Super Study God

Chapter 1765: To bully the small?

Didn't even move, actually turned back her strength, what kind of skill is this?

"It's impossible!" Lin Yu couldn't believe this fact at all. He slammed, ignoring everything, and flew towards Su Hang like lightning, hitting Su Hang's door with a fist, "Suck me to death !"

Tens of thousands of punches were instantly hit, and the stars were dim, just like the Tianhe fell, the punching force was endless, wave after wave, the surrounding space cracked out one after another.


Yao Meng is now next to him, he is so stupefied, this demon has been lurking for thousands of years, but now he is better than before, but this power is far inferior to himself, if he is to play against him, At this time, it might have been dissolved into nothingness by the endless source of water.

Water ancestor Lin Yu, Xuanshui magic skill, the most powerful ability is to dissolve. She can use her huge and boundless water power to dissolve everything, including enemies.

You can imagine that in the course of the opponent's battle, the kind that was unknowingly diluted by the infinite hydraulic power, dissolved, and eventually turned into nothingness. Even a body's behavior was treated as a pack of black sesame paste, which was dissolved and absorbed by the other party. What will it feel like?

In the war of gods and demons, the water ancestor Lin Yu relied on this skill, but I do not know how many masters let hate, and how many strong people were chilled.

This magic skill is very simple and rude, dilute you with water, dissolve you, then concentrate, then withdraw, not to mention your cultivation, even if your physical strength has to be obediently converted into me!

"Die, die, die..."

Lin Yu was like crazy, punching with fists, the infinite power of water, wrapped the person in front of him, urged the power of dilution to the extreme, a pair of eyes seemed to stare at bleeding, and his face was extremely grim, like there was Hard hatred.

She now has a terrible idea. If the person in front of her really exists, then, Brother II...

Lin Yu did not dare to think down. Now, she only wants to kill the person in front of her. Only by killing the person in front of her can she be at ease.

However, soon, she felt a trace of despair, just breathing, she didn't know that she punched millions of punches on this person, and every punch was sent into it without escaping. This person's body.

With her self-confidence in her magical power, such a huge power of water is enough to dissolve a small galaxy. If it is an ordinary celestial monk, it will be enough to dissolve no scum.

However, this person... didn't move at all and didn't fight back at all, so she endured her millions of fists so hard, under the dissolving power of the huge water element, it was like a stubborn stone, and even the dander did not fall. piece.

Is this still human? In her life, it seemed that for the first time, Lin Yu felt what was called Dan Han, even if she was in the Prince's Grave in the past, she had not been so daunted in the face of so many masters.

"It's really stubborn!"

Looking at the crazy woman in front of him, Su Hang shook his head and, with a probing right hand, put her fist in her hand.

Lin Yu was inexplicably frightened. He just felt his hands were gripped by a vise. It was difficult to move at all. He couldn’t beat it. He couldn’t get it back. The magical power of his body seemed to be closed. Momentum.

It was just a shovel, Lin Yu only felt a huge force hit, the whole person was thrown out, and in a very exaggerated posture, fell face to face into a ditch beside him.

"Taihuangshan did all of you incompetent people?"

Su Hang snorted coldly, released all over his body with dignity, and shocked Lin Qiu and the gang of demons. Some of them with lower strength even sat directly on the ground.

Lin Yu turned up, his face was full of dirt, and the horrible color in his eyes was even more eloquent. In front of this person, he was like an ant at the foot of an elephant. Lin Yu had no doubt at all, this person was absolutely With that power, crush yourself like an ant.

Under this universal world, Xuan Huang Yu, in addition to his master, who can have such a skill?

At this moment, the absolute strength is in front of us. Whether it is Lin Yu or Lin Qiu, we have to believe that the one standing in front of them at this time must be the only one in existence.


The two of them couldn't help but have the same thought in their hearts. However, could they escape? In front of such an existence, who can stop him in Xuan Huangyu unless his master takes action?

I was afraid that I would have to be caught back before I even took a step. I was afraid that I would die even worse.

You know, they are avenue students, and they know how terrifying that state is.

"Teacher spares life."

The two stared at each other, and immediately fell to their knees with a tacit understanding.

I don't know how bad it was. I actually hit this existence, and the situation is in front of can't help them choose. If you want to survive, there is only one way to go, that is to beg for mercy.

"The disciples didn't know that Uncle had arrived, and asked Uncle to forgive sins." Lin Qiu shouted with his head grabbing the ground.

Su Hang couldn't help but frown, "What's the matter? Now that I'm begging for mercy? What did you do just now? Isn't it arrogant? Who said he would kill the Eastern Prince?"

Lin Qiu shuddered, but these words were all he said, and he was really moved just now.

In the presence of Master, is it an ashamed apprentice who wants to kill someone? Isn’t this death?

"The uncle is unfair." Lin Qiu felt that Su Hang had acted on them and quickly shouted.

Su Hang listened, and his face became more gloomy, and his eyes fell on Lin Qiu's body. "Unfair? What's wrong with me?"

It must be impossible to fight. If it is, the ending must be dead. Lin Qiu didn’t want to die like that. He quickly dared and raised his head to face Su Hang. "Uncle Master is bullying, it is unfair!"

"To bully the small?" Su Hang Wanwan did not expect that Lin Qiu would actually say such words to run against him, a face was heavy, almost dripping ink.

Lin Qiudao, "Shi Bo Nai is a predecessor, and he is embarrassed by us juniors, so he will not be afraid of being joked?

Su Hang looked cold and looked at Lin Qiu coldly, "Boy, are you stimulating me?"

"Disciples don't dare." Lin Qiu said quickly.

"Why don't you dare?" Lin Yu was left out and said directly, "The dispute between Taihuang Mountain and Pangu Clan is the grievance between the family teacher and the uncle. The Pangu family killed my doormen, but the family teacher never came forward. I didn’t even kill any Pangu clan personally.

Speaking of which, Lin Yu stopped talking and only looked up at Su Hang. Obviously, the meaning was clear.

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