Super Study God

Chapter 1779: Hongjun's double reed!

"Your Excellency just wanted to enlighten the monument, but I spent a lot of money in order to borrow this monument. If you can..." Su Hang reached out his hand and made a gesture of counting money, which naturally meant quite Obvious.

Where can Gu Danfeng not understand, looked at Su Hang with contempt, "What do you want?"

Perhaps, in his view, Su Hang is just a small villain! This kind of earth turtle that has never seen the world can be sent away by giving some benefits!

Su Hang did not know the psychology of this kind of person, and did not care about him, just said, "That depends on what you have. The relationship between Hongjun and me has presented a heavenly fruit. I don’t know each other, and I don’t have any friendship. I think, you can get ten celestial beings at all times, or you can replace it with an equivalent treasure!"

"What?" Gu Danfeng listened to Su Hang's words and suddenly raised his voice by dozens of decibels, as if hearing the most funny joke in the world, his eyes stared at Su Hang, "Ten Tongtian Guo? You? Why not grab it?"

You should know that Tongtianguo is the object of the earth lord, and only ten of them are produced in 100 billion years. Even in the heavenly realm, it is an absolutely rare thing. How could he have it? Moreover, Su Hang's opening is ten, what do you think this thing is Chinese cabbage?

If I have this thing, I don’t know if I keep it for you, and I still give it to you? Gu Danfeng was about to be euphoric, and he nearly scolded Su Hang shamelessly.

Su Hangdao, "I didn't grab it. It was entirely voluntary. If you think that the price is high, you will lose it if you lose it. Or, let's find a place to resolve private grievances!"

"You..." Where did Gu Danfeng meet someone like Su Hang, and he was instantly stunned and speechless, and he smiled anxiously in the middle of the weather, "It's ridiculous, ridiculous, a little heavenly realm, dare to stand in front of me Put this rhetoric, I won’t give you a lesson today, you really don’t know what it means to be out of heaven!"

"Nice nephew, please be restless!" Just as Gu Danfeng was about to explode, Yin Tianfeng finally spoke again.

"Huh!" Gu Danfeng snorted coldly, "Uncle Yin Shi, this bully is too much, let me fight him!"

Su Hang was speechless. Was this guy amused? Why did I bully you?

Yin Tianfeng waved his hand, beckoning Gu Danfeng to calm down, and immediately turned to look at Su Hang, saying, "Su Hang is it, Gu Xian's nephew is brought by me, you should give me a face and let him go with me "Enlightenment of the Holy Path, this monument of the Holy Path is here in the world, opportunities are rare, don't miss it, let's be a good one!"

Good luck? What kind of money is it worth? Su Hang heard this, and the whole person was stunned. Daddy Yin Yuer, wouldn't it be specially funny?

"Senior Yin is bad!" Su Hang shook his head. "I only promised to let Hong Jun go in. As for Senior Yin and this friend who talked a little bit..."

"What?" After hearing Su Hang's words, Yin Tianfeng was about to explode. "Even I should be excluded? Boy, have you ever asked who I am?"

Mother, it’s really hot, I’m your old man, who wants to come to your house to eat and get a card. Why don’t you even charge?

Su Hang laughed dryly and said, "Don't Hongjun just say it? The lord of the boundless city of heaven, although I don't know what city the boundless city is..."

"I am Yu'er's father!" Yin Tianfeng directly interrupted Su Hang's words, almost shouting, it was really annoying.

Su Hang paused and stared at Yin Tianfeng for a while. Yin Tianfeng saw Su Hang's expression, and he felt a lot more comfortable. This stupid boy really didn't know what to do. Now I know who I am. The old man is here, not yet Kneeling and licking quickly?

Licking me, licking me hard? I'm happy to lick me, maybe I can consider forgiving your kid, and don't care about you.

"Uh? Almost forgot, Senior Yin is Yu'er's father." Su Hang smiled, "Since this, I can give Senior Yin 20% off, eight Tongtianguo, or the same price, no less ."


Yin Tianfeng almost didn't spit out an old blood, his smile completely stiffened on his face, staring at Su Hang with a stunned face, he couldn't believe his ears.

Is this kid stupid? Dare to say this to Lao Zhangren? All of a sudden, Yin Tianren had nothing to say.

"Hehe." Next, Gu Danfeng heard this, and immediately smiled, "Uncle Shi, it seems that the man chosen by Yuer's sister is nothing more than that, just bully me, and dare to pedal with you. Doesn't it make sense to put a face on the nose?"

Make it clear that adding oil and vinegar, this chicken neck is broken!

No matter how good Yin Tianfeng's cultivation is, he can't hold his face at this time. "Hongjun, what do you say?"

Hong Jun stood beside him, and he didn’t open his mouth from beginning to end. At this time, Yin Tianfeng drew him in. Hong Jun immediately laughed and said, "Master Yin is breathing out his anger. Hong Jun feels that what my brother said is not unreasonable. Lunch for What kind of artifact is the Holy Word Stele, you and I know that if the two of you can’t afford the price, you can leave it by yourself.

Listening to Hongjun's words, Su Hang had a smile on his face, but he said that he had gone into his heart.

The things are mine, I only care about the price, as for whether you buy it or not, it is entirely up to you.

Finally, it was difficult to meet two heads of injustice and slaughtered hard. How could it be worth the so much energy it spent?

Besides, how about you being Yin Yu'er's dad, really treat me as your son-in-law?

"Bah! Is there anything else to talk about?" Yin Tianfeng took a direct sip, interrupted Hong Jun's words, and his eyes fell on Su Hang. "The monument of the Holy Dao is a real thing from a teacher, and now the monument is here. I Naturally have the qualification to understand..."

Su Hang didn't say a word, and went straight to the side, "Senior hasn't stopped seniors, since Senior Yin is qualified, you can go in."

Yin Tianfeng heard the words, his face twitched slightly, quite embarrassed, at this moment he could clearly feel the rejection of the Holy Word Stele, and with his knowledge of the Holy Word Stele, even with his current mastery, Dao Bei was absolutely inaccessible without accepting him.

Gu Danfeng was next to him, but he was a little happy in his heart. This is your son-in-law chosen by Yin Cheng, and he is really a good son-in-law.

When Yin Tianfeng was extremely embarrassed, Hong Jun opened his mouth to Su Hangdao, "Brother, I think it's okay, Master Cheng and this ancient brother, I'm afraid they can't come up with what you want. It’s convenient for me!"


Yin Tianfeng snorted coldly, "Hongjun ancestor, don't you use these words to excite me, don't you just have eight celestial fruits? I don't have Yin Tianfeng even this family?"

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