be eliminated. , Will change dramatically." Xuan Xuan said, looking at Suhang, "You, these are all indispensable, not only Suxi, the whole world has changed because of you."


   Su Hang listened, paused, and did not return for a long time. The change of this world was really huge for him.


   The earth is about to enter the era of source energy, and it is he Suhang who brought all these changes.


   "You said that, I would be proud." Su Hang shook his head and smiled. He just managed a thread and pointed in a direction. The development of Yuanneng Technology, but he could not do it alone.


   Without him, Su Hang believes that with the depletion of energy, sooner or later the earth will enter the era of source energy, but it will be a hundred years or a thousand years later than it is now.


   After all, human wisdom is endless. When hundreds of millions of brains come together, creativity is absolutely terrifying.


Of course, the development of science and technology does not happen overnight. Although with the help of Su Hang, a short cut has been taken, the Academy of Sciences has obtained very mature technology from him, but it takes time to take pictures of tigers. Time to digest, can not be copied in a month or two.


   Even if it is successfully copied, it will take a long time for the new industrial model to replace the old industrial model. The twenty years Xue Xuan said is just a conservative estimate, maybe longer or shorter.


   But anyway, as the largest shareholder of Yuanneng Technology, Su Hang is now worth a lot. When Yuanneng technology enters the civilian stage, the wealth it obtains is even dare not imagine.


  The three girls looked at Su Hang, their eyes full of strange feelings, admiration, and admiration. It was such a man. Although his appearance was not good, it was always mysterious, powerful, and with him, he always felt very at ease.


   "I'm in the provincial capital after a while, where do we go to play?" Su Rong asked.


   "Cough, cough cough..."


   At this time, the car stopped at Pengcheng Station, a sound of coughing came, and an old woman described as a dry man got into the car.


Su Hang looked sideways and frowned lightly. The old lady was wearing an old floral dress, her skin folds were covered with age spots, and she was leaning Walking with a walking stick Limp, it seems very laborious.


Generally speaking, in this situation, many people will go up and help. After all, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, but no one does that in the whole carriage, because when the old lady gets on the bus, everyone smells a faint saying no The stink coming out makes people a little far away.


   walked next to the four Su Hang, the old lady suddenly stopped.




  Qin Shiyu exclaimed, as if he was greatly frightened, and suddenly shrank into Su Hang's arms as if he had seen a ghost.


   Su Hang looked up, and was looking at the old lady, only to see that under the scaly head, a pair of straight hooked eyes was terrifying.


   The eye socket is deep, and the left eye is normal, but the right eye has only white eyes and no pupils, just like a ghost, it makes people shudder.


   The old lady and Su Hang looked at each other, and then withdrew their gaze, as if they were like nothing else, they continued to cough and went back to find her seat.


   Su Hang patted Qin Shiyu on the shoulder, "I'm not afraid, it's fine."


  Qin Shiyu straightened up from Su Hang's arms and saw that the old lady had already gone. It was a little embarrassed to blush when the second woman Su Rong was looking at her narrowly.


"Just now..." Qin Shiyu still had some palpitations. The old lady just looked at her suddenly, which really scared her. Although she had something to say, she halted it halfway back. . )!!

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