Super Study God

Chapter 1751: Such a business!

Xue Jingtian's eyes glared, "You can't use so much, you still bought it all. Isn't it a comparison?"

Situ Ye smiled and said, "Of course, you also know that my ancestors started as two peddlers. If you want, I will give you a friendship price based on the relationship between our families. "

"What?" Not only Xue Jingtian and several of them, even Su Hang was almost shocked to look at Situ Ye with a stunned eye.

"Situ, are you teasing us?" Old man Wang's eyes glared and Su Hang bought only 50 billion. When the old man changed hands, it was Nima's 100 billion. The lion opened his mouth, and there were darker than you. What?

"I don't have time to joke with you!" Situ Ye smiled, "Although you are grinning? I said that at the beginning, I only transferred one, 100 billion is the reserve price, if you want, the higher price will get If you don’t want it, even if you don’t want it, our Stuart family can have more masters who return to the virtual realm. Well, it won’t take long for you to overwhelm you and become China’s largest family!”


"It's so shameless, Situ, I didn't find you so shameless before!"

"Curse it, scold me again to increase the price, I'm not as good as Xiaohang!"


Several old men were angry, and there was such an urge to tear Situno away.

"Xiaohang, aren't you going to say something?" Xue Jingtian said.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "What can I say, Elixir has already been sold, how can I deal with Mr. Situ, can I manage it?"

"Isn't this the money that I haven't given yet? Fifty billion yuan, Grandpa I recognized it!" Xue Jingtian said.

"I also recognized that 50 billion is 50 billion. If you want to return the pill, we will have one each!" said Mr. Wang.

Su Hangdao said, "Being a man must talk about credit. Although I didn't give money, but the verbal transaction is also a transaction. I'm not the kind of person who defied righteousness. I also believe that Master Situ is honest enough!"

"Okay, don't be shameful of you guys here!" Situ Ye waved his hand. "If you want immortality, come with me, prepare the banknotes, everything is good, a handful of age, don't let people look here joke……"

After finishing talking, Situ Ye turned to leave, and Xue Jingtian and several of them were helpless. They hurriedly caught up. They could not have imagined that they would be put together by Situ Ye.

Several old men left with noisiness, leaving a few people in the living room crying and laughing.

For a long time, Su Hang said to Xue Xuan, "Your grandfather, is really cruel enough, this change of hands, I am afraid that I will earn more than us!"

Su Hang is a strong man and can't understand the value of Nadan medicine at all. However, Situye is different. Nadan medicine is completely priceless. As long as you hold it in your hand and open the highest price, those old men can only recognize Too.

Not only does it directly raise the price of the first generation, but it also restricts purchases and sells only one. This hand is really six. The five bodies that Suhang admires are invested. I have to say that **** is still old and spicy.

Xue Xuan is also blushing and red-faced, feeling a bit shameful, "Grandpa is really..."

Su Rong smiled bitterly next to him, "A few pills of medicine have earned so much, what is the point of our hard work?"

It was really shocked. A panacea can sell for tens of billions, hundreds of billions, which is so crazy.

Qin Shiyu also said, "Yeah, otherwise, let's switch to selling Elixir later!"

Su Hang listened and said, "Things are rare, these things, on the earth, can make people step into the sky one step, naturally make people crazy, this is the lowest-grade panacea I have in my hands, if you really want to Selling Elixir is also possible. There are countless higher-level Elixir in my hand, but once it is taken out, I am afraid that this world will be messed up!"

"Let's just say that, are you really serious?" Xue Xuan shook his head. "Did you not say that Dan medicine is used too much, which is not good for the practice? We dare not do this job..."

Su Hang nodded, "Money is something outside, it doesn't matter how much you earn, as long as you live happily!"

The women are nodded slightly. To tell the truth, they work so hard just to enrich their lives. Money, for the Su family, really has no concept.

"Remember to ask your grandfather for debts, more than 200 billion yuan!" I just said that money is something outside of my body. At this time, Su Hang changed his words, "I can't save my money in the future. , Otherwise, maybe when it will be stolen by that fellow!"

"I know!" Xue Xuan said.

At this time, Su Rong said, "You said that you have a few original sins scattered outside. They look exactly like you. In case you leave, they won't be able to distinguish them if they come here!"

Upon hearing Su Rong's words, Xue Xuan and Qin Shiyu paused and turned to look at Su Hang. Qin Shiyu said, "Yeah, maybe you are the original sinner!"

After listening to these words, the two women next to them subconsciously took two steps away from It seems that Qin Shiyu said quite reasonable, who can guarantee that sitting in front of them is the real Su Hang What?

Su Hang smiled bitterly and said, "You can have this vigilance. It's good. You are all the people who know me the most. Although the appearance of the original sin is the same as mine, it just inherits my personality. , As long as you pay attention to observation, even if he covers up well, he can’t cover up his instincts, there will always be flaws..."

After a pause, Su Hang said, "As for how to prove that I am a deity, that can only be seen by you. After all, you are the ones who are most familiar with me, and you should never mistake me."

The three girls listened, and turned around Su Hang in doubt. They studied for a long time, and even compared each other's opinions.

Qin Shiyu said, "Thank you for the time being, but we have to leave a seal for you so as not to admit it wrong next time."

After speaking, Qin Shiyu grabbed Su Hang's left hand and took a hard bite.

Daojing’s flesh, where she can bite, I’m afraid that her teeth will have to fall apart, Su Hang has no choice but to deliberately change the physical strength of her hand, let her bite down, leaving a stamp .

This is not over yet. Xue Xuan and Su Rong also joined together, leaving a seal on Su Hang's hand.

Qin Shiyu said, "You can't stop this seal, this is the only proof that you can prove you..."

This girl is smart. Su Hang looked at the three teeth marks on her hand, and she could not help crying, but this seems to be the best way to distinguish him from other original sins.

"This can only prove that you are the No. 1 we have seen, and you cannot rule out your suspicion, so for safety reasons, I will call my mom and she will definitely not recognize her good son." Liu Rong Smiled and said something.

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