Super Study God

Chapter 1704: 6 people in the vein!

It seems to have been deliberately cleaned up. This time Wu Guihua has become less sloppy, and there is no strange smell on his body. It looks like a little old lady with a certain temperament.

Su Hang got up from the sand and took Wu Guihua to the balcony, so as not to affect Su Rong and their rest.

"How did you check? But there is a result?" Although it was already late at night, there were still a few sporadic lights in the community, but it was very quiet, only the cold wind blowing the sound of the leaves downstairs.

Wu Guihua is now behind Su Hang, respectfully saying, "The prefecture has verified that Chen San was indeed changed in his childhood, but this person is secret in doing things. It can be said that it is leak-proof. It is indeed difficult to check it. , The expert who transited through Shu had several skeptical targets, but they were all ruled out one by one..."

Su Hang turned to look at Wu Guihua, "How many people are on the earth, belong to the Yin God family, and how many people are in your city God family?"

Wu Guihua said, "Yin Shen clan has been handed down from the ancient times. There are thirty-seven veins left and right, and most of them have been merged with the human race. The blood veins are sealed and the mission is still on. There are six veins, but All of them are sparse. Our city gods, living on the earth, are only a few hundred, and most of them are of low strength..."

Wu Guihua said this, a little bit sullen.

Su Hang looked at her and said outspokenly, "Is it possible that the people in these six veins did it, or maybe it came from your veins?"

Wu Guihua listened and shook his head quickly. "The emperor's masters thought about it. My city gods were ordered by the capital. How dare they do the prohibition of the capital. Moreover, changing their lives and changing their lives is against the sky. The City God has this ability, in addition to the old body, there is no one else, the entire six veins are only a handful, and, afterwards, they must be repulsed by heaven and earth, and they will not be able to end their lives. What they can do is so dripping, the old body asks itself, the six veins There is no one among them!"

Su Hang listened, undecided, and could not wash away the suspicion of the Yin and Shen Six Clan because of Wu Guihua's words. Before the matter was clear, even this Wu Guihua was the same.

After thinking for a while, Su Hangdao said, "This may not have been done by your six races, but this person must be in the same vein as Yin and Shen..."

It's a pity that what you cultivate is not the Tao of the Enlightened One, and you don't know the cause and effect.

Therefore, from another perspective, the Taoist Enlightenment also has the benefits of the Taoist Enlightenment, at least it can be used to deduce the heavenly machine and peep the answer. Su Hang is indeed much weaker in this respect, although his method of breaking the road can be broken. The rules, seeing the origin of Ten Thousand Laws as real, but now he has not reached that level.

With his deduction technique, he can't deduce anything at all, and consciousness modeling can't be deduced until thirty years ago. Rather than bothering, it's better to let the people under his hands check.

"Since it's not easy to investigate, it's better to change the way of thinking!" Su Hang thought about it and suggested to Wu Guihua, "Since Chen San was changed his life, then there must be an acceptor, and the man who changed his destiny with Chen San, There must be a lot to do, and Chen San’s life is paired with these beings to see who can match it!"

Changing his life can even change his destiny. This skill is really not shallow. Su Hang is really more and more curious about the people behind it.

Looking at the sky above the community, there are so many stars, under the endless vault, but I don't know how many strange people there are, let alone the extraterritorial, how many powerful people should exist in the heavens and the world?

"The emperor said that the old man had already thought about it, and it had already been passed on to the land, but between this world and countless beings, if you want to compare them one by one, even if the level of the light brain of the land is, it may take a long time to find out. The result!" Wu Guihua said.

Su Hangdao, "Then check from Chen San's hometown and gradually expand the scope, this should not be difficult!"

Wu Guihua nodded, "The old body is just afraid that the master will have a sense, and if there is any magical power to cover up, it will only be more difficult to check!"

"So, speed up, check the prefecture, you also check, both ways, find out the result, immediately report it to me, I want to see, what is the sacred thing behind this!" Su Hangdao.

"Yes!" Wu Guihua responded, "If the Emperor Master had no other instructions, he would retire!"

Su Hang didn't return her head, she just waved her hand, Wu Guihua resigned respectfully, her figure flashed, and then disappeared under the floor, but she didn't know if she got into the house downstairs!



After spending a few days in Rongcheng, together with Su Rong and them, I swam through almost all the laughter spots in Rongcheng. There was no news from Shuaiyu, and I didn't know what his family thought about it.

In a few days, I will have to leave. For Suhang It’s been long enough to return this time, although he didn’t rush to leave, after all, for him now He is practicing everywhere, but he is planning to break through the realm of Heaven and Dao recently. It is obviously not suitable to break through on the earth.

After all, at the time of the breakthrough, I did not know what the situation was. In case of disaster to the earth, that was not what he wanted to see.

He is going to find an unmanned star field and strive to break through the realm of heaven and earth in one fell swoop.

Of course, Su Hang knows very well that there is only one chance. He is taking the path of proving the Tao. This time is far more dangerous than the last one. If he can’t succeed, I’m afraid that in the future, these worlds will not There is Su Su there.

Previously, he had been hesitating all the time. He knew that if he had hesitation, it must have been unprepared and unconfident. It is different now. His mentality has been adjusted, and he is even a little bit urgent.

He didn't want to be abused by a bunch of younger generations when he went to Taikoo next time, the times are improving, and he can't stand still.

These few days of experience, especially the things that were born outside the hospital that night, made Su Rong and the others full of curiosity about Su Hang. It seems to be the first time that Su Hang seems to be getting farther and farther from them, which makes them There was a crisis in my heart.

In the past few days, Suhang has also sporadically told them some things, such as the outside world, or their own experiences in the past two years.

Of course, it is impossible for Soviet Airways to say everything and know too much. For them, there is no benefit to them, because of the pressure in their hearts.

It's like Xue Qi. Whenever Xu Xuan asked Xue Qi, Su Hang tried his best to cover up. He didn't want to let him know about Xue Qi's experience, at least, before he got Xue Qi back.

It is believed that every Chinese person has a special trait to report good news to his family.

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