Super Study God

Chapter 1788: See how you die!

Su Hang nodded slightly, and the two disciples could feel such consciousness, which made him very happy.

Lin Yu and Lin Xuan, one of the important reasons why they can succeed in the Xuanhuang Realm is because they will use the rules outside the domain. Take the forest chaos in their mouths, they are known as the fire ancestors. , Even the ancestor Zhu Rong who made the fire drank hatred in his hands.

That is because the fire controlled by the forest chaos is the fire outside the territory. The rules of the fire outside the territory. Zhu Rong played the fire in the Xuanhuang Realm and then walked. When encountering a completely strange fire outside the territory, where can I play it?

If Zhu Rong could understand some of the rules of fire outside the territory, even if he could not be beaten by the chaos, I am afraid that it would not fall so easily. After all, Su Hang is very clear. Zhu Rong’s accomplishments and talents on the road of fire are very human. Comparable.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other, fighting a hundred battles, now Yaomeng Yaoyue can have an understanding on the two paths of the water and wind, and when the time comes, they should not be embarrassed.

Although there is still a wide gap between the four qualities of Heavenly Dao Realm and those two, they are not invincible.

"The biggest difference between the demon-cultivator and the cultivator is that the demon-cultivator does not cultivate the realm and only cultivates strength, which is different from the enlightenment Tao, and from proving the Tao with strength. They are powerful, but the realm is extremely Low, so most of the characters are extreme and weird, so the demons also have weaknesses!"

Suddenly, Su Hang looked at Yao Meng, "You also saw that when the fire demon forest chaos was removed that day, just to attract a fire for the teacher, and kill him, this is the result of not practicing the realm! "

Yao Meng nodded again and again, but that day he saw with his own eyes that Su Hang just burned the forest into ashes with a heart fire. For the monks of the realm, the heart fire is not much. Who are these disciples present? Have you encountered it?

A generation of demon owl, actually burned out of heart, if no one saw it with his own eyes, I am afraid no one would believe it.

However, this matter is easy to say, but it is difficult to do it really. That heart-robbing is controlled by Heavenly Dao. In the entire Xuanhuang domain, I am afraid that only Hong Jun has the ability to use it. Even Su Hang is a strong force. Forcibly breaking the rules of the heavenly path, only then was there a trace of heartburn to destroy the forest chaos.

Therefore, even if Su Hang told Yao Meng about their methods, they wouldn't be able to do it.

"Master rest assured, tomorrow's battle, disciples, etc. will certainly live up to the expectations of the master!" Yao Meng and Yao Yue were on the road.

Both faces are full of firmness. Perhaps, for Su Hang, the win or loss of this battle is not important, but for them, this is a battle that is absolutely not allowed to lose.

It is not only because if they lose, the Soviet airlines have to keep their promises and stop intervening in this world. This battle is more about Pangu's face.

In their view, this is not an ordinary competition, but a battle between their master and the unfriendly teacher. It is about face and face. They naturally do not want Pangu to lose, not only can not lose, but also Beautiful wins!

Su Hang also knew their thoughts and immediately said, "Tomorrow maybe your uncle will also come. When the friendship is first, the game is second, you don’t need to be persistent. Even if you lose, you will have me to negotiate with your uncle. !"

"Respect the teachers and respect the purpose of law!" All the disciples bowed down on their knees.

"Retreat, prepare well, Qintaishan will attend the meeting tomorrow!" Su Hangdao.

"Yes!" After all the disciples bowed down again, all including Yao Meng and others retreated respectfully.

They have just broken through the realm, and they need to spend some time to sort out their income. Although there is only one day left, it is really hasty, but one day of preparation is better than no preparation at all.

After the disciples of all the men left, only Su Hang was left on the entire Pangu Hall. Su Hang rubbed his head, but he was thinking about tomorrow.

The seven-day period is about to come. What he cares about is, will Lin Xuan come tomorrow? If you come, you are again! How to face it?

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the hall. Su Hang looked up, but Hongjun and others came in.

"Hong Jun came to say goodbye to his brother!" Hong Jun stepped forward.

Su Hang froze for a moment, "Tomorrow is the seven-day period, so why leave at this time?"

"There are still a few miscellaneous things in the Zixiao Palace. In the battle of tomorrow, Hong Jun is afraid to participate. I will leave the junior middle school juniors here. The battle of tomorrow will open his eyes to both of them!" Hongjun replied.

Su Hang heard it, and he also recovered. Hong Jun’s current identity, but the spokesperson of Dadao, succumbed to Lin Xuan, and is now mixed with Su Hang. It is already prohibited. On tomorrow’s occasion, he If he plays with Su Hang again, he will undoubtedly face Lin Xuan's provocation.

At this moment, neither Su Hang nor Hong Jun want to have a positive conflict with Lin After all, Su Hang has not yet figured out the source of the conflict between him and Lin Xuan, and there may be room for recovery And, even if he wants to fight, he has no certainty of winning.

Now Lin Xuan, to what level of skill has been restored, Su Hang does not understand, but Su Hang can be sure that he will never lag behind himself.

Therefore, when Hong Jun proposed to leave, Su Hang understood very well and nodded. "It's okay, you can avoid it, so you won't be embarrassed when you get it!"

Hong Jun bowed and bowed, without saying much, and turned away.

Su Hang's eyes fell on Yin Tianfeng and others. "Seniors come to me, but are they going to resign?"

This kid was really angry, Yin Tianfeng's face twitched slightly, and there was a real urge to vomit blood. When he saw this kid, he came to fire.

"What are you talking about? My dad will come here once, but not for a few days!"

Yin Yuer gave Su Hang a glance, wasn't this guy saying yes? Not acting well, is this preparation for bad things?

"Yu'er said so!" Su Hang smiled and stood up from his seat, looking at Gu Danfeng beside him, "What about the ancient brothers?"

Gu Danfeng listened, and his face was a little unrestrained. Is this trying to drive me away? No, this is driving me away!

Ma Dan, Gu Danfeng swears at the mother, I really want to punch this nasty face, and immediately hold back the fire in my heart, it seems to be very self-cultivated, "I don’t want to stay at all for this moment, only However, I heard that you have a fight with the forest master tomorrow, so I want to stay and see how you died!"

What this said is just to pay for the teeth, curse!

"Brother Gu speaks, it is funny!" Su Hang smiled, and did not care about him.

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