Super Study God

Chapter 1690: Believe in your evil!

"Brother, don't make such a joke!" Shuai Yu laughed and said, "My family finally hopes for such a son, but you told me, what is his reincarnation, is this not funny to me? You don't know My mother, if she hears this, she must beat you..."

"I said, I'm not kidding!" Su Hang looked at Shuaiyu. "I'm talking to you very seriously now. With your relationship, do you think I will hurt you?"

Shuai Yu heard it, and his face shook gently, and he couldn't see if Su Hang was playing with him.

"You will know it in a moment. There are definitely more than one or two who hit the kid!" Su Hang shook his head, knowing that it was useless. If the Shuaiyu family agreed to give the kid to him, it was not until the last moment. Absolutely impossible.

After all, which parent is willing to give the child to others?

Shuaiyu said, "You like children so much, you have a baby, do your mother marry you so many daughters-in-law, are you just watching? Don't hit my son's idea!"

With that, Shuaiyu suddenly looked at Su Hang with a strange look, "Eh, I said, wouldn't you be so incapable, find such a reason to fool me? If so, you are straight Say, I let my son recognize you as a godfather..."

"Get off!" Su Hang heard the words and gave him a sip, "What nonsense!"

"Don't shy away from doctors, buddies won't laugh at you. Now that science is so good, even if the earth is not cured, you can go to aliens..." Shuai Yu patted Su Hang on the shoulder.

Su Hang was speechless for a while, I will tell you, is my son now more than 100,000 years old? Incapable? Your son is still from me!

Uh, I sent it? How does it feel weird?

Su Hang was too lazy to ignore the goods, took out his phone and looked at the time, "Almost!"

Shuaiyu froze for a moment. When he was about to ask what was almost there, he heard a cry from the corridor. Then, he saw Shuaiyu and his old lady hurriedly came over, scolding and dragging. Dragged away.

It turned out that Zhao Dami was about to give birth and was sent to the delivery room.

Su Hang followed to the outside of the delivery room. At this time, many people had gathered outside the delivery room, and they were all here in Qin Shiyu.

The atmosphere is tense and looking forward, everyone is waiting for the arrival of the newborn.

Shuaiyu has back and forth in the hallway, from time to time to join the delivery room, trying to see the inside of the door, he originally went in to accompany the child, but his old lady is old-fashioned thinking, life and death will not let .

I was so nervous when I was a father for the second time. Su Hang looked at him with a little envy in his heart. As an ordinary person, his life was ordinary, accompanied by his parents and children, and both children and old men seemed to be very good.

His father was confused. If he was allowed to experience it again, he would not know if he would be more embarrassed than Shuaiyu at the moment.

"Shuaiyu!" Su Hang sat on the stool in the waiting area and waved at Shuaiyu!

Shuai Yu stomped over and Su Hang looked at him calmly, "Don't worry, it's just passed a little bit at this moment, and it's not until two o'clock!"

"Don't you dare to have a son, can I not be in a hurry?" Shuai Yu gave him a blank look and turned to go again. Although he had already experienced it once, but at the moment, Shuai Yu was still upset, even more than the first time. Nervous.

"Come here!" Su Hang waved at him.

"Why?" Shuai Yu looked at Su Hang.

"Don't you believe what I just said to you? I let you believe!" Su Hang finished, extended his right hand, and clicked on the eyebrow of Shuai Yu.

Shuaiyu covered his head and glared at Su Hang, "I said, you are nervous, brother, I am not in a mood to play with you now!"

Su Hangdao, "I have opened your eyes, and now you can see something that ordinary people can't see."

Things that ordinary people can't see? Shuai Yu was surprised for a moment, and naturally knew what Su Hang was talking about. He looked up subconsciously and saw that the hallway was empty and outside of the delivery room at night. Apart from their family, there was still a half figure.

"I believe your evil!" Shuai Yu gave Su Hang a big eye.

Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's still early, wait a moment to see."

It is common sense that there should be the most dead souls in the hospital. After all, there are people who end their lives in the hospital every day. However, except for some people who have not yet lived, they may turn into wandering souls after wandering in this world. Other people, after leaving the soul, do not stay for long, they will be taken away by the land.

The prefecture now uses high-tech automatic soul-eating, which is difficult for general ghosts to escape.

Moreover, in a hospital, how many people can die in a day? Therefore, in a huge hospital, it is very important to find three or five wandering souls.

There are not as many ghosts as imagined in the hospital, but there is a place that must gather the most ghosts This place is not the intensive care unit or the morgue, but just outside the delivery room.

Whenever a newborn is about to be born, it will attract many wandering souls nearby. These wandering wandering outside the delivery room have only one purpose, that is, they want to wait for an opportunity to reincarnate.

Newborns are born, they will be guarded by a congenital spirit, and the souls returned by the six rounds will naturally be able to stay in the voucher. For the lone soul and wild ghosts, they also want to be able to be a new person. However, for various reasons, they cannot go to the prefecture and cannot pass Legal means can only be used to grab.

Many ghosts, ghost repairs, would rather be convicted of serious crimes by the prefecture, and would like to choose this way of reincarnation, although this method of reincarnation is very difficult, almost nine lives, but also can not resist the enthusiasm of wandering souls.

A large part of the lone souls and ghosts, daring not to **** them, looked forward to picking up leaks, hoping that someone would make mistakes in reincarnation, and vacate a seat to allow them to occupy a share.

Although the possibility of picking up leaks is minimal, for ghosts, they are not tired. In one sentence, even if you can’t drink soup or meat, can we smell it?

The hospital is a sad place, and the only thing that brings happiness is the obstetrics and gynecology. However, the most accumulation of dirt and the most attractive place for ghosts is the delivery room. When the child is born, come to see the lively lone ghost. few.

What's more, Zhao Dami's birth is not easy, and Su Hang doesn't know what he can attract.

When Su Hang was so troubled, Shuai Yu was a little angry. It was when he was so anxious that Su Hang still had the mood to make such jokes with him, which was really outdated.

The lights in the delivery room were on, the door was closed, and there was no sound. Shuaiyu walked back and forth outside the door. Xue Xuan and they were sitting next to each other and chatting.

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