Super Study God

Chapter 1754: The war of gods and demons!

The Pterosaur King and Yu Rong's grievances were entangled for many years, and they were finally subdued by Yu Rong King and willingly recognized the Lord to follow him. From then on, Yurong would have no confidant anymore. Apart from the long and endless practice, his biggest hobby is to enter the world to cultivate his mind.

Therefore, Yurong is also a very sad person. When he was a child, he was not seen in the clan, and was sent to worship the mountain god. Finally, he escaped. The tribe was annihilated, and when he was old, he was left alone. As a companion.

The practice is tempting, but it is also lonely. I watched the familiar people leave one by one, but I was helpless. Maybe it was just a retreat, and it was already a thing. If there is no confidant, no one can understand it. What kind of loneliness.

This is the case with Yurong. He is a little afraid of returning to Ziyang Mountain. When he returns to Ziyang Mountain, he is a strange face, calling him his ancestor, which is very uncomfortable.

It was quite a surprise to see Su Hang this time.

After some old narrative, Yu Rong said, "Why did Brother Su come to this? Could it be that I came to see me?"

In his realm, Su Hang was not even found in the restaurant. Yurong didn't know that the big brother Su appeared again after more than 30 million years. What kind of realm did he have at this time?

Su Hang shook his head, "You think too much, I was going to Zhonghuang Mountain, passing here, I didn't expect to meet you!"

It's really straightforward, Yu Rongqian laughed and said, "I have grown up like this, and Brother can recognize me, really a smart eye!"

To be honest, the Fuyao now has completely changed its appearance from that of his childhood. Whether the monk's appearance is young or not depends on the state of mind. If the heart is old, people will naturally be old. The Fuyao is now old. Anyway, he can see that his heart is old too.

"Even if you turn into gray, I can recognize it!" Su Hang just smiled. He has a system of learning the gods. Scanning, it is natural to know Yurong's information and recognize what is difficult for him.

Suddenly, Su Hang put a serious face on his face, "Where were you in the restaurant just now, talking about the battle of gods and demons, but is it true?"

Speaking of which, Yu Rong's face became heavy, turned his face, and looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. Su Hang knew that he had something to say.

"That battle was really terrible!" Yu Rong shook his head, as if he didn't want to fall into that sad memory. "That year, the demons appeared in the world, rebelling against the world, countless demons led by the four demons of the mixed world, Trying to unify the entire continent into a demon world, the demon clan and the human clan are all suffering heavy losses. Not only the Sun Palace, Panhuang Palace, and many martial arts have been traumatized. The Ziyang faction is no exception. Super powers like Zhonghuangshan have to hide themselves!"

"Later, the human race and the demon race joined forces and joined the Kunlun God Realm to participate in the war. Only then won a victory and wiped out the demon race to the prince's grave!"

"However, the three tribes have suffered heavy losses. The battle was almost unbearable. At the end of the battle, the devil Lin Mo used the demon to disintegrate, help the three demons escape, and the four demons of the mixed world, only killed one!"

"A lot of old folks have fallen during that war. This Demon Race is really harmful!" At the end, Yu Rong shook his head. "I was also seriously injured in that war. Great discounts, cultivation for a long time, only to return to the peak until recently, alas, think about it is really sigh!"


After listening to Yurong, Su Hang couldn't help but sigh, but unfortunately, he was not present, otherwise, I am afraid there will be no mess of gods and demons.

Unfortunately, history has no assumptions!

In a blink of an eye, 30 million years ago, those of your disciples did not know how many were left.

"The surname Lin? Could it be Taihuang Mountain?" Su Hang frowned slightly. Now, he has a kind of conditioned reflex. Anyone who hears the villain surname Lin will always be connected with Lin Xuan.

Yurong shook his head, "I dare not speculate! But the Demon Race is indeed tyrannical!"

"Every four demons, can you have such strength?" Su Hangdao.

Human race, demon race, how many masters, more than ten million years ago, there are dozens of heaven and earth realm, right? What could Suhang say even if it almost didn't end?

Yurong Road said, "Yeah, it's just a large array of demons, and it will be able to attract extraterrestrial creatures to come... It is really bloody, and there are countless masters and casualties of various races..."

"Alien creatures?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then asked, "Kunlun God Realm Liuyun God Emperor still alive?"

When he thinks of extraterrestrial creatures, Su Hang can't help but think of drifting clouds. It should be known that drifting clouds lay down to suppress the extraterrestrial creatures.

Yurong nodded, "It should still be there, but I haven't seen it in a long time. Today's Kunlun God Realm is the Queen Mother of West..."

"The Queen Mother of the West?" Su Hang was somewhat Yurong said, "I heard that she is your disciple of Brother Su, formerly known as Yaoyue, and has practiced in Kunlun God Realm for many years with Dongwanggongyao. In the battle of the gods and demons, it was the Queen Mother of West who killed Kunlun God Realm at a critical moment before she defeated the Demon Army!"

Su Hang heard it, and couldn't help but suddenly smiled at the things in this world. It was really wonderful. The two disciples who had been collected in Canglang had become characters.

An East Prince, a West Queen? The two disciples who didn't intend to accept, became two great gods.

At that time, Su Hang gave Yaoyue the Queen Mother of the West to be the soul of life. This Queen Mother's name is probably because of it.

And Yao Meng has also become the third Panhuang, which can be regarded as the original wish of Su Hang, but I don't know how the East King's heart is.

Talking a lot with Yurong, Su Hang is a general understanding of this familiar and strange world.

"Brother Su, what are you doing in Zhonghuang Mountain?" For a long time, Yu Rong asked about Su Hang's intentions.

Su Hang paused, and the beautiful shadow appeared in his mind. He sighed and shook his head, but he didn't know where to start!

Yurong did not dare to ask, "As far as I know, Zhonghuang Mountain has not been present for a long time. In order to avoid the evil of the Demon Race, Zhonghuang Mountain retired, and it is difficult for outsiders to find traces. Among the Three Gods Mountain, Taihuang The emperor and the young emperor disappeared out of thin air, and they didn’t even know the whereabouts of the demon sun palace."

"Oh?" Su Hang listened, and his heart twitched. If Zhonghuang Mountain was also hidden like Taihuang Mountain, wouldn't he... ran for nothing?

Yurong nodded, "After so many years, I haven't seen any Nuwa clan in this world. The Three Gods Mountain is just a legend, and even many younger generations don't know..."

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