Super Study God

Chapter 1692: The ancient Buddha burning lamp!

Under the dim light, in the night sky, a large group of ghost ghosts wandered back and forth, the light of the reincarnation just now, I was afraid that it would attract the wandering souls around the entire Rongcheng, all gathered here, but because of the fear of reincarnation Light, these wandering souls dare not come close.

Uh, uh, uh...

A few shadows fell and showed shape, but it was the old ghost Zhuang Tianhu who took his helpers.

The old ghost had just been playing cards with his several players, and was suddenly disturbed. He didn't even play any cards. He dropped the mahjong table and hurried over to find out.

Zhuang Tianhu walked directly to Bajie with Yao and other ghosts. He still had a little grin on his face. Because of Suhang’s relationship, Bajie was often in Rongcheng. Marshal Jietangtang can't be regarded as such a little old ghost.


Zhuang Tianhu just opened his mouth and prepared to exchange a word or two to ask what happened. Bajie suddenly snorted coldly and stopped Zhuang Tianhu.

Zhuang Tianhu stopped at once, the expression on his face was stiff, and he was the ghost of this area anyway. In the face of so many little ghosts, people were shouted and rolled, where did this old face go?

"Brother Zhu, me, Laozhuang!" Zhuang Tianhu called in an embarrassment, thinking that Bajie didn't recognize him, and quickly reminded him.

However, what is even more embarrassing is that Bajie didn't even look at him, gently lifted the nail rake in his hand, and gently pushed a pestle to the ground.


The ground was in a burst, a circle of energy waves swayed around, and a strong wind swayed. The group of ghosts in Zhuang Tianhu, like the fallen leaves in the wind, were blown out in an instant.

A ghost call, a group of ghosts including Zhuang Tianhu, was instantly emptied.

The wandering wandering spirits in the air were also frightened and fled, and the gloomy atmosphere quickly receded for most.

Bajie looked up, his eyes pierced the void, as if there was still a powerful existence hidden above the void.

"My Lord has orders, who dares to come close, kills no amnesty!" The Eight Commandments paused one word at a time, the voice rolled out, and went straight to Jiuxiao.

Once also brought hundreds of thousands of naval forces, Bajie himself was somewhat domineering.

"Oh, my Buddha is compassionate!"

At this time, a sing came from a buddha, and immediately, something like a light bulb, flashing light approaching from a distance, only came closer to know that the flashing light was a bald head.

He was a thin monk with a surprisingly huge head. He was wearing a coarse cloth monk's clothes, holding a zen stick in his hand, and walked lightly.

"An ancient Buddha burning a lamp?" Eight Rings looked at it, frowning.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning, a big figure came out. This ancient lamp-burning Buddha was the elder of the Buddhist temple, and the legend was that he was the brother of the Buddha who came to the east.

After the war, when the Buddha came to the East, the Buddha door, like the Daomen, gradually declined. I knew that if it came up, the Buddha door would only flourish. This ancient Buddha burning lamp is one of the veterans left by the Buddhist door. Years can be said to be the only fruit left.

The status of the ancient Buddha burning the lantern in the Buddhist temple is actually as good as it is. If he talks about his seniority, he may want to come to the second generation, for example, even if Mita saw him, he would still be called an uncle.

But if you come to practice the ruthless Tao, there is no such thing as seniority. The current Buddhist door is still like the boss, and everyone else has to step aside.

Ba Jie had seen him several times, but in recent years, this ancient Buddha has not appeared for a long time, and there are even rumors inside the Buddhist gate. This ancient Buddha has been sitting, but he does not want to suddenly appear at this time. .

This existence is said to be as strong as Rulai. If you want to be strong, will you be able to bear it? Bajie shook the nail rake in the handshake, but was playing drums in his heart.

Isn't it fun to play like this, the first level comes with such a big boss, this is to play my rhythm?

The ancient Buddha burning the lamp approached, looked up at the Eight Commandments, and declared the Buddha, saying, "It turns out to be the messenger of the Jingtan!"

"Where did the ancient Buddha come from?" Bajie asked directly, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart.

"My Buddha is merciful!" The ancient Buddha of Landeng sang, and said, "There is a great saint here, the light of reincarnation has appeared, and it should be related to my Buddhist door. The poor monks come here to earn the door. Well, and guard here, the poor monk went in to take the disciples, so that no one else could come in!

Not to mention, the ancient Buddha of Landeng didn't say anything, just raised his legs, going to the hospital through Bajie.

I really don't take myself as an outsider.

However, the ancient Buddha of Lantern took a step forward and saw a nail rake in front of him.

Burning the lantern, the ancient Buddha frowned, and turned to look at the Eight Commandments, "What is the meaning of the messenger of the clean altar?"

Eight Commandments, "The ancient Buddha forgives sins, my lord has orders, no matter how the gods and demons say, no one is allowed to come close, otherwise there will be no forgiveness!"

When he said this, Bajie's heart was empty, and with his ability, even if he added ten more, he could not be a united enemy of the ancient Buddha burning the lantern.

When the ancient Buddha burning the lantern heard it, he suddenly laughed, "Listen to you, the Buddha is inside? That poor monk is white!"

It turns out that The ancient Buddha of Lantern regards the Lord in the mouth of the Eight Rings as the Buddha, but it is also true that the people in the Buddha's door are regarded as supreme. In general, the Lord is the same.

Landeng thought, since he has already come, he really has nothing to do with him. The saint in this reincarnation must have been a Buddhist disciple.

At this time, Ba Jie smiled, "The ancient Buddha misunderstood, if you can't even call me my master, my master, it is the **** palace deity!"

"Shen Venerable?" The old frowned brows of Landeng suddenly twisted. "Which Venerable?"

"Of course it was one hundred thousand years ago, the one on the top of the Tiandu Mountain who was under the name of Zen, with the surname Su and the famous airline!" Bajie said.

The ancient Buddha of Landeng heard this, and his pupils twitched obviously. "Are you the messenger of the Jingtan, are you talking to the poor monk? Why is that one alive?"

Bajie smiled and said, "The ancient Buddha seems to have not been out for a long time, and the news is not clear. My master is not only alive, but also alive and well, right now in this hospital!"

The ancient Buddha of Landeng heard the words, his face was unusually dignified, and he said for a long time, "Since the **** is here, the poor monk should see him..."

"Sorry!" Bajie's attitude was firm, and he refused to give it a step. "My Lord has orders, no one should be close!"

The face of the ancient Buddha who burned the lantern changed instantly. Fortunately, he was also under the Buddha's door, and the existence above 10,000 people could not be underestimated by a Buddha's messenger?

"Zhu Wuneng!" The burning lamp got angry all his life, and even the title changed. "You have to figure out your identity. You are now a Buddhist disciple. , Must not get into the hands of others, let go, otherwise, the poor monk is welcome!"

Eight Commandments, "On the day my master returned, my fate with the Buddha was broken, and I was no longer a Buddhist!"

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