Super Study God

Chapter 1696: Cricket shakes the tree!

The ancient Buddha of Landeng has been rehearsing all these years, with a view to breaking through to a higher level. He does not know anything about the outside world. Before his retreat, Buddhism was prosperous. Unexpectedly, everything has changed since this time!

Various hidden powers have appeared, not to mention, the Emperor Shen who has been missing for many years has also appeared, and now even the goddess of war, the **** of war, has appeared.

Is this world crazy? The burning lamp couldn't believe it at all.

At this time, another woman stood next to Su Jin, dressed in a red dress, with a dignified appearance, but just stood there without saying a word, giving an invisible pressure.

"Know me, then that's fine!" Liu Ruxu sneered calmly, "Go!"

Burning the lamp and hearing his words, his face changed drastically, and he did not dare to have half a word at the moment. He directly greeted this as he came to wait for the Buddhists to flee.

This is the fierce celestial goddess, who was the culprit in initiating the war of God. In order to repair that karma, he almost killed all living beings. The burning lamp is the person who experienced the war of war. No one can understand the horror of this woman so well. .

Before Su Hang was here, he might still be reasonable, but he would meet Liu Ruxu, but this is a big killer. The burning lamp didn't dare to say a word at all, and there was only one thought in his heart, escape!

There are many saints around, among them there are also elders, some of the elders who have been repaired also know the name of the celestial demon goddess.

The rest of the people saw that the Buddhist doors had counseled, and they dared to stay. After a while, the square that had just been blacked out was emptied.

"Oh, run a minute slow, hit you falling flowers!" Sun Wukong put the stick to the ground with a pestle and scolded directly.

But Bajie is just like being out of force. He sits on the ground with a buttock and wants to cry a little. It's so scary.

Su Jin turned and faced the red cloud, Liu Ruxu's second daughter bowed, "The two troublesome people are waiting here!"

The second woman slightly sagged, Su Jin turned and entered the hospital door.



A vast Gobi, looking around, many rugged rocks and sand dunes!

The wind blew through, bringing up the endless yellow sand, Xiao Xiaosuer, filled with a sad atmosphere.

On a huge stone in Gobi, two people stood opposite each other, just like two peerless masters ready to compete, the wind blew their sleeves and swelled!

Under Shi Shi, the two women in white raised their heads and looked at the two men on the stone. Their faces seemed to be a little scared of this strange environment!

Above the boulder, the atmosphere was very embarrassing. Su Hang stared at the woman in front of him. The woman seemed calm, but Su Hang could already feel that she was shrinking.

"Tianyiju?" Su Hang said, "I heard that you want to be more capable than me?"

The awkward atmosphere was instantly broken.

After hearing the words, the female Daogu twitched slightly, and then said, "Fighting space? You actually have this kind of thing!"

Su Hangdao, "Are you surprised? Is there anything even more unexpected? Within ten moves, can I extinguish your true spirit, accident?"

Tian Yiju listened and said, "No need to show off force in front of me. I know you and understand you better. Sometimes, overconfidence can only make you feel arrogant!"

"This is not arrogance, this is strength!" Su Hangdao.

"Okay, even if your strength is strong!" Tian Yi Ju Shi frowned lightly, "If you can't take me within ten strokes, then, let me go and leave the baby with me!"

Su Hang sneered, "If the ten moves can't take you, then the ten moves will come again. What's the big deal? You're dead. You still tell me the conditions, don't you find it ridiculous?"

The expression on Tianyiju's face became very unsightly, "It is really better to be known than to meet..."

"Your brother said this to me back then, but yes, in the end, it was not the same humble kneeling in front of me!" Su Hang looked at Tianyiju slightly, "Because you are a woman, I will leave you a little face, Kneel in front of me and call the master, I might consider spare you a life."

Although the words are said like this, Su Hang's heart has been murderous for this woman. This woman has dared to kidnap the life of the entire earth to threaten herself, and has touched his bottom line.

This is a dangerous person who cannot stay, but if killed, it may cause the forces behind this woman, so Su Hang is still hesitant to kill or not.

Tianyiju black face, "I really can't think of it, you are still such a bad guy, huh, don't you want to know, who asked me to take the baby?"

Su Hang frowned lightly and paused for a moment, then said, "Even if you don't say it, I've guessed a few points..."

Who else is so bored, always thinking of fighting against himself? With only a little thought, Su Hang could guess that roughly 80% is related to Lin Xuan. Of course, the possibility of Lin Xuan backing the pot is not ruled out.

"Since you guessed it, you should also know that there are some people you can't afford!" Tian Yijushi said Hang smiled, uncomfortable, he held his fist in his right hand and shook it in front of him Awkward, "I can't afford it, I have to make a fist!"

Tian Yiju listened, and looked at Su Hang with a kind of pity. "It's really a arrogant man who sits on the sky and looks at the sky. It's really time for you to see the world outside. Unfortunately, you have no chance!"

When the words fell, Tian Yiju's eyes suddenly opened, and his right hand flicked in the air, and the dust in his hand was like a long whip, pulling straight to Suhang.

Those thousands of whiskers, went straight to cut Su Hang with a sharp blade, and were about to crush this space!

Su Hang sneered, but this is in my fighting space, how can you allow you to rampage?

Even if there is no space to suppress, Su Hang is sure to destroy this aunt, she actually dare to take the initiative, it is ridiculous.

"Earthworm shakes the tree and can't help it!"

Su Hang didn't fear the whip of the dust, and went straight up to face him, and instantly came to the front of the Tianyi layman, and punched him directly towards the Tianyi layman.

"Huh?" Tian Yiju obviously didn't expect Su Hang to be so fierce. He felt the threat of Su Hang's punch, and he quickly recovered from the dust in his hand, and turned into a shield.


Su Hang's punch was sturdy, and the dust shield was smashed into extreme deformation. Eventually, he still could not withstand the violence of Su Hang and crashed!

Tianyiju flew out, and was instantly blasted by hundreds of miles. The great power of Dadao Realm directly destroyed the dust in her hand, leaving only a pile in his hand.

It's hard to imagine Tian Yiju's mood at this moment. How could there be such a powerful presence in this world?

No wonder his younger brother will be defeated in this person's hands. This person's power has been completely out of control. He took his own life within the ten strokes he just said. Perhaps, it is really not a big deal.

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