Super Study God

Chapter 1718: Break through heaven and earth!

Chaos and chaos, even the consciousness is hazy, can not see what it is, out of curiosity, Su Hang still walked past with a scalp.

When he looked closer, Su Hang couldn't help but appear in front of him a bit stunned, as if it were a mountain.

A small hill is not very big, and it looks like Xu in a circle, it can only be regarded as a small mountain bag floating in chaos.

The point is that there will be mountains in this chaos. This mountain has not been swallowed by chaos, and it is quite extraordinary.

According to Su Hang's understanding, everything that can exist in chaos is definitely not a mere product. If it is a living thing, it must be a powerful living body, and if it is a dead object, it must be a treasure that is hard to find in the world.

However, Su Hang did not come here to seek treasure. He raised his legs up the mountain and sat cross-legged. If he wants to break through, he is here.

The hills are bright and light, and half of the plants are not seen. I am afraid that there is no life that can survive in this place.

Within a few tens of miles around Shenshende, after no danger, Su Hang settled down and began to adjust his state to cope with the next breakthrough.

Throughout the chaos, in this chaotic world, I couldn't feel the passage of time at all, and Su Hang didn't know how long it had passed. Finally he spit out a long sword and adjusted his state to the best.

Transferred out of the Xueshen system, the level 10 Xueshen credits have already been completed, but Su Hang has not chosen to advance, so the Xueshen system has been suppressing his realm, and it is up to the Xueshen system to help him suppress it, otherwise If so, I'm afraid it would have broken through long ago.

He cultivated the way of power. If he didn't make perfect preparations, if he didn't have enough power to support it, he would break through rashly.

Now it is considered to be thick and thin, and the physical and spiritual realm are far beyond the current realm, and pressing it has no meaning, it will only limit his growth, so at this moment, Suhang has reached the point where it has to break through.

Click on the panel of the mind system. The credit bar of the credit value is already full. Next to the credit bar, there is a "Breakthrough" button. Su Hang did not hesitate and confidently clicked on the idea.

In an instant, Su Hang felt a vortex formed in his mind. The endless spiritual energy was entangled in the vortex, and then a more vast energy was poured out from the vortex. The consciousness of the star sea turned upside down, the stars collapsed, and they were instantly Shocked into chaos.

Su Hang drew a sharp breath, and the surrounding chaotic space immediately boiled and rolled up a violent vortex.

Originally it was thick and thin hair. At this time, the restrictions were unlocked, and it was unstoppable. The infinite energy instantly filled the body of Su Hang, and the pure power of the road perfused every cell of the body. The whole person was like a jade statue, emitting a very bright White light.

The immense momentum pressed against the Quartet, and the chaos was surging, as if trembling.

That kind of explosive feeling full of power is as if it will come out at any time, conflicting everywhere, looking for catharsis.


A roar spread through the chaos, like a roar of a beast, the chaos shivered with tremors, Su Hangmeng's eyes opened, lifted up in the air, raised the sky axe in his hand, and subconsciously waved toward the chaos.

The sea of ​​consciousness exploded and reorganized, and a new and broader upgraded world slowly formed in his mind. His skin was stretched out of a cobweb-like crack, and his swelled strength forced him to vent, otherwise it would really explode.

At the moment, Su Hang, immersed in power, did not know what he was doing. The axe swung out, and the chaos immediately boiled.

Wherever the axe passes, the chaos immediately differentiates into clear turbidity, and the clear qi rises and the turbidity falls, forming a vast space.

However, under the pressure of chaos, the space was pushed back by chaos, Su Hang passed by again, and chaos was torn apart again.

After so many repetitions, Su Hang practiced the axe skillfully in the chaos, and he had the potential to open the earth. Unfortunately, he had the power to open the sky, but he could not open the sky.

Without reaching the realm of the avenue, without understanding the rules of the avenue and simply not knowing how to stop the engulfing power of chaos, even if the world is opened up, it will soon be assimilated by chaos.

Therefore, when it comes to breaking the sky, becoming the creator of the world, and becoming the realm of the world, Su Hang still has a long way to go.

At this moment, he did not have any thoughts to create the world, but simply wanted to vent the explosive power brought by the breakthrough.

I didn't know how long it took. Su Hang's hot skin slowly recovered, and his consciousness returned to his body, and then he slowly stopped.

"Successful upgrade, get 11 breakthrough package!"


A message appeared in Su Hang's mind. Su Hang instantly felt blessed to the soul. The whole person seemed to be sublimated as if breaking a cocoon into a butterfly. The blood scab formed on his body quickly faded away, and the stars on his body seemed to have flash effects~www. changed a set of **** costumes.


Chaos surged, a purple thunder broke through the chaos, and slashed directly towards Su Hang. The momentum was violent. The chaos evaded everywhere.

"It's too late to come now, isn't it too late?" Su Hang saw, a trace of arc on his face could not help.

I have all broken through, and Thunder only appeared too late, too late, not to take a fatal blow when I just broke through, to rush out to play at this time, my chances of winning are too much.

Without saying anything, Su Hang directly swept away with an axe.

"Boom!" Axe wind hit the chaotic purple thunder and exploded immediately, as if to lift the chaotic world upside down.

The robbery soon disappeared invisible, Su Hang sighed, "If you want to kill me, come out with real skills. If you are so perfunctory, you might as well go home and feed!"

At this moment, Su Hang knew very well that in this chaos, he was afraid that more than one pair of eyes would be staring at him.

Among them, no one wants him to live, he does not know, but there must be someone who wants him to die.

For example, Lin Xuan!

At this time, he has reached the realm of heaven, and he breaks the road with force. Beyond the rules in the true sense, he is already unstoppable. As early as the heavenly realm, he can already be invincible in the realm of heaven. Achieving the heavenly realm, he is more confident than the one-level master of that realm.

Since this time, he has really jumped out of the rules. The rule of the road of the Xuanhuang Realm has been completely helpless to him.

The strong have the dignity of the strong. If you want to mess with me, you will either put me to death, or you won’t do it at all. Since you did it, but the thunder and rain will be small. Is this the intention to release water? No, this is obviously satire, and it is satire!

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