Super Study God

Chapter 1763: Water wind 2 magic!

"Master, come back to heaven, brothers, they are all waiting! I have sent someone to inform Brother Wu Jun of the Sun Palace, and also sent someone to Kunlun to notify Yueer!" Yao Meng said.

Su Hang nodded slightly, at this time, he was really a little afraid to go back to heaven, those disciples, do not know how many left!



Several shadows crossed the sky and fell into the depths of hundreds of millions of mountains, led by a man and a woman.

The man looks like he is in his 20s or 30s, with a slender and straight figure, wearing a vermillion suit, with white hair fluttering, handsome appearance, extraordinary temperament, and unusual elegance.

The woman looks like she is in her forties, looks average, and dresses well. She wears a long green sword and dresses up as a Taoist. It can be said that such a line of business in the field of monasticism is simply a mess.

"Sister Sister, wouldn't it be the wrong place!" The man stood on the top of a large tree, his toes lightly on a leaf, like a feather, as the leaves breathe, light Shaking lightly.

There seems to be a layer of invisible breeze around, holding a knife in his left hand, and gently dialing the messy hair in front of the forehead, it looks really cool!

The woman looked left and right. "Fart, the voice came from these hundreds of millions of mountains. Brother, he must be nearby!"

The corner of the man's mouth curled up with a slight arc. "Second brother is also true. He didn't tell us where the retreat was before. This time he suddenly broke through and made such a big movement that we are very passive."

"You know a fart!" The woman immediately scolded, "Senior brother has been in retreat for many years, and this time he must go out of this customs. If he does not have strong self-confidence, how could such a situation happen? I think, just let everyone in the world know, I Devil is back."

"That's what I said!" The man smiled. "In the past few years, you and I have become nothing. I still remember the scene where the eldest brother was alone in the crown prince's grave and helped us out of trouble. I also want to fight him again!"

Speaking of which, the man's eyes glowed with red light, his teeth gritted, and he was very grumpy.

There was a sneer in the corner of the woman's mouth, "Big Brother's hatred must be embraced. We are the students of the Dadao, and the world is orthodox. This world should be ours. How can it be stolen by the demon two?"

"Hey!" The man smiled, "The third sister is afraid that she can't wait to see the second brother? For so many years, the third sister has guarded herself like a jade for the second brother. The second brother must be very happy!"


The woman sneered, a glance passed, as if to kill.

The man smiled and jumped from the tree. "Master taught us that we must break our love and despair before we can achieve the avenue. The three sisters have a deep affection for the second brother and one. Xuan Shui Jue is always difficult to reach the peak, I am afraid it is related to this!

"Fourth, are you going to die?" The woman waved her right hand, and a turquoise water turned into a slap, drawing it directly towards the man's face.

The man was obviously well-prepared, his figure flashed, and he jumped down from the tree. A slap in the water did not hit him, and he dissipated invisible in the air.

The man was like a wind, and the man came to the woman, and he said, "It’s not that I said you, as fierce as you, how could the second brother like you? Instead of waiting so hard, it’s better to dress up and ask me to say, three Sister, if you dress up..."

"You talk nonsense again, be careful that I tear your mouth." The woman scolded, and immediately jumped up to a hill next to her.

The man followed and stood on the side of the woman, looking out, the four wild fields, the mountains, covered only by clouds and roaring birds and beasts.


The woman used the technique of sound transmission and shouted loudly. The sound was rolling, and the trees and rocks were shaking in the four fields.

Looking forward, both of them look forward to, those who follow are respectfully waiting under the mountain, eagerly and anxiously waiting for the presence of that one.

Devil retreats for so many years, has been developing forces in secret, more than ten million years of forbearance, just for today.

Now the three ancestors have all been born. With the leadership of these three ancestors, what can the human race and the demon race be?

In the Devil Realm, almost everyone believes that if they do it again, the Demon Race will be able to reverse the universe and become the righteous master in this Xuan Huang Yu.

for a long time……

The voice dissipated and there was no response for a long time. The man and the woman stood on the top of the hill and looked around, but the familiar figure never appeared.

Both of them can't help but frown, what's going on?

"Does Brother have left?" the woman wondered.

The man shook his head, "Xu Xu, Xu is already back in Demon Realm. Didn't he let our Demon disciples gather in Demon Realm and wait for the dispatch?"

The woman thought for a while, felt reasonable, and nodded. She was about to leave, and suddenly stopped.

In the distance, two figures are coming from the sky, not but not too slow.

Looking closely, the eyes fell on one of them. The two couldn't help but stunned, then they looked at each other with a smile on their lips.

"It's really a coincidence, three sisters, this one who came, how do I feel so familiar?" The man said yin and yang strangely.

The woman sneered, "What do you look at, this is the human emperor Panhuang, His Majesty the Third Pangu."


The man pretended to look at the oncoming person in surprise, and it was a bit of a double-edged meaning, "Well, right, the majesty of the East Prince, not staying in the Panhuang Palace, running in the mountains to do what?"

"Who knows? Probably, it's here to find death." The woman shrugged, her murderous intentions in her eyes uncovered.

"Yes, yes," the man said with a smile, "Xu may have learned that the second brother was out of the border, and specially sent his head to make a gift."

Oncoming, it was Yao Meng and Su Hang. They had never seen Su Hang and did not know Su Hang. I was afraid that they would treat Su Hang as Yao Meng's entourage.

It was indeed a bit of a surprise to see the East Prince here, but it was more of a surprise. If you can cook this Panhuang here, the human race has no owner, but it is the Da Li Mo.

If in the past, Yao Meng had seen these two people, I was afraid how far they would hide. After all, these two fierce gods had already been known for a long time. Even if one-to-one, Yao Meng had little chance of winning.

But today is not the same. There is a master suppressing next to him. What is terrible for him?

It was really ridiculous to say that they were preparing to go back to the palace and heard the shouting halfway and came over to look at it, but they didn't want to be these two demons.

This is really a way of heaven, you don’t go, there is no hell, you are willing to come to vote, Yao Meng is a little bit crying and laughing, these two people came to deliver food, but it is too timely to give it?

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